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Lawrence E. Ford, Sr. - Dr. Larry Vardiman, Senior Research Scientist at the Institute for Creation Research, has devoted 30 years to the defense of science that honors the Creator. June 2012 marked the retirement of Dr. Vardiman, who has blessed colleagues, students,...

Victory in Jesus - Jan 31, 2012
Lawrence E. Ford, Sr. - Asaph was a gifted music leader in ancient Israel, so he was used to seeing many worshipers come and go in the temple. While he didn’t write a tell-all book about his experiences, he did pen a few psalms in the Bible, and one in particular...

Lawrence E. Ford, Sr. - Wise King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes that there is really nothing new under the sun. While a lot of “progress” or “thought” seems new to us, we are merely discoverers of those things God has already established from...

Lawrence E. Ford, Sr. - Each January we take time in Acts & Facts to look back at the Lord’s blessings upon the ministry of the Institute for Creation Research over the past year. It’s good to pause and give thanks before we plow into the new year and...

Lawrence E. Ford, Sr. - Gratitude is worship. That phrase has stuck with me for 30 years since my time at Columbia Bible College and a well-spoken chapel message by Dr. Johnny Miller. I’m grateful that at this stage in life I can even remember something from 30...

Lawrence E. Ford, Sr. - Very seldom do we bother to look at life below the surface. In our daily addiction to activity, we rarely take the time to plunge beneath the mundane and the ordinary and the obvious. Various reasons exist for our refusal to see what lies beneath...

Lawrence E. Ford, Sr. - How do you measure the impact of your life? Fortune? Fame? Power? What is it that determines your mark upon this world? For believers in Jesus Christ, we measure our success by our obedience to God, regardless of how the world perceives our...

Lawrence E. Ford, Sr. - Since God inspired the writing of the 66 inerrant books we call "the Holy Bible," it can be assumed that He wanted people to hear what each book says. Having served as a pastor, I know both the joy and the stress of preparing sermons that...

The Donkey Strategy - Jul 29, 2011
Lawrence E. Ford, Sr. - Seeking celebrity status is dangerous for Christian leaders. Examples abound where well-known Bible teachers have made the teachings of Christ a mockery as they paraded their odd views on network television and in leading Christian magazines. It...

As a Matter of Fact - Jun 30, 2011
Lawrence E. Ford, Sr. - Facts are funny…sometimes. Not humorous, but odd, especially when two people see the same facts and describe them differently. I suppose that’s the problem with being finite and faulty human beings…we approach facts with biases....

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