ICR Speakers

By the time Dr. Henry Morris founded the Institute for Creation Research in 1970, he had already conducted an extensive speaking ministry on the topic of creation science around the country for over a decade. A gifted teacher, Dr. Morris spoke at churches and universities, scientific groups and public gatherings, all with the desire to communicate the authority and authenticity of the Word of God.

Through the decades, Dr. Morris enlisted others to join ICR's professional science staff, and many of them became widely known for both their writing and speaking. And that emphasis of communication continues now, with new faces and new voices heralding the same message: Jesus Christ is Creator and Lord.

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Dr. Randy Guliuzza
Human Body, Apologetics, Engineering Science

For more information about Dr. Guliuzza, click here.

Dr. Tim Clarey
Director of Research
Geology, Dinosaurs

For more information about Dr. Clarey, click here.

Jayme Durant
Director of Communications, Executive Editor
Communicating Creation Concepts, Teaching Children, Homeschooling

For more information about Jayme, click here.

Dr. Leo (Jake) Hebert III
Research Scientist
Physics, the Ice Age, Problems with the Big Bang

For more information about Dr. Hebert, click here.

Dr. James J. S. Johnson
Chief Academic Officer, Associate Professor of Apologetics
Bible, Apologetics, Education, Forensic Science, History

For more information about Dr. Johnson, click here.

Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.)
Science News Writer
Zoology, Oceans, Noah's Flood, Microbiology, Dinosaurs

For more information about Mr. Sherwin, click here.

Dr. Brian Thomas
Research Scientist
Dinosaurs, Problems with Evolution, Human Origins

For more information about Dr. Thomas, click here.

Dr. Jeffrey P. Tomkins
Research Scientist

For more information about Dr. Tomkins, click here.