ICR News

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Wonder Worm
Spectacular details in a special worm fossil contradict even the longest age estimates for genetic disintegration. This worm should have gone extinct a thousand times over, but apparently it didn't...
How (Not) to Date a Fossil
Do rocks and fossils hold clues that demand millions-of-years? Not the fossils from China's Daohugou beds. On the contrary, their clues speak to more recent origins. Accessible from several...
Why It Was a 'Good' Friday
"As soon as it was day, the elders of the people, both chief priests and scribes, came together and led Him into their council." (Luke 22:66) The origin of "Good Friday" ceremonies...
Fossil Plant Chromosomes Look Modern
As mere fragments, most fossils reveal only small hints of ancient life forms, like a single segment from a crinoid stem, or a lone hadrosaur tooth. But a fossilized fern's stem recently discovered...
Former Junk DNA Candidate Proves Indispensable
Some of the primary candidates for being labeled "Junk DNA" have been the highly repetitive regions of the genome that, after years of study, seemed to have no discernable function despite...
Students Surprised to Find Noah's Ark Feasible
Advanced physics students at Leicester University were tasked with determining if the Biblical dimensions of Noah's ark—assuming it was properly constructed—could have supported the...
Dual-Gene Code Discovery Highlights Designed Biocomplexity
Recent evidence of dual codes in the protein-coding sections of genes raised the bar on our understanding of genome complexity.1,2 Now a new study is showing that the control regions of genes...
Cells' Molecular Motor Diversity Confounds Evolution
Scientists believe that the study of genes that encode the proteins for molecular motors will help solve the mysteries of evolution. However, the result of a study published in the journal Genome Biology...
Water Deep in Earth's Mantle
How far below Earth's surface can we find water? There is no way to drill hundreds of miles down, so researchers must wait for evidence to surface from the depths. An international science team...
Shale Oil Boom Begs Explanation
U.S. companies have ramped up oil and gas production over the last four years, using cutting-edge techniques to extract oil from shale. Lejly Alic, an analyst with the International Energy Agency, recently...
Zircon: Earth's Oldest Crystal?
by Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D., & Brian Thomas, M.S. * Most people are familiar with man-made, diamond-like cubic zirconia (zirconium dioxide), but zirconium silicate, a less well-known...
Mind-Boggling Complexity in the Fruit Fly Transcriptome
The humble fruit fly that has been at the heart of genetic studies for nearly 100 years continues to amaze scientists and defy simplistic evolutionary predictions. A research team recently evaluated...
'Smoking Gun' Evidence of Inflation?
On March 17, a team of radio astronomers announced they discovered purportedly direct evidence for cosmic inflation—a critical component of the modern Big Bang model. To make this discovery, the...
IBM's Watson: Designed to Learn Like a Human
On March 5, 2014, the IBM supercomputer "Watson" became a pioneer virtual chef, inadvertently showcasing the remarkably superior hardware and software found between our ears. This intelligent...
Ancient Lake Bed Merges with Biblical Clues
In northwestern India, annual monsoon rains fill lake Kotla Dahar, which then eventually dries as it receives virtually no precipitation for about half the year. But scientists recently found clues...
Reverse Engineering Reveals Ideal Propulsion Design
In a recent analysis of how dozens of species propel their bodies through air and water, a collaborative team found not only ideal design but also common design.1 To successfully propel...
Black Rocks Red-Flag Uniformitarian Flaws
Red flags traditionally act as warning signals. In this case of a surprising rock discovery in West Virginia the flag is black rather than red, but the results are the same. Geologist Callan Bentley...
Asteroid Medley Challenges Naturalistic Origins
Data from recent spacecraft flybys challenge the prevailing naturalistic perspective on asteroid origins. Secular astronomers assume that natural processes, rather than miracles, created the sun, Earth,...
Europe’s Oldest Human Footprints…Dated in .,.
News headlines worldwide recently reported Europe's oldest human footprint discovery at Happisburgh on England's east coast. How old are the tracks? It appears the media and research team answer...
Live Birth Fossil Exposes Evolutionary Enigma
Fossils sometimes capture brief, fleeting moments. Pterosaur footprints, raindrop craters, ripple marks, and half-swallowed fish adorn Earth's layers. And now researchers have discovered a baby...
Wooly Mammoth Mystery Finally Solved?
Researchers claim to potentially have solved the mystery of the wooly mammoth’s mass extinction.1 After drilling permafrost cores in Alaska, Canada, and northern Russia, a team led...
Human lincRNA Genes Contradict Evolution
Researchers from MIT and the University of Massachusetts Medical School recently characterized a group of genes in humans and other mammals that not only defies evolutionary models but vindicates the...
Genesis Camels: Biblical Error?
Archaeologists from Tel Aviv University recently radiocarbon-dated camel bones from digs at an ancient copper smelting camp in the Aravah Valley that runs along the Israeli-Jordanian border. Primarily...
DNA Proof That Neandertals Are Just Humans
The study of ancient DNA (aDNA) is currently all the rage in the field of genomics, with more and more researchers jumping into the fray. Despite the fact that many problems still plague the field,...
Speedy Glaciers Trample Multiple Ice-Age Theories
From satellite images, researchers have concluded that the Jakobshavn Isbræ glacier in Greenland has set a new speed record for glacial flow.1 The ice stream’s calculated average...
Could Space Dust Help Spark Life?
Physicists in California and Hawaii found evidence that solar wind performs curious chemistry on space dust to produce water, and they suggested that this discovery will help support a naturalistic...
Evolutionary Dogma, Not Science, Kicks Out Adam
Secular geneticists continue to claim that humans did not come from a literal Adam and Eve.1 But if clues in the human genome do not reject Adam from our ancestry, then why would scientists...
Evidence of Eternity in Our Hearts?
We tend to think that some core in each person will somehow, somewhere live forever. Sociologists have been attempting to track down the source of this belief but so far have not been able to separate...
Cuneiform Reed-Ark Story Doesn't Float
News emerged in 2010 that Irving Finkel, a cuneiform expert at the British Museum, had translated an ancient tablet describing Noah’s Ark as round and built of reeds.1 Now, Finkel is...
Nye vs. Ham Debate: No True Scotsman
A surprisingly large number of people—some three million—watched live online February 4 as debaters discussed the topic “Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern...
Fossil Skin Pigment Evolved Three Times?
Dark outlines of soft tissue often surround fossilized vertebrates. What chemicals make up this material? Paleontologists recently presented their analysis of original skin leftovers from three marine...
Most of Venus' History Is Missing?
Venus’ tortured surface begs for explanation, but scientists have a trying time reconstructing the planet’s past based on its mysterious features. Secular geologists anticipate that additional...
Spider Webs Attract Scientists' Attention
No, it’s not science fiction—it’s real. Spider webs use electricity to snare prey, and researchers recently discovered an added environmental benefit from these arachnids’ masterful...
Interest in Origins Stays Strong
Do Americans still care about where they came from? The results of two recent polls and a surge in interest in an upcoming creation vs. evolution debate suggest they do. This origins conversation has...
Do Foxes Have Magnetic Senses?
During winter, red foxes hunt snow-covered mice without even seeing their prey—but how? Certainly, hearing plays a crucial role, but researchers from the Czech Republic and Germany found that...
Elephant Shark Research Team Misses Creation Clues
When mainstream scientists search for clues about how and when the first bony-skeleton creature evolved from a non-bony creature, do they overlook evidence showing skeletons could never evolve from...
Gecko-Footed Robot Fit for Outer Space
Abigaille the robot can climb up smooth walls, but she leaves behind no residue, much like living geckos. Engineers at Simon Fraser University copied gecko design when they developed the robot’s...
Amber Flowers Challenge Dinosaur Depictions
Dinosaur dioramas don’t display flowers and grasses—supposedly because they had not yet evolved. But it takes only one piece of the right kind of evidence to disprove a whole paradigm. Amazing...
Mouse Study Shows 'Junk DNA' Is Actually Required
It was once believed that the regions in between the protein-coding genes of the genome were wastelands of alleged nonfunctional “junk DNA.” However, we now know that these previously misunderstood...
One-Hour Oil Production?
Researchers at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Washington State have pioneered a new technology that makes diesel fuel from algae—and their cutting-edge machine produces the...
Surprising Human Hand Bone Challenges Evolution
A hand bone found in northern Kenya surprised researchers when it surfaced in rock layers assigned a supposed age of about 1.4 million years, making it the oldest dated human bone but still “young”...
Blind Cavefish Shed Light on Creation
How do fish that can see make the switch to blind cavefish, and should that process really be called “evolution”? This transformation fascinates biologists. Picture the scene—a normal-looking...
Duons: Parallel Gene Code Defies Evolution
Researchers have just characterized a new, previously hidden genetic code embedded within the same sections of genes that code for proteins—utterly defying all naturalistic explanations for its...
Best of 2013 Creation News: Earth's Age
As in years past, 2013 presented some new and serious challenges to the entrenched dogma of a 4.6-billion-year-old Earth. The latest discoveries support Scripture’s eyewitness-verified presentation...
Best Creation News of 2013: Tissue Fossils
About a dozen reports from the last half-decade have described original-tissue fossils, and 2013 added its fair share of finds. Experiments show the biochemicals, cells, and tissues within these fossils...
Best Creation News of 2013: Human Origins
The popular notion that humans evolved from ape-like ancestors took several heavy hits this past year—both from secular and creation-friendly research—confirming that God created man in...
Best Creation News of 2013: Astronomy
This year science has challenged the popular idea that the universe developed all by itself over billions of years. Astronomical discoveries from 2013 confirm creation—starting with the moon and...
Digging Into a Fossil Outhouse
A group of paleontologists reported the discovery of concentrated fields of fossilized dung, called coprolite, in northwest Argentina.1 The closely-spaced dung piles are seen as evidence...
Butterfly Wings: Inspiration for Waterproof Clothing?
What is the best way to shed water? Researchers writing in the journal Nature recently published some amazing water-repelling results that mimic butterfly wings’ tiny scales.1 These...
Dinosaur Soft Tissue Preserved by Blood?
Researchers are now suggesting that iron embedded in blood proteins preserved the still-soft tissues, cells, and molecules discovered inside dinosaurs and other fossils after the creatures were buried...
Dinosaur Youngster Looks Like Dragon Figurines
Phil Currie, one of Canada's leading paleontologists, helped excavate a virtually complete skeleton of what is likely the youngest ceratopsian dinosaur ever found. Ceratopsians include the...
Which Came First--the Spear or its Thrower?
Scientists age-dated a cache of stone-tipped throwing spears unearthed from Ethiopia's Gademotta Formation at 280,000 years old. This find appears to pierce the conventional story of human evolution—a...
Tibetan Cat Fossil: A Tall Tale?
An international research team claims to have found the world's oldest big cat fossil in Tibet, publishing their findings in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.1 Big cats include...
Delicate Balance in DNA Production
Scientists recently ran experiments to determine what happens when excess nucleotides are present during DNA replication.1 In normally functioning living things, each newly formed cell receives...
Questionable Dating of Bloody Mosquito Fossil
Researchers recently examined a spectacular mosquito fossil from the Kishenehn Formation, finding fresh blood—remnants of its last meal—still stored in its abdomen. They wrote, "The...
Secrets from the Most Distant Galaxy
An international team recently announced discovery of a new record for the most distant galaxy and claimed they were viewing this galaxy at "an epoch only 700 million years after the Big Bang."1...
Counting Earth's Age in Lightning Strikes
Scientists recently studied the Drakensberg Range in South Africa, discovering that lightning likely damages mountain surfaces far more often than previously thought. Lightning also generates fulgarites,...
New 'Human' Fossil Borders on Fraud
An international team of paleoanthropologists reported discovering the earliest human fossils found outside Africa at a dig in the country of Georgia.1 The team told Science that one specimen,...
Incredible Microprocessor Protein Acts as Genome Guardian
Researchers recently studied a highly sophisticated cellular machine that acts as a guard for the genome against harmful mutations and that evolution cannot explain.1 Humans have two...
Human-like Fossil Menagerie Stuns Scientists
by Brian Thomas, M.S., & Frank Sherwin, M.A. * An international team of scientists made a stunning and controversial discovery from an archaeological site in Dmanisi, a small town in the country...
Did Sea Slugs Evolve to Steal Genes?
Solar-powered sea slugs (sacoglossan molluscs) feed on filamentous algae, a water plant, to capture photosynthetic organelles called chloroplasts and use them for solar energy. Considered kleptoplastic...
Newfound Nitrogen Harmony Saves Tropical Forest Trees
New research shows that tropical forests quickly recover after clear-cutting by using clever mechanisms to locate sufficient levels of nitrogen that they need to thrive. Publishing in the journal...
British Pre-Roman Roads Lead to Genesis
Archaeologists uncovered the remains of a well-maintained and well-built British road beneath an ancient Roman road in 2011. This evidence contrasts what modern texts teach about primitive-pagan peoples...
Impact Theory of Moon's Origin Fails
Secular scientists used to regard the planetary collision theory as a triumph in explaining several of the moon's specific arrangements. But newfound facts severely debilitate this lunar impact...
Bloody Mosquito Fossil Supports Recent Creation
Scientists recently found blood remnants in a mosquito fossil trapped in a supposed 46-million-year-old rock.1 Could blood really last that long? Publishing in the Proceedings of the...
Sun Paradox Challenges Old Earth Theory
Scientists previously uncovered fossil algae in Archean rocks—evidence of life in a period that evolutionists date from 3.0 to 3.5 billion years ago.1 At that supposed time, the sun...
Recent Earthquake Spawns New Island
A recent 7.7 magnitude earthquake in south-central Pakistan killed over 260 people and displaced thousands more. It also spawned a new island in the Arabian Sea hundreds of miles from the earthquake's...
Was Toxic Protein Once Good?
A new study published in the journal Nature showed that the Photorhabdus bacteria's protein toxin, the "ABC toxin," is precisely engineered to deliver a protein payload into neighboring...
Global Warming Halts, Arctic Ice Multiplies
Fox News recently reported, "Arctic sea ice up 60 percent in 2013," publishing dramatic before and after satellite images of Earth's Arctic region.1 How could ice increase if...
'smORFs': Functional Little Genome Gems Confront Evolution
Until recently, thousands of tiny, potential protein-coding regions in the genome called "small open reading frames" or "smORFs" have been difficult to identify. They are now getting...
Flower Fossils 100,000,000 Years Out of Place?
European scientists have now discovered flowering plant fossils in rock layers supposedly 100,000,000 years older than expected.1 This new finding challenges conventional evolutionary assumptions...
Circular Intronic RNAs Defy Junk DNA Dogma
A completely new category of circular RNAs has been discovered, adding another layer of amazing complexity to human genetics. These circular RNAs are formed from the intron regions inside a gene that...
Study Fails to Prove Flight Feathers Evolved
A recently discovered Microraptor fossil reveals an odd-looking bird with two front wings and feathers on its back legs, giving it the appearance of having "four wings." The startling fossil...
Evolutionists Call New Plant Epigenetic Study 'Heresy'
New research has uncovered a hidden layer of trait-determining epigenetic information that resides outside the DNA sequence in plants. This new discovery challenges the evolutionary paradigms of the...
Engineered Chemical Could Cost Less, Save Lives
Three researchers from the California Institute of Technology recently made a breakthrough in developing a molecule that mimics plants’ nitrogen chemistry—processes that are needed to synthesize...
Water in Rocks May Support Moon's Bible Origins
Is there water in moon rocks? There shouldn't be, according to secular accounts of the moon's origins. But now, decades after Apollo missions returned to Earth with moon rocks, scientists at...
'Living Gears' Might Have Evolutionists Hopping Mad
When planthoppers hop, they really do pop. These tiny creatures fling themselves with such fury that, frankly, things would go awry if their jumping mechanisms were not properly tuned. For example,...
Brilliant Butterfly Feature Challenges Darwinian Selection
How do butterfly's wings shine? Like almost all other butterflies, the Morpho has wings covered with scales. Typically, pigmentation patterns across these scales generate wing colors, but a Morpho's...
Structuralism: A New Way to Avoid Creation
Why do whale flippers, bat wings, crocodile claws, and human hands all have five digits? Why not three, four, six, or seven? Whoever attempts to explain biological origins needs to explain why this...
What Were the First Animals Like?
Are Ediacaran "fossils" actually remains of ancient living things, or did simple natural processes generate fossil look-alikes? Correctly identifying these tracks (or traces) matters significantly...
Express-Lane Magma Indicates Young Earth
Magma can really make tracks according to a recent study published in Nature that has significantly upped the perceived speed limit of magma movement in the earth.1 Philipp Ruprecht and Terry...
Shocking Evidence of Electrical Signals in Plants
Green leaves might hang motionless most of the time, but plenty of activity stirs deep inside them. Many people understand that molecules move during photosynthesis, but most probably don't realize...
Scientist Suggests 'We Are Actually All Martians'
Did life originate on Mars? During a keynote address at the 2013 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference in Florence, Italy, Steven Benner postulated that it did. Benner, from The Westheimer Institute for...
Pterosaur Revolution Confirms Creation
Research into pterosaurs—ancient flying reptiles whose fossils lie intermingled with dinosaurs—now approaches an upswing of what some predict will be a revolution of understanding.1...
Did God Make Human Memory Malleable?
Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has shown that human memories are malleable. She successfully planted false memories into people's minds during some of her experiments. Her position on the fallibility...
Does 'Y-chromosome Adam' Refute Genesis?
Secular geneticists believe that modern humans can trace their male genetic ancestry back to a single man and their female genetic ancestry back to a single woman.1 Two new studies suggest...
Newly Discovered 'Orphan Genes' Defy Evolution
An important category of "rogue" genetic data that utterly defies evolutionary predictions is the common occurrence of taxonomically restricted genes, otherwise known as "orphan genes."...
The Oldest American Petroglyphs
Scientists now say that the petroglyphs at Pyramid Lake, Nevada, are the oldest in North America to have been age-dated. Though appearing confident about some details, they cannot yet identify the ancient...
How Do Mother Butterflies Avoid the Poison?
Colorful Heliconius butterflies grace the tropics with their beautiful wide wings. Their survival depends on more features than what simply resides in their physical bodies. The challenge is trying...
VlincRNAs Provide Clues to Genomic Dark Matter
Scientists have known for several years that the human genome is pervasively copied into various RNA molecules (transcripts), although scientists have been unsure about what much of it actually does....
Epigenetic Study Produces 'Backwards' Human-Ape Tree
A recently published study in the epigenetic modification of DNA regions similar among humans and three different apes not only provided a completely mixed up picture of evolution, but one that was...
Shergottite Conundrum: How Old Is Martian Crust?
Secular scientists have uncovered new evidence indicating the Martian crust may be a lot younger than they previously thought. Unfortunately, they haven't come up with a date based on factual data,...
Amazing Design in the Chemistry of Pregnancy
The onset of pregnancy presents an apparent contradiction. Ovulating and initially pregnant mothers experience an increase in progesterone. On the one hand, this hormone signals the immune system to...
Why Did God Create Such Terrible Teeth?
Just the sight of a crocodile's or alligator's large, tooth-filled gob invokes fear. From time to time those big green things dismember people.1 With the crocodile's snarly look...
Pseudogenes Regulate Immune Responses in Humans
Pseudogenes were once thought to be nothing but genomic fossils—the remnants of broken genes. Now they are being shown to be highly functional and critical to life processes in the cell.1 Pseudogenes...
Plants Use Underground 'Fungal Internet' to Communicate
Researchers have just documented how plants use underground fungal networks to warn neighboring plants of impending insect attack, uniquely illustrating the complex and highly designed interconnected...
Armored Fish Fossils Rewrite Evolutionary Story
A special set of Australian fish fossils just derailed evolution's long-held story of early fish origins. The remarkable fossils preserved detailed soft tissue body features, including the precise...
Urgency & Opportunity: Poll Shows Evolving Trends
by Brian Thomas, M.S., & Michael Stamp * A recent study indicates that only 37 percent of Americans believe God created human beings in the very recent past—essentially as described in...
Whole Lizard Encased in Amber
The Amber Museum in the Mexican city of San Cristóbal de las Casas has a new specimen. Amber sometimes preserves insects, but this specimen contains a whole lizard. This unique discovery confirms...
Global Warming? Trees to the Rescue!
Americans are all too familiar with environmental activists' gloomy projections of global crises, including the assertion that mankind's gaseous carbon dioxide emissions will inevitably send...
Why High-Speed Throwing Is Uniquely Human
What body structures uniquely equip humans to throw objects frequently, at high speeds, and—for the practiced—with great accuracy? Research has revealed that if the throwing motion depended...
Novel 'Junk DNA' Sequences Jumpstart Protein Production
Researchers have just identified over 12,000 novel DNA sequences in the human genome, most of them in areas once thought to be "Junk DNA."1 These newly discovered DNA sequences,...
Taste Tests Confirm Cockroaches Change Preferences
Pesticide companies used to sell concoctions of poison mixed with sugar in attempts to control cockroaches. The sugar would attract the insects and the poison would kill them. At least, that was the...
Film Featuring Atheists Pits Evolution against God
A wide variety of ministry tools dealing with evolution are available for Christians to build their faith and share the gospel. But what about one that features only conversations with evolutionists...
Plants Use Math to Ration Food Use
A new study came out showing how plants utilize an efficient form of mathematics to precisely calculate how much starch to consume as food during the night.1 During the daytime, plants...
New Twist in DNA Turns Heads, Genes
Geneticists have enough challenges trying to comprehend the enormously elaborate yet precise ways cells access, copy, alter, interpret, and execute linear-coded genetic information. But now, non-linear...
True Equality
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28). One of the wonderful aspects...
Ison--The Comet of the Century
In September 2012, a Russian and a Belarusian astronomer using the Kislovodsk Observatory co-discovered a comet heading our way. Comet Ison should become visible to Earth viewers in December 2013 after...
Spiny Sea Creature Rapidly Accommodates Chemical Changes
If humanity fails to curtail its use of fossil fuels, thousands of animals around the planet will die—at least, that's according to many anthropocentric global-warming proponents. They fear...
Jungle-Covered Ruins May Hold Surprising Hints
The ancient and elaborate temple at Angkor Wat is not the only interesting site to see when visiting Cambodia. Archaeologists have been discovering hundreds of temples, many still buried beneath thick...
Distant Dust Disk Mixes Fact with Fiction
Sometimes, separating observation from speculation presents a challenge. For example, a recent news report of a possible planet in outer space mixed an observation with ideas of distant planet formation....
Fossil Feather Colors Paint Recent Creation Picture
In 2010, researchers using state-of-the art technology determined that the feathers on a fossil bird, as indicated by the part of the feather they scanned, were very dark when the bird was still living.1...
New Fossil Book Won't Showcase Obvious Catastrophe
Not just horses and fish, but—like a whole ancient zoo buried together—lizards, alligators, stingrays, snakes, squirrel varieties, bats, long-tailed turtles, lemur-like primates, birds,...
Bewildering Pseudogene Functions Both Forwards and Backwards
Not only have many pseudogenes been proven to be highly functional, a recent study has unveiled mind-boggling complexity behind the PTEN pseudogene, showing that it functions both forwards and backwards...
Follow the Eunotosaurus: An Evolutionary Shell Game?
Evolutionary biologists face a challenge when trying to explain how the first turtle evolved. Accordingly, evolution had to incrementally restructure some kind of lizard into a turtle using gradual...
Outlandish Claims for Missing 'Continent'
The lost city of Atlantis has been the source of much legend and folklore for centuries. The search for archaeological evidence for this missing city has continued even today, but mostly by amateurs...
The Moon's Latest Magnetic Mysteries
The story of the rise and fall of the moon's magnetic field constantly energizes planetary scientists. Simply put, under secular magnetism models, the moon is too small to have maintained its charge...
People Not Quite as Clever Anymore
Wouldn't it be interesting to compare our cleverness to that of our ancestors? It would only be possible if today's researchers could use the same measuring tool in the same way that previous...
Genetic Recombination Study Defies Human-Chimp Evolution
Results from a recent study in human and chimpanzee genetics have shipwrecked yet another Darwinian hypothesis.1 Genetic recombination is one of the key events that occur during the production...
Can This Dog Sniff Out Fossils?
Gary Jackson and his dog Migaloo, trained to sniff out buried remains, work with locals to uncover archaeological sites and help Australian police locate the bodies of murder victims. According to The...
Cicadas Make Great Mathematicians
Entomologists study insects and spiders. They regularly discover examples of mathematical genius hardwired into various tiny-brained arthropods. And as young students know all too well, math doesn't...
Scientist Stumped by Actual Dinosaur Skin
Being the first ever to examine a dinosaur fossil long buried in sedimentary rock is thrilling enough for a field researcher. But a team working in Canada found an exhilarating bonus on a hadrosaur...
Marketing Myostatin Inhibitors with Fake Science
Body builders and other athletes use nutritional supplements to increasingly exploit the muscular mass-building benefits of reducing the levels of a protein in the body called "myostatin."...
Scientists Broom Challenging Discoveries Beneath 'Conta.,.
Recent years have witnessed many revolutionary discoveries of original tissues in fossils. Each new find challenges the widely held notion that fossils formed millions of years ago. After all, lab tests...
Long Complex Gene Tails Defy Evolution
If the picture of complexity regarding how genes are controlled and regulated in the genome was not complicated enough, a new study has increased this paradigm to an unprecedented level.1...
The Incredible, Edible '190 Million-Year-Old Egg'
Yunnan Province, China holds some very special eggs, containing the tiny bones of unborn sauropod dinosaurs. Within the Lufeng Formation, a relatively thin bed of red sediment contains these fossil...
Modern Y-Chromosome Variation Surpasses Archaic Humans
The human Y-chromosome has been a sore point among secular scientists in recent years because of its many anti-evolutionary surprises. Adding to the Darwinian grief, is yet one more shocking Y-chromosome...
Abortion: The Evolution Connection
by Jake Hebert, Ph.D., and Michael Stamp * Within a consistent evolutionary worldview, there is no logical basis for moral absolutes. If mankind is truly a cosmic accident, then there...
Coelacanths: Evolutionists Still Fishing in Shallow Water
by Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Jeffrey Tomkins, Ph.D. * A recent report, published in Nature,1 on the genome sequence of the so-called living fish fossil, the African coelacanth,...
Dinosaurs Swimming out of Necessity
What's so fascinating about dinosaur tracks? Maybe it's because their many mysteries beg for solutions. For instance, because tracks in mud are so short-lived today, how did dinosaur tracks...
Plant Epigenome Research Negates Evolution
Plants make ideal systems for studying the underlying biological processes that confer their ability to adapt in different environments. Several new studies show how plants do this without changing...
Pseudogene Plays Important Role in Cell Cycle
Once again, DNA sequence that was once thought to be nothing but a genomic fossil has shown itself to be vital to human survival. In this case, if the so-called pseudogene is not functioning properly,...
Evolutionists Scramble 'Fossil-Egg Evidence'
Bird fossils do not generally ruffle paleontologist's feathers, but some amazing specimens from China's Jehol province—preserving eggs inside fossil bird bodies—might do just that....
Striking It Rich with 'Instant Gold'
The lure of gold has caused many to drop everything and rush off in search of the "mother lode." But where exactly do these precious gold deposits come from? An explanation for the origin...
Embryology Gene Control Confounds Evolution
As they say in the real estate business, location is everything. It looks like the same working principle applies to genes and their control sequences in the genome during embryo development. And not...
Beta-Globin Pseudogene Is Functional After All
One of the key arguments of human evolution has now suffered the same fate as many other debunked icons of the errant paradigm of "junk DNA." In this case, it is new research related to the...
Yeast Survive as They 'Fail to Optimize'
The word "fail" usually implies that something went wrong. To fail a school exam decreases the chances of passing the course, and failing a physical exam portends poor health. But when scientists...
Ancient Fossil Looks Like Today's Acorn Worms
According to evolution, eons ago mere ingredients like mud, minerals, and methane somehow made themselves into some single-celled bacteria…some of those bacteria became worms, and some of the...
Circular RNAs Increase Cell Bio-Complexity
If the regulatory picture of the genome was not complicated enough, now scientists have discovered yet one more amazing level of bio-complexity that involves a whole new class of molecules in the form...
The Planck Data and the Big Bang
On March 21, 2013, the European Space Agency (ESA) published a new image of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, generated from data collected by the Planck space telescope. Big Bang cosmologists...
Transposable Elements Are Key to Genome Regulation
In the age of 'omics' research, such terms as genome, transcriptome, and proteome now describe aspects of vast molecular networks in the seemingly infinite complexity of how DNA functions in...
Complexity of Cell's 'Molecular Shredder' Revealed
When genes in the cell are turned on, the result is the production of gene copies called messenger RNAs, or mRNAs. The mRNAs are then used as templates to make proteins, the key molecules that enable...
Higgs Boson Confirmed: Separating Fact from Hype
Scientists announced last week that they likely confirmed the existence of a particle called the Higgs boson.1 One media outlet said this of the Higgs boson: "It helps solve one of the...
The Resurrection of 'Junk DNA'?
by Nathaniel Jeanson, Ph.D., and Brian Thomas, M.S. * Evolutionists are protesting. What has them so agitated? The results of the most in-depth human genome study to date, called...
Triceratops Horn Soft Tissue Foils 'Biofilm' Explanation
Decades ago, when researchers began publishing their discoveries of transparent, floppy tissue with recognizable intact cells inside dinosaur bones, plenty of shocked evolutionists disputed their results....
Giant Salamander Suction Compared to Jet Car
Some rocket cars can accelerate at 5 g-forces.1 For comparison, respectable acceleration for a sports car amounts to half a "g," and people faint when accelerating at 5g's....
Washing Machines on Mars
Several news outlets yesterday heralded early reports from NASA that the Curiosity rover on Mars has found evidence that the red planet could have supported primitive life.1, 2, 3 But...
Evidence Doesn't Fade from Colorful Fossils
Generations of onlookers have appreciated the long-lasting luster of "Egyptian blue," an ancient dye still brilliant thousands of years after it was painted onto various murals and artifacts....
The Appendix: A Thorn in Evolution's Side?
The appendix is a worm-shaped organ attached to the entrance of many mammal's colons. It contains lymphatic tissue, which integrates with the body's circulatory and immune systems. Researchers...
Remembering Dr. Duane T. Gish, Creation's 'Bulldog'
A mixture of sorrow and thankfulness comes over the Institute for Creation Research family as we note the passing of Dr. Duane Gish on March 6, 2013. Dr. Gish has been a champion of creation at ICR...
History Channel Unveils Notable Miniseries 'The Bible'
The History Channel cable network began on March 3, 2013, a ten-hour new miniseries based on the Bible that will be broadcast over five Sundays. Without a doubt, the show confronts viewers with the...
Moles Can Smell in Stereo
Most people have heard of "stereo sound," but not many may be familiar with "stereo vision," which helps many mammals discern depth. Seeing and hearing in stereo helps creatures...
Pigeon Study Confirms Creation
Charles Darwin bred many varieties of pigeons. Some had differently shaped head crests and others had unique color patterns in their plumage. Darwin tried to use these superficial examples of human-guided...
'Talking' Ants Are Evidence for Creation
New surprises revealing complex bio-engineering keep emerging as evolutionary scientists continue to unwittingly obey the biblical command to "observe the ant"(Proverbs 6:6; 30:25). The latest...
Possible Human Artifact Found in Coal
A resident of Vladivostok, which is sandwiched between China, North Korea, and the Sea of Japan, was adding ordinary coal to a fire when he noticed a shiny metal object peeking through a piece of the...
Deer in Black and White
White-tailed deer are generally brown, but sometimes they can appear all black or all white. Photographer Richard Buquoi captured striking photographs of a dark fawn in 20101 and verified...
Youthful Solar System Bodies Puzzle Evolutionary Scientists
A feature story in a recent issue of the journal Nature described four solar system bodies that are puzzling to evolutionary scientists.1 Specifically, the article discussed the rings of...
Do New Measurements Confirm Big Bang Predictions?
NASA launched the WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) spacecraft in 2001. Its purpose was to make precise measurements of subtle variations in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB)....
Strong Evidence for Life on Mars?
No liquid water is present on the surface of Mars, but researchers have suggested that a lake may have once existed on the surface of the red planet.1 Researchers inferred, based upon photographs...
Muscle Motion Discoveries Challenge Evolutionism
People often take for granted every muscle-based movement our bodies make. But the structure and function of muscle movement is as complicated as any biological task in humans or animals. Bats have...
Scientists Get Glimpse Into Infant Language Learning
The developing human brain learns language at a remarkably accelerated rate starting at about one year old. But even at six months, baby brains begin to log basic language foundations. After several...
Another Cambrian Discovery Discredits Evolution
A fossil creature from the phylum Entoprocta (invertebrate animals that have tentacles and lacking a mineralized skeleton) was found in marked abundance (over 400 individuals) in Burgess Shale. The...
Do People Live Longer among Trees?
Could living near trees possibly affect human health? Increasingly, studies indicate that trees can improve human health. Evolution doesn't expect this, but biblically speaking, trees and people...
New Dinosaur Tracks Study Suggests Cataclysm
Casual observers are not the only ones who puzzle over dinosaur footprint origins. After all, other animal tracks in mud are not fossilized today because erosive processes rapidly erase them. If a rock...
New Technology Reveals More Genome Complexity
A new type of DNA sequencing technology has been developed and used to identify and characterize key regions of the genome called "enhancer" sequences.1 These are novel DNA features...
Did Noah Recognize Different Frog Species?
"What if Noah got it wrong?" is a question recently posed in a ScienceDaily article. "What if he paired a male and a female animal thinking they were the same species, and then discovered...
Massive Quasar Cluster Refutes Core Cosmology Principle
Astronomers recently found a distant collection of quasars. But those quasars shouldn’t exist. And while they certainly appear connected, they’re spread too far across space for standard...
'Ancient' Bacteria Still Alive and Not Evolved
Archaeans are amazing microbes that run on completely different metabolic processes than other microbes. Discovering the first of them must have been like finding a car that runs on hydrogen fuel cells...
Evolutionary Eye Candy in New Dallas Museum
ICR employees visited the new Perot Museum of Nature and Science in downtown Dallas in late 2012. The big block-shaped building that The Dallas Morning News called "brash and breathtaking"...
Genetics Research Confirms Biblical Timeline
Exciting research from the summer of 2012 described DNA variation in the protein coding regions of the human genome linked to population growth. One of the investigation's conclusions was that the...
Did Scientists Make Fish Grow Hands?
A recent news story featured a variety of science writers repeating the meme "Fish grow 'hands' in genetic experiment." These sensationalized stories attempted to describe a new genetics...
Evolution of Life Research Close to Creation
Perhaps the most difficult challenge for Darwinists to explain is the fact of life. They ask how non-living chemicals became the first living cell, but this question relies on two bad assumptions. A...
The Best Creation Science Updates of 2012: Space Sciences
Secular astronomers consistently say that heavenly features formed naturally, disregarding the One who said, "I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that...
The Best Creation Science Updates of 2012: Earth Sciences
This year has produced a plethora of scientific discoveries that confirm biblical creation. "Biblical creation" can mean design features found in creation, but also indicators of a world that...
Did Underwater Archaeologist Confirm Noah's Flood?
Underwater archaeologist Robert Ballard claimed to have found evidence beneath the Black Sea that Noah's Flood really occurred. Christians who only read headlines may count this as confirmation...
Gene Networks Are Intolerant of Mutation
Fish supposedly evolved into people by gene mutations, but a recent report shows that mutations have disastrous effects.1 Not only are individual genes essential, but when they are inhibited,...
World's Oldest Dinosaur Fossil?
A portion of a fossilized dinosaur upper arm bone from Tanzania, originally collected in the 1930s, spent many years nestled among thousands of dinosaur specimens housed at London's Natural History...
Massive Black Hole Disrupts Galaxy Formation Theories
What should an astronomer think of a galaxy with tremendous mass but very few stars? Karl Gephardt of the University of Texas in Austin and his colleagues studied one recently, and he said, "This...
Age of Grand Canyon Remains a Mystery
How would a scientist estimate the time when a canyon formed? Various techniques and different interpretations of those techniques have yielded a wide range of estimated dates for the formation of Arizona's...
Is the Age of the Earth a 'Side' Issue?
Many secularists recently criticized Florida Senator Marco Rubio for not affirming, during the course of an interview, the claim that the earth is 4.5 billion years old.1 About a week...
Scientists Discover Secret to Fast Swimming Penguins
Penguins are fast swimmers, but they shouldn't be. As they rocket themselves through the water and onto overlying ice shelves, the drag of water friction is supposed to be too great. Researchers...
Are Rotifers Gene Stealers or Uniquely Engineered?
The tools of DNA sequencing are becoming cheaper to use and more productive than ever, and the deluge of DNA comparison results between organisms coming forth are becoming a quagmire for the evolutionary...
Newly Found Biochemical Is Essential for Life
Schoolchildren know the names of some chemicals essential to the life of a cell, like DNA or protein. Older students learn why they are essential, like that DNA holds critical information that codes...
Neandertals Apparently Knew Medicinal Plants
The Institute for Creation Research has long identified Neandertals as fully human.1 But for decades, evolutionists had labeled this extinct variety of humankind as sub-human, alleging that...
Study: Star Formation Is Virtually Finished
An international team of astronomers recently analyzed a specific frequency of light that hot gas clouds in outer space produce. Very hot stars, like blue stars, are thought to burn near or within these...
Did Mars Have an 'Original' Atmosphere?
NASA announced recently that its famous Martian rover, Curiosity, conducted its latest set of experiments to investigate "how Mars may have lost" its ancient thicker atmosphere.1...
Neandertal DNA Research Confirms Full Human Status
A new DNA study compared modern humans to Neandertals. But unlike previous ones, this study targeted Northern Africans. The new report, published in the journal PLoS ONE, further confirms the fact that...
'Oldest' European Town News Misses the Obvious
Researchers are calling an ancient ruin near Provadia in Bulgaria Europe's oldest town.1 Its carbon age between 4700 and 4200 B.C. predates the accepted calendar age of ancient Greece...
Australopithecus Was a Well-Adapted Tree Climber
New research has confirmed that an extinct type of ape called Australopithecus afarensis, which includes the famous "Lucy" fossil, was a well-adapted tree climber. The research team conducted...
Study Shows Proteins Cannot Evolve
Researchers just announced the systematic laboratory induced mutation of successive amino acids over the entire sequence of a simple bacterial protein.1 The results showed how even the simplest...
Did Scientists Find T. Rex DNA?
Finding dinosaur DNA is as unthinkable to an evolutionist as finding a flat earth would be to a geographer. Thus, a recent report of possible dinosaur DNA promises to meet resistance, even as similar...
Dinosaur Bone Tissue Study Refutes Critics
Original dinosaur tissues in fossil bones are probably the most controversial finds in all of paleontology. Secular scientists have difficulty interpreting them. They debate whether the tissues are...
African Populations Fit Biblical History
What if geneticists discovered, lurking in the DNA sequences of modern humans, clues of a heritage that mirrors the historical account of the dispersion at Babel? Researchers appear to have uncovered...
How Some Insects Can Eat Poisonous Plants
The leaves of the common roadside milkweed plant are poisonous to people and most other creatures. Alongside many other plants, its leaf tissues contain cardenolide poisons as a natural defense. But...
Cambrian Creature Had Complicated Brain
Scientists in China recently discovered that a supposedly simple, ancient creature had an unexpectedly complicated nervous system. The creature was an extinct arthropod found in Cambrian rocks, and...
Bone DNA Decays Too Fast for Evolution
DNA is a biochemical that contains genetic information. And like all other cellular ingredients, it decays if cellular systems don't maintain it. Now, scientists are more confident about how fast...
Oyster Genome Confounds Mollusk Evolution
by Jeffrey Tomkins, Ph.D., & Brian Thomas, M.S. * Most evolutionists who study fossil mollusks believe these creatures evolved from a hypothetical ancestor that had no shell. How could...
Plant Embryo Development Supports Creation
A recent paper that was published in the journal Nature uniquely illustrates the Creator's hand in plant development.1 This research clearly shows how suites of protein-coding genes are...
Certain Stellar Features Just Don't Exist
Sorting fact from fiction when it comes to outer space can be tricky, especially when scientists assert that certain stellar features are real when they are not. Why should school textbook authors,...
Bacterial 'Evolution' Is Actually Design in Action
The evolutionary community has been buzzing over bacteria's new ability to obtain citrate, a carbon-containing chemical, from their environment and use it as a food source. Some say this confirms...
Virus Adapts with Gene Accordion
Viruses were originally created for a good purpose, but some cause disease in today's fallen world.1 Good or bad, viruses are well-designed molecular machines.2 And like all...
Scientists Discover New Molecular Motor 'Clutch'
How would a vehicle slow or stop on time or on target without some mechanism to disengage the engine from the drive train? The vehicles that transport items within living cells face the same challenges...
Eight Spears Found in German Coal Mine
Researchers discovered eight well-manufactured throwing spears in an Ice Age coal deposit near Schöningen, Germany. They are calling these the oldest human tools. What can forensic science reveal...
Stark Differences Between Human and Chimp Brains
New research adds to an ever-lengthening stream of discoveries that confirm exactly what a Bible-believing scientist would expect—humans are distinct from chimpanzees. They should be, if they...
Optimized Engineering in Locust Legs
People instantly recognize intelligent engineering in a structure that has optimized size or shape. Optimum parameters don't just happen. So when two mechanical engineers recently discovered optimum...
Does New Galaxy Study Confirm Big Bang?
Who would try to determine the number and size of a creature's teeth if all that was known about that creature was its footprint? This flavor of reasoning typifies anti-creation cosmology. After...
ENCODE Reveals Incredible Genome Complexity and Function
Both the evolutionist and creationist communities are abuzz with the latest results from 30 simultaneously published high-profile research papers, proclaiming that the human genome is irreducibly complex...
Men and Women See Differently...Literally
A husband and wife don't always see eye-to-eye. Sometimes this is simply because they have differing preferences, but often it is because they are wired with differing thinking patterns. Researchers...
Scientists Discover the 'Anternet'
Ants seem to cover the globe. The success of any ant colony depends on the inherent capabilities of its many working members. One of the capabilities of harvester ants relies on an algorithm that governs...
Lions, Tigers, and Tigons
In December 2011, a lioness at Yancheng Safari Park of Changzhou in China gave birth to twin tigons,1 and the Associated Press recently released footage of the young cats in their pen.2...
Is Fossil Finger Genome Human?
Widespread news reported that scientists sequenced ancient DNA from an extinct human variety that they called a Denisovan in unprecedented detail for ancient DNA. In 2011, researchers reported DNA sequence...
Why Do Creatures in Ancient Amber Look So Modern?
Gall mites are too small to see without aid, but scientists found two of them after scanning 70,000 amber droplets from Triassic beds in Italy. How much have mites evolved in the supposed 230 million...
Scientist Answers His Own Question
Who wouldn't be curious to learn why organisms "build tissues they seemingly never use," as a Michigan State University News headline put it?1 If organisms originated from a...
Scientists Store 70 Billion Books on DNA
Data storage technology has come a long way since punch cards. But the undisputed king of data density is still DNA. A team of scientists fit 70 billion copies of their genetics book—including...
Discovery Rewrites Plant Evolution
One of the first lessons in plant evolution is that algae existed for millions of years before the more complicated materials and structures necessary to convert them into woody land plants had ever...
Lobe-Finned Fish Supplies Surprises
It was once the banner fossil behind the idea that land-walking creatures emerged from fish with overgrown fins. The lobe-finned fish was found in strata deemed 400 million years old—close to...
Engineer Envies Plant Cell Structure
Whether considering squishable apple tissue or resilient tree trunks, researchers say that plants "build" their parts using only four ingredients. Precise measurements of plant tissue strengths...
It's (Virtually) Alive!
Scientists made a virtual microbe, complete with dozens of interconnected cell functions. But it wasn't easy. Their creation could be used in two important areas of research. The Stanford-led...
More Fluctuations Found in Isotopic Clocks
Age-dating a rock using its radioactive isotopes only works by assuming that the rate at which that "clock" ticks was constant in the past and essentially identical to that in the present....
Four Sets of 'Impossible' Stars
Astronomers just found four binary star systems that should not exist if the universe is only 13.7 billion years old. These stars look twice that old to secularists, because they are rotating around...
New African Fossil Confirms Early Human Variations
The cover of the August 9, 2012 issue of the journal Nature featured the reconstructed face of newly-discovered human-like fossil bones described by Meave Leakey and colleagues in their report.1...
What Does It Take to Make a Jellyfish?
Many jellyfish are transparent, and they have seemingly simple movements and few visible interacting parts. They should, therefore, be easy to synthesize with man-made parts, but that's not what...
Pastor Became Atheist. Why?
Teresa McBain ministered in the Methodist church for twenty years. She formerly pastored at Lake Jackson United Methodist Church in Tallahassee, Florida, but today she ministers as the public...
Useless Search for Evolution of the Human Brain
Evolutionary scientists do not know how the human brain's ability to process language supposedly evolved from a non-speaking ancestor. Recent technological advances have enabled scientists to explore...
More Mutations Mean More Diseases, Less Evolution
The science of genetics continues to refute the notion that humans evolve by natural selection of beneficial mutations. One recent study used next-generation techniques to compare the detailed sequences...
Salmon Use Sophisticated Compass Cells
How does the salmon find its way from the big, wide ocean to the same stream, hundreds of miles away to the exact same spawning ground of its birth? Studies have shown that the fish use their acute...
Making Sense of Britain's Atlantis
ICR News previously reported evidence of Ice Age habitations in the English Channel.1 Fishermen and, more recently, researchers have dredged human artifacts and Ice Age animal bones such...
Transposable Elements Key in Embryo Development
Evolutionists once thought that transposable DNA elements, also called jumping genes, were merely the ancestral vestiges of viruses that maliciously infested and bloated the genomes of plants and animals....
Human DNA Variation Linked to Biblical Event Timeline
Each person is different, and each, except an identical twin, has unique DNA differences. These differences can be traced across global populations and ethnic groups. Furthermore, recent research provides...
Do People Have 'Gill Slits' in the Womb?
German zoologist Ernst Haeckel is perhaps most famous for defending evolution with the argument that creatures replay their evolutionary past when developing in the womb. Since Darwin's time, textbooks...
Did Noah Bring a One-Ton Crocodile onto the Ark?
After a three-week hunt, Philippine locals used cables to capture a huge crocodile from a remote location in the southern Agusan del Sur province.1 Guinness World Records deemed it the largest...
Young-Looking Methane Lakes on Saturn's Moon
The Cassini spacecraft detected what appear to be lakes and ponds near Titan's equator. If so, one lake is almost forty miles long, 25 miles wide, and at least three feet deep. Natural processes...
The Higgs Boson: A Blow to Christianity?
Scientists from Europe's CERN research center presented evidence last week for a particle that is likely the Higgs boson,1 the last remaining elementary particle predicted by the Standard...
Physics, Not God, Explains the Universe?
"With the laws of physics, you can get universes," said Alex Filippenko of the University of California, Berkeley, during a panel discussion at the June 23 SETICon 2 science and science fiction...
'James...Brother of Jesus' Ossuary Is Rock Solid
In 2002, the Biblical Archaeological Society and the Discovery Channel announced in Washington, D.C. that an ancient inscription on a 2,000-year-old ossuary with the inscribed Aramaic words "James,...
Have Scientists Found the 'God' Particle?
by Jake Hebert, Ph.D., & Jason Lisle, Ph.D., * Scientists from Europe's CERN research center presented evidence on Wednesday, July 4, 2012, for a particle that is likely the Higgs boson,...
Anti-Evolutionary Secrets of the Bonobo Genome
The popular press recently announced the completed bonobo genome sequence. Bonobos are close relatives to chimpanzees. Unfortunately, much of the popular reporting misrepresented the data in the original...
Mercury's Magnetic Crust Fulfills Creation Prediction
The planet Mercury provides many clues to its unique and recent creation. For example, Mercury's density and composition don't match planetary evolution models, and its surface geology and magnetic...
Photosynthesis Uses Quantum Physics
Animal and human life depends, either directly or indirectly, on plant life. And all plant life depends on extraordinarily precise biochemical machines that capture and convert light energy into energy...
Organ Discovery Shows Why Whales Didn't Evolve
Rorqual whales, including blue whales and minke whales, don't have teeth. Instead, they eat tiny sea animals by filtering water with comb-like bristles in their giant mouths called "baleen."...
Fresh Fossil Squid Ink 160 Million Years Old?
In August of 2009, the Institute for Creation Research reported that UK paleontologists found intact ink sacs within squid fossils.1 The ink appeared largely unaltered, and the scientists...
Artifact Confirms Ancient Bethlehem
The city of Bethlehem has a very long and storied history, and its great antiquity was just confirmed by the discovery of a small clay seal called a "bulla." According to the Israel Antiquities...
Did Panda Bears Once Live in Europe?
Panda bears are restricted to remote mountains in China and have similar-sized bodies today. But fossils show that in years past some were mini-pandas, while others were giants. Plus, they lived in...
Are Iceman Blood Cells Really the Oldest?
Researchers discovered intact red blood cells in the body of Ötzi the Iceman, a world-famous once-frozen natural mummy found in the Alps in 1991. Livescience called them the "world's oldest...
Gene Control Regions Are Protected--Negating Evolution
The erroneous idea that complex genetic information in the form of genes and regulatory DNA can randomly evolve, has become more untenable with every new discovery in the field of genomics. Just this...
South Korea Moves to Correct Textbook Errors
Science gained a victory when South Korea's Ministry of Education, Science and Technology announced last month that textbook publishers will correct editions that contain misinformation regarding...
ICR Debuts Origins Matter Conference in Dallas
  Is the study of origins really important? Important enough to invest in scientific research? The overwhelming answer heard last Saturday at the Dallas Origin Matters Conference was,...
Did Dinosaurs Gas Themselves to Extinction?
Popular news headlines purport that British researchers claimed that dinosaurs choked their ancient atmosphere with their own gas. For example, "Dinosaurs 'gassed' themselves into extinction,...
Scientists Late to Recognize Human and Giant Mammal Coe.,.
Giant mammals roamed North America during the Ice Age, but were humans among them? A site in Vero Beach on Florida's East coast contains mammoth, mastodon, giant ground sloth—and human fossils....
Newly Discovered Human Brain Genes Are Bad News for Evo.,.
Did the human brain evolve from an ape-like brain? Two new reports describe four human genes named SRGAP2A, SRGAP2B, SRGAP2C, and SRGAP2D, which are located in three completely separate regions on chromosome...
Humans Used Fire Earlier Than Believed
According to standard notions of human evolution, the controlled use of fire represented a key turning point in the development of modern humans from ape-like ancestors. So, evolutionary paleoanthropologists...
Amazing Fish Adaptive Design
The same basic kind of fish, called the stickleback, inhabits salt or fresh water and lakes or streams. Strikingly, however, those living in salt water are much larger and have different colors and...
Single Mutation Makes Melanesians Blond
Solomon Islanders have very dark skin. Most also have dark hair, but about one in ten of them have strikingly blond hair. How is this blond trait inherited, and do the people of the Solomon Islands...
No Nearby Dark Matter
A new Chilean study has found that there is essentially no "dark matter" in the solar neighborhood.1 Dark matter is the name of an as-yet-unobserved material whose existence is...
Do Habitats Create Creatures?
Russian scientists announced the discovery of the world's oldest fossil worm burrows in Ediacaran rocks, even though very few fossils are typically found below Cambrian rock layers. Do these worm...
Circular Reasoning in Polar Bear Origins Date
Biologists agree that polar bears, brown bears, and black bears all descended from a prototype of the bear kind. Some researchers infer from the biblical record that bears rapidly and recently diversified...
Study Finds DNA Clues to Cattle Origins
Archaeologists concur that modern domestic cattle descended from wild aurochs in the Middle East. But recent DNA analysis showed that many aurochs were actually included in the first domesticated herd....
Bird Brains and Quantum Mechanics
Being called a "bird brain" implies that an individual is scatterbrained and flighty. Through the decades, however, ornithologists have grown to appreciate the amazing design and abilities...
New Theory: Evolution Goes Backward
Microbiologists contend that instead of increasing complexity, evolution of some systems—like interdependent microbial communities—can occur by losing complexity. How accurate or meaningful...
One-Ton 'Feathered' Dinosaur?
Media reports are buzzing with misleading headlines. Wired Science reported, "Giant Feathered Tyrannosaur Found in China."1 Even the technical description, published in Nature,...
What Will the Next Biological Breakthrough Be?
Physicists have spent enormous amounts of time and billions of dollars building supercolliders to search for fundamental particles, including the European Large Hadron Collider, which is designed to...
Ancient Raindrops Argue for Young Earth
What was the earth's atmosphere like when ancient rocks were forming? Was it cold and thin because the sun was supposedly dimmer back then? Researcher Sanjoy Som tried to answer these questions...
Lab Studies Show Evolutionary 'Evidence' Is Merely Assumed
A recent news feature in Nature described the work of molecular biologist Joe Thornton, who studies the biology of toxins. He found that they often operate by mimicking very specific chemicals that...
Chewed Dinosaur Bones Fit Flood
A new cache of fossils found in Arlington, Texas, contains plenty of clues that are best explained by Noah's Flood. More specifically, the circumstances surrounding these remains match a hypothesis...
Rare Fossil Pterosaur a Reminder of Native Legends
A newly described fossil consists of a flying reptile with a smaller fish in its throat and a larger fish biting its wing. The flying reptile, a Rhamphorhynchus pterosaur discovered in the famous...
Stone Age Art Holds Hints of Language
Ancient cave art can give modern observers a unique glimpse into the minds of people who lived long ago. Stone Age art in European caves is best known for its beautiful paintings of animals like deer,...
Flood Explains 'Worldwide Pattern' in Ancient Rock
Marine biologists have scoured sea floor sediments for decades, finding living creatures in the mud but never fossils in the process of forming. That's because when a sea creature dies, its carcass...
Ancient Forest Frozen in Time by Volcano
The area surrounding what is now Wuda, Inner Mongolia, once teemed with tropical plants before a tremendous ancient volcanic explosion overwhelmed it. The ash-entombed forest, buried between coal layers,...
Brain Function Discoveries Support Creation
A pair of recent reports in the journal Science have added new insight into the incredible design and function of the human brain.1,2 The studies focused on the cortex—the part of the...
Distant Watery Planet Looks Young
A new analysis detailing the atmosphere of GJ 1214b—a planet located about 40 light years from earth and one that researchers have studied since 2009—appeared in the March issue of The Astrophysical...
Linguists Argue over Language Origins
Where on earth did humans first speak? According to a 2011 study published in Science, evidence points to language beginning in Africa, which goes along with the very popular "out of Africa"...
Octopus Cold Adaptation Surprises Scientists
Octopuses are not warm-blooded animals, yet the speed with which their nerves transmit signals depends on temperature. So how do those that live and move in sub-zero Antarctic waters function just as...
Why God Created Large, Sharp Teeth
Nineteenth-century English poet Alfred Tennyson famously described nature as "red in tooth and claw."1 But were claws and teeth originally intended to draw blood, or were they used...
Israeli Library Digitizes Newton's Theological Works
Sir Isaac Newton is recognized by many as perhaps the greatest scientist who ever lived. But few know "that Newton was also a Christian and a Bible scholar."1 In fact, he wrote...
Can Solar 'Belch' Theory Solve Sun Paradox?
The notion that the earth and cosmos are billions of years old continues to present serious problems for evolutionary scientists. For instance, billions of years ago, the sun would only have glowed...
Scientists Decode Key to Spider Web Strength
Imagine a cloth that gets stronger after it is damaged. That is what scientists recently discovered when probing the strength of garden spider webs. A research team tested the resistance of a spider...
Mouse to Elephant Needs How Much Evolution?
How much time would evolution need in order to make a mouse the size of an elephant? Since this kind of evolution supposedly occurs too slowly for biologists to observe, one place to look for answers...
Plant UV Detectors Could Not Have Evolved
The first chapter of the timeless text of Genesis states, "And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after...
Researchers Find Fossil Salamanders' Last Meals
Salamanders are slick-skinned amphibians whose diets shift as they mature. Some live their entire lives in water, and others spend their adult lives on land. Those inhabiting water eat plankton when...
Gorilla Genome Is Bad News for Evolution
Evolutionists have long maintained that modern primate species (including, in their view, humans) are branches on an evolutionary tree that lead back to a common ancestor. But the recent news of the...
What Causes a Galaxy's Magnetism?
Secular astronomers are no closer to understanding what could cause galactic magnetic fields than they were when they first detected the fields over a century ago. And although the most recent map of...
'Primitive' Tribe Demonstrates Modern Social Behavior
The Hadza is a nomadic tribe in Tanzania that subsists by hunting game and gathering wild plants. To evolutionists, they supposedly represent the early, more primitive societies from which modern society...
Rediscovered 'Extinct' Tortoise Frustrates Darwinism
Observing animals on the Galapagos Islands supposedly helped Charles Darwin come up with his theory of evolution by natural selection. But none of these animals have fulfilled the evolutionary interpretation...
Does Radical New Theory Explain the Existence of Everything?
What can explain all the circumstances of the cosmos—why small changes happen, why big changes happen, how life supposedly evolved from non-life, and the fundamental structure of chemicals and...
Why 'Darwin Day' Passed without Fanfare
Charles Darwin was born February 12, 1809, but not many people celebrated "Darwin Day" on February 12 this year. One Texas columnist lamented this lack of festivity, as well as polls showing...
Louisiana's Floating Marshes Echo Pre-Flood Ecosystem
Certain rock layers hold fossils of unique and extinct plants that had hollow tube-like structures, which probably made them lightweight and able to float on peat mats before they were buried and fossilized.1 A...
NASA Earth Image Helps Answer Flood Question
NASA's Image of the Day for January 25, "Blue Marble," is a composite of images taken by the Suomi NPP satellite that provides an exquisite view of the earth from space.1 This...
Is Peruvian Mummy a Giant Toddler?
Some say that giant humans are too incredible to have been real and that the Bible's references to them are fiction. However, many extra-biblical records corroborate the existence of giants,...
Animal Laughter Study Doesn't Help Evolution
Scientists recently studied laughter in different animals, such as rats and primates, by tickling them. One study compared the sounds made by humans and great apes: [The researchers] found many...
New Study Explains Fast-Moving Magma
The Deccan Traps in India, and especially the Siberian Traps, have vast quantities of lava rock near the earth's surface. Many geologists have assumed that this formed over millions of years. However,...
Evolution Made Cavefish Go Blind?
Evolution maintains that as more time passes, living things evolve to acquire better and more useful traits. As such, shouldn't the loss of a useful trait, such as eyesight, be regarded as the opposite...
Surgeon Says Human Body Did Not Evolve
In a recent paper titled "Dissecting Darwinism," Baylor University Medical Center surgeon Joseph Kuhn described serious problems with Darwinian evolution.1 He first described how...
Baylor Surgeon 'Dissects' Darwinism
Dallas' Baylor University Medical Center surgeon Joseph Kuhn recently described three serious problems with Darwinian evolution in a paper titled "Dissecting Darwinism" for the school's...
Sophisticated Protein Motor Defies Evolution
God appears to have left His unmistakable signature throughout His creation, even on the smallest parts. ATP synthase, an important enzyme, manufactures (synthesizes) a vital, energy-rich compound...
2011 Another Frustrating Year for Evolution
Nature, one of the premier science journals in the world today, recently published its editors' choice of science stories for 2011.1 Of the nine stories, only one addressed evolution—a...
Why Dogs Don't Need Snow Boots
Human feet would quickly freeze if exposed to snow and ice without proper gear, but dogs don't seem to mind the cold. Since the pads of their feet aren't protected by fur like the rest of their...
Fossil Whale Brain Proves Paleontologist Wrong
Howell Thomas, senior paleontological preparator for the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, was skeptical when a woman claimed that she found a fossilized whale brain in San Luis Obispo County,...
Paddlefish Are Tuned to Eat Only Plankton
Paddlefish, also known as spoonbill catfish, are cartilaginous fish that inhabit freshwater lakes. They only like to feed on plankton, a category of aquatic food that includes tiny crustaceans like...
Study Finds Molecules Evolving in Wrong Direction
Which is more complex—a typical man walking across a street, or a blind man carrying a legless man across the street? The blind and legless partners are more complex simply because they have...
New Book Says Universe Came from Nothing
If by definition something can never come from nothing, how could anything exist unless Someone put it there? This question has been used as a classic argument for the existence of God—an argument...
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