ICR News

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Google Doodle Celebrates Creation Geologist
On January 11, Google celebrated the 374th birthday of Nicolaus Steno by featuring a colorful doodle of rock layers on its homepage.1 Steno provided principles that are still maintained...
Marine Reptile Fossil Rewrites Evolution
The evolutionary history of certain extinct marine reptiles just got rewritten. After rapidly evolving an array of variations, one particular variety of the dolphin-shape marine reptiles known as...
Researchers See Fish Adapt in One Generation
How do species change? According to Darwinists, physical differences result from the accumulation of small changes over many generations. But observations—like a recent report of steelhead salmon...
Is Scientific Misconduct on the Rise?
Scientists are assumed to be unbiased, purely rational, doggedly factual. However, publicly exposed scientific frauds are helping to dispel that notion. Several recent articles by the British Medical...
Oldest Temple Topples Evolutionists' History of Religion
"Anthropologists have assumed that organized religion began as a way of salving the tensions that inevitably arose when hunter-gatherers settled down, became farmers, and developed large societies,"...
Over 100 Frozen Original Mammoth Proteins Found
Researchers were able to find 126 unique proteins from a frozen wooly mammoth in the first ever "shotgun sequence" of fossil protein content.1 The same team confirmed similar...
Noah's Ark Game Misses the Boat
Noah's Ark has been a popular story for children, with its parade of colorful animals living in a floating zoo. But the small and cute boat often pictured in stories, toys, and games is so unlike...
Diamond Weevil Studded with Advanced Technology
The diamond weevil, which makes its home in the Brazilian tropics, has a body studded with tiny, brilliant reflectors. Each one is like a diamond, reflecting different-colored light in shiny arrays....
Fossil Moth Still Shows Its Colors
Many butterflies and moths have colors that show a metallic sheen. That sheen occurs because the refracting material in their wings and bodies is spread out in layers precisely as thin as the wavelengths...
Dead Sea Sediment Core Confirms Genesis
Israel's Dead Sea, also called the Salt Sea, lies over 1,000 feet below sea level and is the site of certain ancient events recorded in the Bible. Some scientists thought the sea is too salty to...
Human Jawbone Size Reflects Diet, Not Just Lineage
Many people in the post-industrialized era have problems with crowded teeth because there's not enough room in their lower jaws. The teeth sometime erupt crookedly and cause malocclusions, or misalignments...
Fish Sound-Making Muscles Show No Evolution
An international team of biologists recently reported on the supposed evolution of sound production in perch-like fishes. Researchers know that some fish cause their swimbladders to vibrate by using...
Some Atheists Go to Church for Kids
A recent study found that about one in five scientists who say they are atheists or agnostics actually attend church or some other religious institution, and the main reason may be because of their...
Study Shows Bird Species Change Fast
Biologists recently found that feather colors and songs vary among some species within the South American genus Sporophila, also known as seedeater birds. But strangely, they did not find any genetic...
Whales in the Desert?
Workers expanding a highway in 2010 found fossils of 80 huge whales in desert sandstones in Chile, prompting questions of how they died and why they were so well preserved. Clearly, a catastrophe...
Shrimp Shells Inspire New Biodegradable Material
Harvard's Wyss Institute specializes in designing new materials and devices that mimic patterns found in living things. Their latest contribution was inspired by the versatile material found in...
Another 'Goldilocks' Planet Stirs ET Hopes
In late 2010, news media were abuzz about a very distant planet that astronomers thought might be just right for life because it appeared to be orbiting in the "habitable zone" of its star.1...
Evolution Can't Explain Organic Fossils
Chitin is a biological material found in the cuttlebones, or internal shells, of cuttlefish. It has a maximum shelf life of thousands of years, and yet researchers recently verified—using three...
Fossil Cuttlefish Has Original Tissue
Cuttlefish are mollusks that look somewhat like squid. They have an internal, hard, supportive structure with soft organs around and inside it. This resilient "cuttlebone" is made of cleverly...
Skin Sample Is Two Million Years Old?
Many believe that fossils represent organisms that died millions of years ago. Scientific literature, however, contains dozens of well-described original soft tissues in fossils. Since laboratory tests...
Is the Cambrian Explosion Problem Solved?
Cambrian rock layers contain many strange animal fossils, and very few fossils appear in layers below them. Called the "Cambrian explosion of life," the creatures in these layers come from...
'Zombie Worms' Ate Mediterranean Fossil
Osedax worms—also called "zombie" worms—live off the bones of dead creatures. Several species of Osedax surfaced in Monterey Bay, California, in 2002, and evidence of...
What Magnetized the Moon?
The 1969 moon landing was one of the crowning achievements of mankind. And magnetic moon rocks were some of its most mysterious discoveries, showing that they hardened in the presence of a magnetic...
Is New Fossil a Bird-Eating Dinosaur?
A new fossil was uncovered in China with bird bones in its ribcage—right where its stomach must have been. Researchers consider it to be a predatory dinosaur that ate an adult bird just before...
Bacteria Share Light Spectrum with Plant Leaves
Plant leaves convert light into chemical energy for use in cells. Their biochemistry specifically absorbs the blue and red areas of the visible light spectrum. Now researchers have discovered that light-harvesting...
Perfect Molecule for Vision Shows Eyes Were Designed
The eye is an ingeniously designed biological mechanism. In 1802, William Paley used eyes as a clear illustration of what he called "contrivances," i.e., "well-designed machines."...
Freedom of Giving Threatened by Secular Forces
The Institute for Creation Research has certainly weathered its share of attacks during the last 41 years of service. The ICR body of work, showing the scientific credibility of the biblical creation...
Press Release 12 01 2011
State University Professor Sponsors Religious Discrimination in Texas Contact: Lawrence Ford, Director of Communications, Institute for Creation Research, 214-615-8300 DALLAS, Dec. 1,...
Distant Galaxies Look Too Mature for Big Bang
A gamma-ray burst passed through two far-distant galaxies on its way to earth, illuminating them like a cosmic backlight and shedding new light on models of the origin and structure of the universe....
More Transparency Needed in Science Textbooks, Museums
The number of retracted scientific papers has skyrocketed in the last decade. In 2010, two science editors started Retraction Watch, a blog dedicated to tracking science paper retractions. So far, the...
Mistakes and Misconduct in Science
"To err is human," according to the 18th-century English poet Alexander Pope. Human error is not uncommon, even in the area of scientific investigations. But the number of scientific papers...
Bird Fossils Offer Clues to Dinosaur Question
According to Genesis, all creatures of the earth were created within days of each other—including dinosaurs and humans. A common question in response to this is "If dinosaurs and man lived...
New Insights into Earth's Nitrogen-Balancing System
All living animals—whether herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore—need food, and plants are at the beginning of the food chain. Plants require a number of factors to regularly and reliably...
How Did Wolves Become Dogs?
From the tiny Chihuahua to the massive mastiff, the over 200 breeds of domesticated dogs come in a wide variety of different body sizes and proportions, hair lengths and textures, and demeanors.1...
Did Humans Cause Dinosaur Extinctions?
Like elephants and a few other animals, rhinoceroses are among the last of the large animals called "megafauna." Rhinos exist in African, Indonesian, Javan, Indian, and Sumatran varieties.1...
The Ingenious Way That Bacteria Resist Aging
Bacterial cells are singularly long-lived. They keep dividing for what seems like forever. But because they are made of biochemicals, their DNA and proteins should suffer damage similar to what any...
DNA Study Contradicts Human/Chimp Common Ancestry
Evolutionary biologists argue that since human and chimp DNA are nearly identical, both species must have evolved from a common ancestor. However, creation scientists have pointed out that their DNA...
'Dinosaur Plant' Evolution Stories Conflict
Cycads, also called "sago palms," are cone-bearing plants with long leathery shoots that often adorn dinosaur dioramas. Though there are about 11 living cycad genera, which further divide...
Top Geologist Releases Data on Noah's Ark Claim
One of the top geologists in the creation science community recently released data and analysis of wood samples allegedly taken from a structure on Mt. Ararat last year. Dr. Andrew Snelling, Director...
New Study Shows Enzymes Couldn't Evolve
According to evolutionary theory, chemicals must have somehow organized themselves into cellular life, presumably long ago. And that means that enzymes must have formed themselves, too. But enzymes...
Dam Detonation Illustrates Noah's Flood
On October 26, strategically placed explosives breached the Condit Dam in Washington state in order to reopen the White Salmon River to salmon and other aquatic animals. Upon detonation, the lake...
Archaeopteryx Is a Bird. . . Again
The fossilized bird known as Archaeopteryx has had quite a history of identity crises. Researchers once classified it as a "missing link" between dinosaurs and birds. It was considered to...
Dinosaurs Ate Rice
Just what did dinosaurs eat? One way researchers are finding out is by studying coprolites, or fossilized dinosaur dung. And as it turns out, some dinosaurs ate rice plants. But if flowering plants...
Did Astronomers Find an Evolving Planet?
A Hawaii-based astronomer announced at an October 19, 2011, NASA meeting the discovery of a young-looking planet forming near the star LkCa 15. "You can actually see the planet forming, as the...
New Study Can't Explain Blue Stragglers' Youth
Blue stragglers, according to NASA, "are older stars that acquire a new lease on life when they collide and merge with other stars."1 But a new study calls into question whether...
Earth Hit the 7-Billion Mark Too Late
The world's population will reach seven billion on October 31, 2011, according to the United Nations, and media outlets are heralding the issue of overcrowding on the planet. How long did it take...
Mercury's Fading Magnetic Field Fits Creation Model
Planets, including the earth, generate magnetic fields that encompass the space around them. Observations have shown that, like earth's, the planet Mercury's magnetic field is rapidly breaking...
Ancient Paint Workshop Challenges Human Evolutionary Story
In 2008, excavations in a South African cave uncovered two red-stained abalone shell bowls along with various tools in what was evidently a workshop where ochre and other ingredients were mixed, most...
Mercury's Surface Looks Young
NASA's Messenger spacecraft mission to Mercury has given scientists the opportunity to learn more about the properties of the solar system's innermost planet. After supposedly billions of years...
Could a Virus Jump-Start the First Cell?
Evolutionists have had a hard time imagining how mitochondria evolved. One theory is that these cellular powerhouses originated when bacteria invaded a primitive cell. A recent study deciphered the...
Did Dragonflies Really Predate Dinosaurs?
No flying machine or other creature has the aerial dexterity of dragonflies. They can fly upside-down and backward as easily as straight ahead. And they move so fast that researchers have to use high-speed...
Scientists Don't Know How Universe Works, Started
Perhaps no realm of inquiry is as fraught with fantastic speculation as the origin of the universe. Theories of how it could have come about naturally have regularly been proposed and discarded as new...
Mythical Planet Doesn't Solve Orbit Origins
It has always been impossibly difficult for astronomers to realistically explain how galaxies, stars, and planets might have formed through natural processes. To prop up their naturalistic theories,...
Scientists Discover New Clue to Geckos' Climbing Ability
Geckos can run just as easily along a wall or ceiling as they can across a floor. This is due to special pads on their toes, which can even grip glass. No man-made adhesive technology comes even close...
Letting the Science Speak for Itself
"Geology will survive creationist undermining," according to a recent commentary by Steven Newton in New Scientist. Newton is Programs and Policy Director for the National Center for Science Education...
Has Einstein's Limit on the Speed of Light Been Broken?
A consortium of 174 scientists at the CERN and LNGS laboratories announced on September 23, 2011, that they had observed neutrinos traveling 0.0024 percent faster than the speed of light.1...
That's a Fact
Here's something worth a post or a tweet. Today, the Institute for Creation Research debuts a new series of online video shorts called That's a Fact. The show is aimed at delivering fascinating facts...
Whale Study Confirms Evolutionary Trees Don't Work
"Phylogenies," or evolutionary trees, are diagrams that illustrate how certain plants or animals supposedly evolved and branched out from common ancestors. Charles Darwin drew one, usually referred to...
New Life Origins Theory Has Old Problems
Evolutionists have yet to figure out how life could have spontaneously developed from non-living chemicals. Richard Dawkins told New Scientist in 2009 that "the most profound unsolved problem in biology...
UK Atheists Push to Censor Academic Freedom
An atheist group is petitioning the British government to issue policy to censor academic freedom and push evolution-only indoctrination on primary school students in the United Kingdom. Celebrity...
Trace Metals Study Confirms Fossil Has Original Feathers
In 1993, a fossil of a long-tailed bird was found in China that still contained feathers and bones. The fossilized Confuciusornis sanctus is supposedly 120 million years old, but observation has shown...
Have Scientists Finally Found 'Dinofuzz'?
If dinosaurs evolved into birds, then fossils should show plenty of sequential transitional features between the two groups. For example, some evolutionists speculate that the earliest stages of feather...
NASA's Ocean Currents Study Confirms Providential Care
Virtually everybody knows that the world's oceans have currents. But few know who first discovered them, why they are important, or what can be gained by mapping them in greater detail. NASA's Aquarius...
The Plague: Birth of a Killer
The bacteria that cause the plague have killed many people throughout history.1 Scientifically named Yersinia pestis, the bacteria enter human and animal bodies often through flea bites. Although...
Design in DNA: Flexibility Is Just Right
Researchers are still uncovering the amazing properties of DNA, the long molecule used by living systems to carry information. It is the densest data storage system known. With all that biological information...
Transposon Behavior Negates 'Selfish Gene' Theory
In 1976, evolutionist Richard Dawkins eloquently described how he thought life on earth was characterized by selfish genes competing for propagation within the genomes of countless creatures.1...
Is Fossil Really a 'Game Changer' for Human Evolution?
Primate fossils discovered in South Africa in 2008 are being hailed as an evolutionary "game changer." ABC News recently reported that these fossils provide a "key link in the process of evolution that...
Nature Article Inadvertently Confirms Dinosaur Design
Sauropods, such as Diplodocus and Apatosaurus, were immense, four-footed dinosaurs. By their fossils, researchers know that their unique skeletal design features were specially equipped to support their...
Lightweight Star Should Not Exist
Astronomers have found a mysterious star that is made almost entirely of hydrogen and helium gas. According to naturalistic star formation theories, the star shouldn't exist, since it is missing massive...
Fossil Hand Points Away from Human Evolution
In 2010, a new candidate was announced for humanity's evolutionary tree…Australopithecus sediba.1 Now, recent analyses of its fossilized bones are being reported as further proof...
Study Says People Subconsciously Resist Creative Ideas
Most people would probably agree that creative ideas drive innovation. Along with many others past and present, recently retired Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs would certainly fall into the category...
50th Anniversary Edition of 'The Genesis Flood' Just Re.,.
How do you measure the impact of your life? Fortune? Fame? Power? What is it that determines your mark upon this world? For believers in Jesus Christ, we measure our success by our obedience to God, regardless...
First Cell's Survival Odds Not in Evolution's Favor
How did life begin? For those who reject the testimony of Genesis, the search is restricted to clues in nature. One such clue is the minimum essentials required for growth and reproduction. If that number...
Rare Supernova Recalls Missing Remnants Mystery
Astronomers have found "the supernova of a generation," according to University of California's Joshua Bloom.1 Sequential photographs show the star rapidly increasing in brightness as the supernova...
Were Viruses Created or Evolved?
Viruses have a bad reputation. They are ultra-tiny, well-designed machines that copy themselves in a process that sometimes causes disease in the organisms in which they reside. One class called retroviruses...
IBM Attempts to Build Computer 'Brain'
IBM researchers are working on a new computing device that could process massive data sets while using very little energy. It would also be able to quickly learn and remember patterns, which might make...
Human Languages Fit a Young Earth Model
According to the Bible, God introduced different human languages at Babel about 4,000 years ago.1 This brought about a dispersal and migration of the people assembled there, in accord with His...
Eye Evolution: Assumption, Not Science
The vertebrate eye is very well-constructed. Its many critical parts work together so that individual light photons are captured and converted into data that the brain then translates into a coherent visual...
Christian Professor Claims Genetics Disproves Historica.,.
National Public Radio recently interviewed Trinity Western University biologist Dennis Venema, who stated his belief that humans did not descend from Adam and Eve.1 Venema, an evangelical evolutionist,...
Feathers Missing from 'Feathered Dinosaur' Display
The Museum of Nature & Science in Dallas is currently running an exhibit called "Chinasaurs" that features dinosaur fossils discovered in China. Some of these fossils supposedly represent transitional...
Do Eyes Carry 'Scars of Evolution'?
In a recent piece in Scientific American, neuroscientist Trevor Lamb wrote that vertebrate eyes contain numerous defects that he called "the scars of evolution." He cited these "flaws" as powerful evidence...
RNA Discoveries Refute Key Evolutionary Argument
Pseudogenes, or "false genes," were initially thought to be mutated and useless genetic "junk" since they don't code for proteins. When they were first discovered, evolutionists claimed they were leftovers...
Continents Should Have Eroded Long Ago
According to standard evolutionary models, the earth is supposed to be 4.5 billion years old, and its continents supposedly formed 3.5 billion years ago. But if this is true, why haven't earth's landforms...
Butterflies Mimic Other Species with 'Amazing Supergene'
To the untrained eye, certain butterflies can look essentially identical to corresponding varieties of another species. This way they can evade predators, who won't eat them because the insects they're...
Earliest Fossil Shows Wood Could Not Evolve
Wood has long provided mankind with construction material, fuel, enjoyable scenery, and shade. One of the most abundant biological products in the world, wood consists of the thickened cell wall deposits...
Why Would Parasitic Worms Help Bowel Disease?
According to a recent report, one biotech company has plans to test and market a rather unusual treatment for certain autoimmune intestinal ailments like Crohn's disease…a concoction containing...
County Fair's Creation Booth Smeared by Media
A part-time nurse from West Bend, Wisconsin, set up an interactive creation-based booth with a sign reading "Interpret the Evidence" at a local county fair. The Wisconsin State Journal reported on Mary...
Evolutionary Paradox: Embryos Resist Tinkering
What steps are required to build a snail? Can natural selection, as described by evolutionary biologists, accomplish any of these steps? These questions were investigated in a recent report by Biola University...
Laetoli Footprints Out of Step with Evolution
Something or someone supposedly walked across volcanic mud 3.66 million years ago, leaving behind footprints discovered in modern-day Laetoli, Tanzania.1 Many who think modern humans evolved...
Evolution Delays Discovery of Dolphin Sensory Ability
Scientists have known for a while that dolphins use vision and sonar to find food and identify objects. But researchers recently discovered that dolphins also have electric sensory perception. After decades...
More Evidence Neandertals Were Human
Neandertals were an ancient people whose remains have been discovered in European caves and a few other places. Evolutionists once ardently taught that Neandertals were links in human evolution. However,...
Did Natural Gas Take Millions of Years to Form?
Coal, oil, and natural gas are precious earth materials that are used to power many modern human activities. It is commonly believed that these "fossil fuels" formed over millions of years after plant...
Early Bird Gets the Boot: Researchers Reclassify Archae.,.
Archaeopteryx has long been hailed as a "missing link" between birds and dinosaurs. After a recent analysis of a different fossilized creature, however, Chinese researchers concluded that Archaeopteryx...
Origin of Cells Study Uses Bad Science
Animal and plant cell DNA is so complicated that all the cellular machines that process, regulate, and manipulate it are constantly in need of cellular fuel. In fact, each animal and plant cell uses so...
Water Near Edge of Universe Bolsters Creation Cosmology
A tremendous cloud of water vapor envelops a quasar in distant space, according to new reports. Where did the water come from? A straightforward understanding of the biblical account of creation provides...
Fluctuations Show Radioisotope Decay Is Unreliable
Radioactive isotopes are commonly portrayed as providing rock-solid evidence that the earth is billions of years old. Since such isotopes are thought to decay at consistent rates over time, the assumption...
Messenger Spacecraft Confirms: Mercury Is Unique
Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, rotates so slowly that one day there lasts about 59 earth days. The planet has only three days in each of its years, and the sunny side is so hot that lead would...
Tadpole Faces Form by Bioelectric Patterning
How does a single-cell egg turn into a swimming, metabolizing, hunting tadpole? Common understanding holds that frog DNA carries the required instructional building plans. However, developmental biologists...
Evolution Controversy's Outdated, One-sided Exposure
Appealing to public emotions is a tool employed by politicians, media, and anyone trying to win supporters for a specific agenda. Naturally, such efforts can skew or omit facts, as is often the case...
Opals Can Form in Weeks
Modern geology is based on the notion that the physical properties of earth developed over long ages. But coal and oil can form quickly, even in hours.1 Mount St. Helens made mudstones in...
Do Hairless Fruit Fly Larvae Spell "Evolution"?
Does it matter whether the larvae of one fruit fly species have hairy backs while those of another are smooth? Well, for scientists who believe both species descended from the same ancestor population,...
Fossil Pigment Paints Long Ages into a Corner
The famous Confuciusornis sanctus fossil from China's northeast Liaoning Province contains patches that appear to be residue from the bird's original tissues. Long evolutionary ages should have made this...
Cambrian Shrimp Eyes Are 'Surprisingly Advanced'
Dragonflies dart with exceeding dexterity as they avoid obstacles and prey on other flying insects. This is made possible by the accuracy with which their eyes allow them to perceive their surroundings. In...
Green Fossil Leaves Point to Recent Catastrophe
The term "fossil" is typically associated with once-living things that have been turned into rock. But wood, leaves, mosses, and insects from an ancient forest in Maine were found preserved...
Peer Review Fails in Soft Tissue Study
by Brian Thomas, M.S., & Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D.  * The biggest problem currently faced by evolutionary paleontologists is how to explain the fact that original soft tissue…which...
Yeast Adapt, But Don't Evolve
Researchers recently studied yeast populations to test the concept of "evolutionary rescue," which is the supposed ability of organisms to "adapt rapidly through evolution" in response to environmental...
NASA Data Derail Nebular Hypothesis
The solar system is packed with wonders, from examples of geometric precision to evidences of a youthful origin. For over a century, some astronomers have theorized that the sun, planets, moons, and comets...
The Human Mutation Clock Is Ticking
With more samples of human genomes now available, researchers are able to find solutions to questions that just a few years ago they could only dream of answering. For example, how many new mutations…copying...
Missouri Flood Carves 'Badlands' Landscape
In early spring 2011, crop yield in Missouri farmland along the Mississippi River looked promising, with rows of plants just beginning to grow. But record rainfall threatened to overfill the river and...
Latest Soft Tissue Study Skirts the Issues
For the past two decades, paleontologist Mary Schweitzer has been at the cutting edge of research demonstrating that certain dinosaur remains contain original soft tissue. Of course, since this material...
Universe's Matter Is Too Clumpy
On June 10, ICR News featured a report on the latest "sky map," an immense 3-D look at distant galaxies that clearly shows that matter is concentrated in massive clumps separated by giant voids.1...
Miss USA 'Believes' in Evolution
An interesting question on evolution cropped up during the web interviews for the contestants of the recent Miss USA pageant. The event aired on network television June 19, 2011, but the interviews...
Young Comet Challenges Solar System Formation Story
Comet Hartley 2 is an odd, dumbbell-shaped object that rotates as it tumbles along its orbit. One end spews carbon dioxide gas so violently that it regularly throws off chunks of ice as it travels around...
'Wildly Unexpected' Galaxies Defy Simple Naturalistic E.,.
God said in Isaiah 45:12: "I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded." 1 Corinthians 15:41 states, "There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon,...
Thrilling Response to Creation Expo at Prestonwood Baptist
What a delight to see the faces of youngsters hearing the Word of God! Knowing that nearly 7,000 kids here in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex were learning about God our Creator has been quite a blessing...
More Evidence of King Solomon's Copper Mine
The remains of an ancient copper mining and smelting center lie near the Dead Sea in modern-day Jordan. One of the largest of its kind, it may be one of the legendary mines belonging to King Solomon. Many...
Animal Kingdom Already Had Underwater Divers and Solar-.,.
Scuba divers can explore underwater depths firsthand because of specialized equipment that was developed in just the last century. Likewise, solar-powered airplanes currently in development promise to...
Study Demonstrates Babies Reason Logically Before They .,.
Among living creatures, only humans can think about thinking. Researchers recently performed a new set of cognitive tests on one-year-olds to discover how soon humans develop the ability to reason. Their...
Journal Censors 'Second Law' Paper Refuting Evolution
For life to have evolved from non-life, atoms and molecules would have had to move from a state of lower to greater organization and self-assemble into precise arrangements. But the second law of thermodynamics...
Prestonwood Creation-Themed VBS Teaches Science, Script.,.
Prestonwood Baptist Church launched its Creation Expo Vacation Bible School at two of its three church locations in the Dallas metroplex this week, drawing thousands of kids from the area to learn about...
Northern Lights Display Earth's Designed Protection
The sun is having hot flashes again. NASA reported that on June 7 a "dramatic solar flare" was flung out into space.1 Such flares release particles that can collide with earth's atmosphere and...
San Angelo Biologist Suggests Children Don't Need All V.,.
Members of the Institute for Creation Research staff recently gave a series of presentations and workshops at the Concho Valley Homeschool Conference in San Angelo, Texas, presenting the young-earth creation...
Out of Place Marine Fossil Disrupts Evolutionary Index
A Cambrian rock layer is considered to be "Cambrian" because of the particular fossils it contains. But what does it mean when a rock layer designated as "Ordovician" contains distinctly Cambrian fossils?...
The Cost of Adaptations Limits Evolution
Living forms supposedly evolved by adapting to environmental challenges. It is generally assumed that they did this by gradually acquiring the needed genetic mutations until brand new features arose and...
New Sky Map Shows Big Bang Even More Unlikely
Few questions hold more intrigue than that of how the universe began. Although the Bible provides a written account of this obviously miraculous event, some reject it and try to explain the origin of the...
Young Blue Stars Found in Milky Way
The Hubble Space Telescope, which had been programmed to search for planets, has found 42 "oddball" blue stars in the Milky Way galaxy. These stars burn so brightly that they consume their fuel much faster...
More Proof That Dinosaurs Lived with 'Later' Creatures
According to evolution, dinosaurs lived during an age when birds and non-reptile land creatures were either present in just a few "primitive" forms or not at all. But a recent National Geographic...
Louisiana Academic Freedom Challenge Deferred
A Louisiana state senate bill was introduced in April of this year in an effort to repeal the Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA), which went into law in 2008 to protect teachers if they introduce material...
Harold Camping, Rob Bell, and the Search for the Histor.,.
Is it true that Adam and Eve are merely fictional characters in a divine opera found in the opening pages of Genesis? That's what the June 2011 cover story in Christianity Today is suggesting, quoting...
Humans Were Made for Walking
Various scientific studies have examined the mechanics of human locomotion. It looks as though mankind was made with an extremely efficient walking "gear." Can evolution be legitimately credited with the...
Genetics Analysis of Jews Confirms Genesis
A team of geneticists recently analyzed 6,529 individual genomes, representing 107 different human populations.1 They found genetic traces of African ancestry in various people groups and estimated...
Genetic Stop Sign Halts Evolutionary Explanations
Fruit flies, the subject of over a century of intense investigation, have not ceased yielding secrets. In a study published in 1980, core fruit fly genes were altered, one by one, and the resulting plethora...
Scan of Amber-Trapped Spider Shows Recent Origin
A piece of oxygen-darkened amber was said to hold a particular arachnid, but it wasn't clearly visible. Scientists made a surprising discovery when a computed tomography scan was able to produce a finely...
Embryonic Tissue Development Needs More than Just DNA
For many creatures, embryonic development involves the amazing unfolding of a single cell into an animal with billions of cells, each with a specific structure and function. How does a small ball of identical...
Self-Cloning Lizards Fit for Survival
More than 80 varieties of fish, amphibian, and reptile mothers are able to lay eggs that have not been fertilized and yet produce offspring. In a process called "parthenogenesis," these eggs...
'Old' Galaxy Found in 'Young' Part of the Universe
Because of the amount of time it takes distant light to reach earth, the farther away an object is, the further back in time it appears to be. Thus, peering through a telescope is like peering into the...
Despite 'Magma Ocean' Discovery, Io's Volcanic Heat Rem.,.
Jupiter's moon Io may have a very short name, but it definitely has the highest volcanic activity of any object in the solar system. Littered with volcanoes, its unique surface sports a massive active...
BioLogos Leader Giberson Resigns
The theistic evolutionary think tank BioLogos has announced that Executive Vice President Karl Giberson recently resigned his post. In a May 16 article, BioLogos president Darrel Falk confirmed Giberson's...
Evolutionary Leftovers in DNA? Not So, Says New Study.
Francis Collins and Karl Giberson, prominent participants of the BioLogos Forum, have suggested that Christians should believe in evolution because it has been confirmed by science. They relied on a category...
T. Rex Toddler Answers Noah's Ark Questions
In 2006, the fossil of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus-like dinosaur named Tarbosaurus was collected from the Gobi Desert. Investigators examined the fossil in detail this year and estimated that the creature...
Cellular Circuit Boards Circumvent Evolutionary Causes
The human body has trillions of cells, each one equipped with about a billion molecules. The cells must interact constantly through countless chemical reactions in order for the body to survive and function....
'Living Fossil' Horsetails Confirm Creation
Horsetail plants inhabit the margins of ponds, where they take root below the water's surface and grow out into the air. Where did these unique plants come from? Evolutionists assert that they evolved...
Carbon Dating of '70 Million Year Old' Mosasaur Soft Ti.,.
Over the past three years, ICR News has featured over 20 cases of original soft tissues found in fossilized remains around the world.1 Since tissues like skin and cartilage are known to spontaneously...
Green River Formation Fossil Has Original Soft Tissue
The Green River Formation, a sedimentary feature of Wyoming and northern Colorado, is widely recognized for its high quality fossils of fish and other creatures. It has been dated at 40 million years...
Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria Did Not Evolve
Certain classes of antibiotics can no longer eliminate a resistant strain of common skin-covering bacteria. This new strain can now cause infections as it grows amidst the non-resistant strains that are...
SETI Funding Linked to Belief in Evolution
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute, or SETI, was founded in 1984 to detect signals from faraway alien beings. The National Science Foundation and the State of California are among SETI's...
Hi-Tech Eye Design in a Lowly Mollusk
Human eyes are well-designed to see objects using light transmitted through air, but not through water, because light travels at a different speed through the two media. However, intertidal-dwelling marine...
New Galaxy Model Leaves Old Questions Unanswered
According to evolutionary astronomers, the arching "arms" that protrude from spiraling galaxies are supposedly 10 billion years old.1 But because the inside stars rotate faster...
ICR Launches Online Apologetics Degree
For more than 40 years, the Institute for Creation Research has been the leader in scientific research, education, and media from a biblical creation point of view. Holding Scripture as sacred and...
Can Evolution Hurdle the 'Mutation Protection Paradox'?
A new study published in The Open Evolution Journal described a paradox that particles-to-people evolution has failed to resolve. Called the "mutation protection paradox," it could be an intractable problem...
Insect Fossil Flies in the Face of Gradual Evolution
Never before had the fossil of a flying insect been discovered in Carboniferous rocks, which are said to be over 300 million years old. But now, amazing impressions have been found in "sandstone with thin...
Jurassic Spider: What's in a Name?
A massive fossilized spider has set a new size record. It looks like today's golden orb-weavers, which are large enough to dine on small birds. This discovery, in conjunction with similar ones, presents...
'Demon Reptile' Is Not a Missing Link
The skull of a previously unknown dinosaur with interesting teeth and a unique head shape was uncovered in Ghost Ranch, New Mexico. The technical description that appeared in the journal Proceedings of...
Did Flower Study Catch Evolution in the Act?
When two species of daisy are crossed, the resulting daisies should look a little like each parent…right? That's not what researchers recently discovered in a new study published in Current Biology....
Historic 'Primordial Soup' Study Yields New Data, But N.,.
When Stanley Miller passed away in 2007, his vials from the famous Miller-Urey origin of life experiments went to marine chemist Jeffrey Bada. Newer, more sensitive techniques were used on the old residue...
Fruit Fly DNA Not as Well Known as Scientists Thought
The world of biology was stunned when ENCODE, a massive consortium of researchers, announced in 2007 that it had found virtually no inactive "junk DNA" in the one percent of the human genome that it intensively...
Shark Jaw Opens Questions about Coal Formation
While bolting the roof of a coal mine in western Kentucky, miner Jay Wright found an 18-inch-long fragment of a fossil shark jawbone with teeth still attached. The local National Public Radio affiliate...
Duplicated Plant Genes Don't Solve Darwin's 'Abominable.,.
According to evolutionary history, all the great varieties of flowering plant kinds descended from the first flowering plant, which itself was a descendant of a non-flowering plant. So somehow, genes containing...
Chameleon Tongue Inspires Robotic Design
The chameleon is a special lizard with a unique mode of hunting—a projectile tongue that can extend twice its body length to latch on to prey. Although this creature's spring-loaded feeding...
Dinosaur Fossil 'Wasn't Supposed to Be There'
Workers with the Canadian energy company Suncor unearthed ankylosaur remains while mining oil sands near Fort McMurray in Alberta. The carcass of the four-legged land creature was not flattened, as is...
Algae Invaders Actually Benefit Their Salamander Hosts
Algal cells and cell parts are known to live inside the cells of an array of sea creatures, including certain sea slugs and jellyfish.1 Over 100 years ago, algae were found in association with...
Bill Questioning Evolution Passes in Tennessee House
Tennessee's House of Representatives has passed an academic freedom measure that would allow teachers in public science classrooms to present the strengths and weaknesses of controversial issues, such...
New Images Show Far Side of the Moon Looks Young
NASA recently released the most detailed images yet of the "far" side of the moon, or the side that faces away from earth.1 The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter took thousands of images that were...
Chinese Dinosaurs Were Fossilized by Flood
Teeth and fossil bone fragments from a meat-eating T. rex-like dinosaur were discovered in a Chinese dinosaur bone bed. The remains indicate that the creature measured over 30 feet from nose to tail.1...
Utah Dinosaur Petroglyph Disputed
Underneath a spectacular rock formation in Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah is a rock carving that resembles a sauropod dinosaur. The petroglyph has been presented as evidence supporting the biblical...
Does Thinking of Death Make Intelligent Design More App.,.
Discovery News reported on recent research that suggested people who believe in intelligent design theory (IDT) and reject evolutionary theory (ET) as an explanation for the origins of life do so not necessarily...
North America's Oldest Inhabitants Found in Texas
Museums with illustrations of early North American human inhabitants often assert that the first peoples on the continent were the Clovis natives who lived during the Ice Age. But a handful of archaeological...
Why Is 'Pseudogene' the Same in Chimps and Humans?
What does it mean when two different species have the same "break points" in a supposedly broken gene? Does it suggest that God created them with similar features, or does it show that the two species...
Japan's Earthquake Altered the Length of a Day
Japan's disastrous March 11 earthquake has had a lasting geologic impact on the earth. Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology preliminarily found that it moved the planet's rotation axis...
Promoting Christ-centered Home Education
Bible-believing parents who choose to homeschool their children do so for a number of important reasons, but many, if not most, choose this path in order to safeguard the godly upbringing of their children....
Bill Would Prevent Texas Colleges from Discriminating a.,.
A bill recently introduced to the Texas House of Representatives would protect faculty and students at public colleges in the state from discrimination for holding views antithetical to Darwinian evolution. The...
'Oldest Fossils' Are Just Naturally Occurring Minerals
Scientists have been going back and forth over whether certain microscopic features in very old rocks were caused by lifeless minerals or living bacteria. Because of where these rocks are situated in the...
Does Japan Earthquake Signal the End Times?
The effects of the Japan earthquake of March 11, 2011, broadcasted on television made it one of the most terrifying natural events ever displayed in near real time. Several large earthquakes have occurred...
A Time to Keep Silent, and a Time to Speak
One of the most defining and demanding statements that our Lord Jesus made about Himself remains an inescapable truth to this day: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,...
Has the Lost City of Atlantis Been Found?
"I think we've found the best candidate for what was the beginnings of civilization," said University of Hartford in Connecticut archaeologist Richard Freund on local NBC television news.1...
Japan Tsunami Demonstrates Destructive Power of Water
The March 11 offshore 9.0-scale earthquake pushed a massive surge of water over Japan that decimated large areas of its coast and killed thousands of inhabitants. The human toll is not yet fully known,...
Heat of Saturn Moon Far Surpasses Long-age Expectations
Enceladus, a small moon that orbits in the E-ring of the planet Saturn, has provided a number of surprising astronomical discoveries in recent years. A new report shows it once again defying expectations....
Latest 'Life from Outer Space' Claim Is Shot Down
Has alien life really been found on a meteorite? A recent title in Nature News provides a succinct answer: "The aliens haven't landed."1 The article offered a sweeping refutation of NASA scientist...
'Periodic Table for Flies' Is Guesswork, Not Science
Researchers have constructed a new evolutionary tree for flies that purports to show which types of fly likely evolved into other types. Researchers call this map the "new periodic table for flies."1...
Galactic Cluster Found Far Out of Place
If complicated living things arose through eons of evolution, and if lower rock layers represent the earth long ago before those eons occurred, then complicated life forms should only exist near the top―after...
Chambered Nautilus Study Offers Clue to Ammonite Extinction
The chambered nautilus, also known as the pearly nautilus, is a mollusk with a beautiful, symmetrical shell that is divided into buoyancy-controlling chambers. Few of these amazing sea creatures remain,...
Academic Freedom Up for Vote in Home of Scopes
Tennessee…home of the legendary Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925…will be voting on legislation that evolutionists lament will "force creationism" into public science classrooms. House Bill 368...
Conference Concludes Origin of Life Research Is at a St.,.
Where did the first living cell come from? According to The Independent, Charles Darwin "was flummoxed by the ultimate mystery of mysteries: what led to the origin of life itself?"1 Since Darwin's...
Bill Nye the Evolution Guy
"The main idea in all of biology is evolution," Bill Nye recently told Popular Mechanics.1 He was responding to the results of a Penn State survey of U.S. high school biology teachers, only...
Survey Results: Evolution Weak in Public Schools Despit.,.
Pennsylvania State University political scientists recently published a report in the journal Science titled "Defeating Creationism in the Courtroom, But Not in the Classroom." They cited the 2005 Kitzmiller...
Human Hand Capabilities Impossible to Duplicate
The human hand is undeniably a work of wonder. Its layout and suite of design features enable mankind―the only possessors of this particular arrangement of bones, tendons, muscles, and nerves―to...
Fish Designed to Tolerate Poison
Biologists recently discovered how tomcod…a smaller variation of cod…have thrived in the polluted waters of the Hudson River. The reports on their research are soaked in evolutionary jargon,...
Test Scores Suggest American Students Struggle to Think.,.
A report issued earlier this year by the U.S. Department of Education found that American students struggle with science. The DOE sampled approximately 318,000 fourth, eighth, and twelfth graders from...
Flower 'Evolves' in the Wrong Direction
Just one genus of flowering plant, Veronica, includes over 450 different species. They share similarities with other flower genera, some of which have radially symmetrical flowers and others with bilaterally...
Shared Genes Undercut Evolutionary Tree
Darwinian evolution asserts that a single original organism morphed over countless generations into the modern known life forms. Each species alive today would therefore represent the tip of its own "branch"...
Study Shows Humans Are Uniquely Designed for Music
Unlike other creatures, humans can compose, record, and enjoy music. A new study has identified a brain chemical that provides pleasure when people listen to certain music. Where did this amazing ability...
Woodpecker Inspires Designers, Knocks Evolution
When boring into wood in search of food, a woodpecker exerts so much force with each strike that its beak should crumble, its skull should crack, and its brain should be reduced to mush. However, a...
Paleozoic Scorpion Exoskeleton Gainsays Assigned Age
Among land-dwelling arthropods, the sheer number of just ants and beetles that live and die each year is phenomenal. And ocean krill exist in even higher numbers. Each of these creatures leaves behind...
Human Foot Bone Misidentified as Lucy's
For years, museum displays have featured the small extinct ape Australopithecus afarensis. The first specimen, discovered in 1974 and nicknamed "Lucy," was presented as having clearly human eyes, feet,...
Repeat DNA Function Negates Classic Evolutionary Argument
Certain repetitive DNA sequences have long been viewed as "confirmation" of evolution. Since they are not genes that code for proteins, they were considered to be unnecessary. Therefore, they were supposedly...
New Direct Fossil Dating Technique Promises to Fail
Three geologists have reported what they called the first "successful" direct dating of dinosaur bone. Will this new radioisotope dating (or radiodating) technique solve the problems that plagued older...
Scientists Try to Duplicate Clam Glue and Bacterial Biofilm
Many clams glue themselves onto a solid surface like a rock or coral reef to keep from being tossed about by the surf. The "glue" sets when wet and is extremely strong, partly because tiny...
Can Scientists Now Directly Date Fossils?
A trio of geologists has published what they called the first successful direct dating of dinosaur bone. They used a new laser technique to measure radioisotopes in the bone, yielding an age of millions...
'Simple' Amoebas Can Farm Bacteria
Not long ago, scientists discovered that what they thought was a spore-bearing fungal slime mold was actually a temporary congregation of forest-floor, single-cell amoebas. This presented evolutionists...
Bone-eating Worms Show Fossils Formed Fast
Marine biologists made a surprising discovery in 2002 when they found a unique species of worm that devours the bones of whale carcasses on the ocean floor. Ongoing research conducted off the coast of...
Life Thrives amid Chernobyl's Leftover Radiation
Twenty-five years ago, the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl in northern Ukraine melted down in a radiation-spewing catastrophe. The reactor was capped with tons of concrete and a wide surrounding area called...
Has Salt-Trapped Bacteria Been Living on Algae for Mill.,.
Scientists have believed that certain salt deposits are millions of years old. Live bacteria found within the deposits, however, are calling those age assignments into question. A new theory has been offered...
50-Year Study Shows Coral 'Clocks' Unreliable
Some biologists like to say that massive coral reefs represent more than 100,000 years of growth, supposedly nullifying the Bible's account of a world that is only thousands of years old. However, many...
Could Wooly Mammoths Be Brought Back?
Japanese scientists are hoping to clone a mammoth and effectively bring an extinct animal variety back to life. Such a feat would involve recovering high-quality DNA from the frozen tissue of a mammoth...
'Evolution' Advertisement Refutes Evolution Metaphor
On a Dallas highway near the Institute for Creation Research offices, a billboard advertising a new computer reads, "The laptop has just evolved." Likely, the statement is not meant to be taken...
Fossil Discovery Reshuffles Dino Evolution Again
A newly discovered dinosaur has forced another re-write of the evolutionary dinosaur origins story. The tiny Eodromaeus skeleton unearthed in South America "boots out" the previously designated dinosaur...
Exoplanet Discoveries Demolish Planet Formation Theories
How do planets form? This question has been asked by philosophical naturalists for decades, but the more they learn about planets near and far, the less their nature-only theories fit what is observed....
'Cavemen' Diet Was Far from Primitive
Countless schoolchildren have been told that they evolved from cavemen who wore no clothes, communicated in grunts, and were primitive hunters. But many of their teachers can't answer the question "how...
Ancient Winery Found Near Mount Ararat
A research team recently discovered an ancient winepress very near Mount Ararat, the historically held resting place for Noah's Ark. Could this site be related to the winery Noah founded in Genesis 9? According...
Animal Play Continues to Evade Evolutionary Explanation
According to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, an organism's behavior is supposedly motivated by the biological imperative of survival. How, then, can it explain traits that are irrelevant to survival—such...
Brain's Complexity 'Is Beyond Anything Imagined'
The brain has for a long time been compared to man-made computers in its astounding ability to process, store, and route information. But a new imaging technique has revealed that just one brain's connections...
Ancient Teeth Overturn Human Evolution
The evolutionary age assignment for mankind just doubled, according to new research. Teeth were discovered in an Israeli cave in a context of unprecedented age for human remains. This evidence refutes...
ID Smear 'Presents No New Arguments'
The late 20th century saw the development of what has come to be known as the Intelligent Design movement, which holds that certain features of the universe and living creatures are best explained by an...
Mummified Forest Highlights Post-Flood Ice Age
Scientists found a mummified forest in 2010 on northern Canada's Ellesmere Island. It had apparently been buried by a landslide long ago and was exposed by receding ice and glaciers. How those trees...
Origins Breakthroughs of 2010: Cell Biology and Genomics
Every year brings new scientific discoveries that shed light on the past. The Institute for Creation Research is dedicated to the study of origins from a biblical perspective, and ICR News has compiled...
Origins Breakthroughs of 2010: Astronomy
Every year brings new scientific discoveries that shed light on the past. The Institute for Creation Research is dedicated to the study of origins from a biblical perspective, and ICR News has compiled...
Origins Breakthroughs of 2010: Paleontology
Every year brings new scientific discoveries that shed light on the past. The Institute for Creation Research is dedicated to the study of origins from a biblical perspective, and ICR News has compiled...
Origins Breakthroughs of 2010: Zoology
Every year brings new scientific discoveries that shed light on the past. The Institute for Creation Research is dedicated to the study of origins from a biblical perspective, and ICR News has compiled...
Origins Breakthroughs of 2010: Human Genetics
Every year brings new scientific discoveries that shed light on the past. The Institute for Creation Research is dedicated to the study of origins from a biblical perspective, and ICR News has compiled...
Towers of Hanoi No Match for Puzzle-Solving Ants
A game that has traditionally stumped many people has proven to be no problem for ants. They were even able to find alternate solutions when the old ones were blocked. Scientists are hoping this humble...
Magnetic Field Data Confirm Creation Model
Today, the earth's magnetic field strength is steadily decreasing, but in the past it fluctuated. A recent study of an ancient copper mine in southern Israel indicated just how quickly those fluctuations...
Origin of Life Studies Cancel Each Other
In 2009, Brown University biology professor Ken Miller wrote in the journal New Scientist that "the most profound unsolved problem in biology is the origin of life itself."1 Actually,...
'New' Flood Theory Echoes Creation Research
A UK researcher has proposed that fluctuating sea levels several thousand years ago may have displaced Middle Easterners living on land now beneath the Indian Ocean, their settlements flooded by the rising...
The Mysteries of Stunning Soft Tissue Fossil Finds
The controversial soft tissue finds of North Carolina State University paleontologist Mary Schweitzer are gaining renown, and for good reason. She found organic material in fossilized dinosaurs and other...
Hyped Arsenic Bacteria Research 'Should Not Have Been P.,.
NASA recently issued a series of press releases and arranged a press conference to promote research claiming that life was possible in outer space.1, 2 However, the research drew heavy criticism...
Did Electricity-Conducting Bacteria Evolve in the Lab?
What if there were not a fast or effective way to get rid of sewage waste? The world would be a pretty disgusting place. Thankfully, the earth is equipped with a host of organisms that survive on...
Arsenic-Eating Bacteria: A New Frontier in Life Science?
The six most common elements in living things are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and phosphorus. Although some have considered the possibility that other elements could serve the same functions...
Parasitic Worms Help Heal Intestines
Some people challenge the existence of the Christian God by asking questions like “If God always has good intentions and is all-powerful, why would He make things like parasitic worms that harm other...
Five Consequences of Having Been Created
Evolutionists have long held that the human body contains “useless” biological structures that are “vestiges” of an evolutionary history of repeated transformations. Recently, North...
New Comet Origins Idea Adds New Problems
Comets continue to confound cosmologists, who often assert that the small celestial bodies came from the “Oort Cloud,” a theoretical group of planetary leftovers that supposedly orbits the...
Does Medical School Need Courses in Evolution?
In a recent issue of the journal The Scientist, University of Florida College of Medicine professor Leonid Moroz lamented the current lack of graduate program courses on the supposed basics of evolutionary...
Anti-God Ads--Money Well Spent?
Like paper cuts from wrapping presents and the sound of small children screaming in the laps of mall Santas, anti-God advertisements seem to have become a Christmas tradition. Their messages range from...
Evolution's 'Best' Examples
If Charles Darwin could see today's best examples of evolution, would he be elated or depressed? The well-known British naturalist popularized the idea of "natural selection," speculating that...
The Latest 'Explanation' for Design? Pure Luck.
The idea of evolutionary descent with modification holds that all the various kinds of living organisms arose through some natural step-by-step process—a concept that many have believed since Charles...
Where Is the Universe Headed--to Order or Chaos?
Mainstream cosmology holds that the orderliness found throughout the universe came from chaotic beginnings. In this scenario, matter and energy were flung outward and then gradually coalesced into structured...
Louisiana to Vote on Science Textbooks
In 2008, public science education and academic freedom enjoyed a victory with the passing of the Louisiana Science Education Act.1 The act, signed into law by Governor Bobby Jindal, allows...
Eye Optimization in Creation
The more that is known about the human body, the more amazing its construction turns out to be. A recent New York Times article focused on eyeball optimization: "[The] basic building blocks of human...
Mutation Study Contradicts Evolution
Biology textbooks teach that mutations added the high-quality genetic information needed to transmutate a fish into a monkey—even though experiments have shown that mutations merely corrupt the information...
Studies Show Extinct Reptiles Moved with Grace and Ease
"Scientists have struggled for decades to figure out how giant pterosaurs could become airborne and some recent proposals have simply assumed it must have been impossible," according to Michael...
'Remarkably Preserved' Shrimp Is 350 Million Years Old?
Researchers from Ohio University found a shrimp buried in a layer of limestone in Oklahoma. The fossil has been deemed to be the oldest shrimp ever discovered, stretching the purported evolutionary history...
NYU Prof Sides with Matthew, Not Darwin, on Fossil Record
Charles Darwin is widely credited with providing the first proper treatment of "natural selection" in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species. He portrayed it as a natural law with intelligent...
No Fruit Fly Evolution Even after 600 Generations
Many Americans believe that the big-picture story of evolution, as biology professors routinely expound it, is false.1 Basically, they haven't bought into the concept that all life descended...
Genomes Have Remarkable 3-D Organization
Almost every nook and cranny of living cells investigated by scientists has yielded a new level of unforeseen and complicated organization. For example, before it was discovered, who would have suspected...
NASA Photographs Young Comet
Comets have fascinated their viewers throughout human history. Where did they come from? What are they made of? How did they start orbiting the sun? How old are they? Modern technology is helping to provide...
Purpose-driven Drift: Francis Collins and the Doctrine .,.
Dr. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and recent keynote speaker at ICR's 40th anniversary celebration in Dallas, published an online article on November 9 in which...
New Genomes Project Data Indicate a Young Human Race
In 2008, an extensive international effort was begun to sequence in unprecedented detail over 1,000 representative human genomes from around the world. The results of three preliminary pilot projects were...
Students' Freedom of Speech Speaks Volumes
Generally, a hoard of rebellious schoolchildren is one of the last things anyone wants to encourage. But religious leaders and First Amendment advocates can cheer for some Tennessee students who, despite...
Cache of Amber in India Looks Young
Masses of amber, ranging in size "from sand grains to several centimeters"1 in diameter, have been excavated from coal mines in western India. While scientists are excited by the many...
Naturalist Rejects Natural Selection, Appeals to Chaos
Since its inception, Charles Darwin's story that life evolved in response to environmental pressures has not been supported by what is actually observed in nature. Despite this, it has been universally...
Neandertals Mixed with Humans in China
Neandertal remains are mostly found in European caves. So when Neandertal-like characteristics were discovered among a fossilized jawbone and teeth in South China, it was cause for further investigation....
Bees Solve Math Problems Faster Than Computers
Bees can solve complex mathematical problems that would normally keep computers busy for days, according to a new report from UK researchers.1 Through careful observation, University of London...
How Long Can Cartilage Last?
School children have been told that it takes long ages for a fossil to form and that fossils have been buried under deep rock layers for millions of years. However, increasing discoveries of fossils with...
Study Demonstrates Complex Cells Could Not Evolve from .,.
One mystery that naturalists have yet to solve is how randomly shaped and distributed chemicals were organized, concentrated, and combined into the first living bacterial cell. The next great mystery is...
Ancient Wooden Door Has 'Remarkable' Design
Glimpses of the past can sometimes be unearthed in the most ordinary places. In a dig for an underground parking facility for the Zurich opera house in Switzerland, evidence of ancient human occupation...
Saying Goodbye to Giant Salamanders
Chinese giant salamanders are the largest in the world, with some in recent history growing as long as six feet. Lately, however, this unique amphibian has been driven toward extinction through loss of...
Did Evolutionary 'Tinkering' Produce Diverse Proteins?
The claim that all of today's animals came from one animal-like ancestor long ago seems wildly unreasonable. For this to happen, countless new and perfectly-fitted body parts, along with thousands of precisely...
'Under God' Stands in Texas Pledge
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled on October 13 that the words "under God" that appear in the Texas Pledge of Allegiance are constitutional. The term was added to the state...
Is Life Forming on Titan?
A team of investigators led by University of Arizona graduate student Sarah Horst has approximated, in a French lab, atmospheric conditions on Saturn's moon Titan. Through a series of experiments, they...
Giant Penguin Feather Poses Problem for Long Ages
Paleontologists at the University of Texas at Austin and other institutions have investigated the fossil of a giant penguin found in Peru. At five feet tall, it would have dwarfed today's largest living...
Another Setback for 'Junk' DNA
Scientists believed and taught for ages that only gene-coding DNA (which is a small fraction of DNA in human and other genomes) was functional. All other DNA was "junk" leftovers from a long...
Study Suggests Atheists Know More Religious Facts than .,.
Recent survey results released by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life suggest that atheists and agnostics know more about religion than evangelicals and Catholics. "On average, Americans correctly...
Computers Help Show the Mechanics of a Miracle
by Christine Dao and Brian Thomas* One of the more dramatic incidents in the Old Testament was the exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt, which included a miraculous crossing of the Red Sea. BBC...
Newfound Planet Is '100 Percent' Sure to Have Life?
A number of factors are required for life to exist--the presence of water, sustainable atmosphere, and appropriate temperature ranges, just to name a few. How many of these requirements should be observed...
What Makes an Attractive Woman Attractive?
Certain items seem to have just the right combination of shapes and colors to have universal aesthetic appeal. For example, few fail to appreciate the glory of a sunset on the beach, and many varieties...
Mars Atmosphere Could Be Young
Astronomers generally believe that Mars was formed billions of years ago. About 96 percent of the Red Planet's atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide.1 NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander...
Teen Finds Lobster Fossil with Original Shell
A "stunning" fossil was discovered by 15-year-old James Dickinson while he was fossil hunting at a beach in southern England. The area where he found it, Lyme Regis, is well known as a "treasure...
Cell Division Defies Evolutionary 'Just-so' Stories
Cell division seems comparatively straightforward when viewed under a microscope. One cell replicates itself and splits into two daughter cells, enabling an organism to develop, grow, and replace cells...
'Water Flea' Study Inadvertently Fits Genesis Mandate
Wild habitats are shrinking as the human population grows. Many wild creatures have increasingly fewer places to live or face deteriorating environments. Finding a method that would detect whether an organism...
Even Bacteria Seem to Follow the Golden Rule
Altruism is a real mystery for those who believe in a world ruled by "survival of the fittest." If perpetuation of one's genes is a biological imperative, why would any creature sacrifice its...
Newfound Kickboxing Dinosaur Has Puzzling History
Some dinosaurs had a "sickle-claw," made famous by the man-hunting Velociraptors in the movie Jurassic Park. Now, paleontologists have described a new dinosaur from Transylvania, Romania, that...
Where Did the Mimic Octopus Get Its Amazing Abilities?
The mimic octopus is, frankly, incredible. It can alter its shape, texture, and color to match poisonous and colorful sea creatures so accurately that it eluded detection by marine biologists for decades....
Hawking Says Universe Created Itself
Stephen Hawking, leading cosmologist and recently retired Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, has co-authored a new book, The Grand Design. In it, he claims that the universe did...
New Tools to Fight Germs...from Frog Skin?
Early in the 20th century, brilliant chemists generated pharmaceuticals in laboratories. But the cost/reward ratio of painstaking lab experiments turned out to be far greater than the cost/reward ratio...
Darwin and SUVs?
What does Charles Darwin have to do with the auto industry? For one Fortune writer, Darwin defines it. "At its best, the auto industry is Darwinistic, with the new and improved driving out the old...
What Caused the Extinction of Ice Age Animals?
Wooly mammoths, sabre-toothed tigers, and giant cave bears lived alongside man during the Ice Age. But while humans persisted, these big beasts--along with other "megafauna"--became extinct....
Mother of All Humans Lived 6,000 Years Ago
Inside a human cell's mitochondria--the tiny organelles that provide energy--there is a small and unique chromosome. This loop of DNA is passed from mother to child in every generation and provides...
The Sun Alters Radioactive Decay Rates
Many scientists rely on the assumption that radioactive elements decay at constant, undisturbed rates and therefore can be used as reliable clocks to measure the ages of rocks and artifacts. Most estimates...
Why Can't Science Start with the Bible?
A report that looked into a miracle Jesus performed over 2,000 years ago was recently retracted from a medical journal. Virology Journal had published the article written by Chinese researchers who detailed...
Beetle Larva Bifocals Are Better than Manmade
The eye is an amazing organ. It enables an organism to translate light into electro-chemical impulses that the brain can assemble into "images" of the world around it. Many types of eyes are...
Oil-eating Bacteria Are Cleaning Up Gulf
The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has spawned concerns regarding the long-term negative impact on the area's ecology, and especially on local fisheries. These worries are based on the assumption that...
The 'Animal Connection' Points to Creation, not Evolution
What do the oldest European artworks and the domestication of animals have in common? A Penn State University paleoanthropologist suggested that they are evidence of a unique connection with animals that...
New Finds and Possible Fraud Discredit 'Chimp Culture'
Do chimpanzees have their own culture? If so, some researchers would connect their behaviors to aspects of human culture, which they believe supports an evolutionary relationship. But current developments...
Contrary to Expectation, Extinct Sea Monsters Were Expe.,.
Mosasaurs were marine reptiles with large jaws and big teeth. Their fossils have been found on every continent, including Antarctica. They grew longer than 40 feet, and although they had fearsome jaws...
Continents Didn't Drift, They Raced
The theory of plate tectonics explains many earth features, like ocean floor trenches and sediment-free mid-ocean ridges made of hardened magma. The popular theory holds that continents drift slowly across...
'80 Million-Year-Old' Mosasaur Fossil Has Soft Retina a.,.
Mosasaur fossils have been recovered from Late Cretaceous rocks all over the world. Most are just a fossilized tooth or perhaps a loose rib or vertebra. Occasionally, several bones are discovered still...
Tiny Fish Rapidly Adapted to Cold Water. Was It Evolution?
Researchers have found that tiny fish called sticklebacks can adapt rapidly to a decrease in water temperature. This discovery adds to a long and growing list of animal trait variations that happen...
Are Sea Sponges Mostly Human?
Sponges have long been considered one of the "simplest" forms of life. Now an international team of scientists has analyzed sponge DNA and concluded that it shares representative genes associated...
Finch Duets Open Surprising Window on Bird Origins
Humans are in rare company when it comes to singing duets. Humpback whales perform original couples' songs, as do a handful of birds. It was thought that bird duets were just for mating purposes, but a...
DNA Study Offers New Take on Marsupial Migrations
Marsupials are mammals that nurture their young in a special pouch. Their fossils are rare. Few have been discovered in Australia, for example, which is home to several unique marsupials, including kangaroos....
Canadian Philosopher Insists 'We Are All African!'
Philosopher and secular humanist Christopher diCarlo claims that if humans trace their lineages far enough back in time, they will all have an African origin. He has been spreading his "We Are All...
Blob-like Fossil Doesn't Fit Evolution
The blob lives. Or at least, it has been reconstructed in a three-dimensional computer model. Researchers at Imperial College London cut a fossil into 200 pieces and scanned each piece into a computer...
Did 'Nature' Invent Oxygen-Carrying Systems...Twice?
An animal wouldn't grow larger than an insect without specialized equipment designed to transport oxygen to and carbon dioxide from cells deep inside its body. Fortunately, thousands of different...
Physicist Questions Gravity's Existence
Does gravity exist? While few would deny that objects attract at-a-distance, some physicists are questioning whether or not this universally observed effect is caused by a stand-alone force called "gravity."...
Embryonic Stem Cells Approved for First Human Trials
Stem cells from adults can be "coaxed" into becoming more specified tissues and used effectively for specific treatments. Stem cells from embryos, however, involve the destruction of a human...
Donkey Gives Birth to 'Zedonk'
For 25 years, donkeys and zebras at the Chestatee Wildlife Preserve have shared the same pasture while maintaining separate identities. When a donkey gave birth recently, zookeepers were surprised to see...
How Can Evolution Explain Opposite Genetic Effects?
To produce offspring, males and females contribute specialized reproductive cells called gametes--sperm cells from males and eggs from females. Most genes used to manufacture gametes differ from organism...
Experiment Shows Plant 'Intelligence'
Do plants think? They don't have brains or even neurons. But when scientists shined a light onto a leaf at the bottom of a plant, the entire plant "knew" how to react. Their studies uncovered...
100 Years of Fruit Fly Tests Show No Evolution
July 22, 2010, marked the 100th anniversary of genetic investigations using fruit flies. The first such study appeared in Science in 1910 and described the unexpected appearance of a male fruit fly with...
Blond Baby from Black Parents a Genetic Mystery
A British Nigerian couple--Ben and Angela Ihegboro--is not aware of any fair-skinned ancestors on either side of their families. Yet they gave birth to a blue-eyed, blond-haired, and fair-skinned baby...
How Trustworthy Is Science News?
Humans were not made to be experts in everything. C. S. Lewis was a master wordsmith, yet biographer Alan Jacobs noted that the Oxford fellow and later Cambridge professor struggled to count change from...
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