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Florida Fossil Shows Porcupines Have Always Been Porcupines
The porcupine is an animal (rodent) that one does not soon forget. It is armed with formidable quills that deter even the hungriest predators. What was their origin? Evolutionists do not know. Barbiere...
Webb Telescope Discovers Another Record-Breaking Galaxy
Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have recently confirmed that two galaxies are extremely distant, with one becoming the new record holder as the most distant galaxy from Earth.1,2...
The Power of Film & Video: Reaching All Ages with Truth.,.
Is there a place for the use of film and video within Christianity? If so, how can we leverage this powerful tool to reach viewers of all ages with the truth of the Gospel?   Join...
Scaly Skin on a Feathered Dinosaur?
Fossil experts from University College Cork in Ireland took stunning images of Psittacosaurus skin. The dinosaurs’ belly shows patches of skin that glow orange under UV light. However, the top...
T. rex Not as Smart as Thought
Have movies and most conventional paleontologists got it all wrong? T. rex and other theropod dinosaurs (the meat-eaters) are often portrayed as intelligent predators that can outmuscle and outsmart...
June 2024 ICR Wallpaper
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God." (Ephesians 2:8 NKJV) ICR June 2024 wallpaper is now available for mobile, tablet,...
A “Just-so” Story About Ancient Genes
An evolutionary website recently published “a groundbreaking study” that supposedly identifies a basic, uncomplicated, “simple” creature as the ancient ancestor of all bilaterians...
Dinosaurs with Bird Brains??? | The Creation Podcast: E.,.
Evolutionists claim that birds are descended from dinosaurs. A feature that is often cited as linking these two types of creatures is the brain. But are the brains of dinosaurs and birds really...
From Ruins to Revelation: Truths Revealed Through Bibli.,.
The Bible is full of people and places that are seemingly lost to time, but through the field of archaeology, new finds are shedding light on the incredible authenticity and accuracy of God's Word!   Hosts...
Bergmann’s Rule Falsely Refuted
A recent study of dinosaur sizes claims to break Bergmann’s rule.1 Bergmann’s rule was named after biologist Carl Bergmann, who in 1847 noticed that warm-blooded animals tended...
New Shark Fossil from Arkansas
The fossil record contains a plethora of shark teeth, but fossilized shark skeletons are exceptionally rare. When they are found, though, they are always 100% sharks.1,2 Because shark...
Photosynthetic Proteins Power Plants
Some scientists think the photosynthetic process is all but figured out since the discovery of more details regarding the place, assembly, and function of some of the more cryptic molecules involved...
Uncovering the Secrets of Earth's Oceans | The Creation.,.
The oceans cover most of our planet's surface. Uniformitarians claim the oceans are nearly 4 billion years old, but the evidence says otherwise.   Host Trey and Dr....
A Giant Ichthyosaur: Largest Ever Marine Reptile?
Paleontologists have discovered portions of a giant ichthyosaur’s lower jawbone on Blue Anchor Beach at the southern entrance to the United Kingdom’s Bristol Channel.1,2 Although...
New Titanosaur Species Discovered in Uruguay and Argentina
The pre-Flood world had some truly massive dinosaurs, and the largest of them were in the group Sauropodomorpha.1 Within this group were titanosaurs, which include the gigantic Argentinosaurus...
May 2024 ICR Wallpaper
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9 NKJV) ICR May 2024 wallpaper...
Was a Key to Photosynthesis Evolution Discovered?
Northern Canadian lakes were the source of recently discovered unique photosynthetic bacteria of the phylum Chloroflexota. After years of culturing, cultivating, and incubating water samples from Boreal...
Why Biology Needs A Theory of Biological Design—Part 2
“Based on a true story” is included by movie producers to add authenticity, importance, and a flair of anticipation. So, my account of how I was greatly misled as a youngster is a preemptive...
Hot Springs National Park: Hydrothermal Springs Formed .,.
Hot Springs National Park is located about an hour southwest of Little Rock in the folded Ouachita Mountains of central Arkansas. It is the second smallest national park in the United States at just...
Galápagos Finches: A Case Study in Evolution or Adapti.,.
A group of birds known as Darwin’s finches live in the Galápagos Islands, which are located in the Pacific Ocean 600 miles west of Ecuador. These birds have been a leading icon for evolutionary...
Oysters and Pre-Flood Longevity
The oyster species Crassostrea virginica, also known as the eastern oyster, is a prized seafood. Research has demonstrated that a fossil version of the Crassostrea oyster lived much longer than its...
Standing Against False Science
I’m Michael Stamp, and I’m in my 12th year as an editor at the Institute for Creation Research. It’s always an encouragement to see people’s eyes light up as they tour the ICR...
Christ’s Creativity in Canyon Critters
Grand Canyon animals display many marvelous traits and behaviors as they live life in that harsh habitat. These canyon creatures succeed thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ’s providential provisioning...
Creation Kids: Seeds and Sprouts
by Renée Dusseau and Susan Windsor* You're never too young to be a creation scientist and explore our Creator's world. Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s...
Four Moons That Indicate a Young Universe | The Creatio.,.
Earth has one moon, but Jupiter has many! What can we learn from our celestial neighbor's satellites? Do they indicate youth?   Host Lauren and Dr. Jake Hebert discuss...
Marine Fossil Tapeworm Is Still a Tapeworm
The Flood was both sudden and rapid. The burial of creatures—including delicate plants and soft-bodied animals like jellyfish1—occasionally resulted in amazing preservation.2 Parasites...
The Golden Numbers
Evolutionists theorize that the universe came into being through random means. Fundamentally, randomness lacks symmetry since the very concept of symmetry implies order. Randomness also lacks periodicity,...
Scientists Question Foundational Big Bang Assumption
In April 2024, some of the world’s leading cosmologists convened at the Royal Society in London to question the cosmological principle—the assumption that the universe is the same everywhere...
Moroccan Dinosaurs in Marine Rocks, Too
Two recent papers by paleontologist Nicholas Longrich and his colleagues describe some unexpected findings in phosphate mines of northern Morocco.1,2 Most surprisingly, they found a pair...
Ernst Haeckel: Evolutionary Huckster | The Creation Pod.,.
Ernst Haeckel, a German Zoologist, is famous for developing a series of images of embryos in development called Anthropogenie. These images, supposedly proof of evolution, dominated culture...
Bees Master Complex Tasks Through Social Interaction
Bees are simply incredible.1,2 These little furry fliers challenge the very foundation of Darwinism in many diverse ways. Bees have been delighting creationists for generations. These...
The Tail of Man’s Supposed Ancestors
Although it has been known for decades and despite insistence to the contrary from the evolutionary community, man—Homo sapiens—has never had a tail.1–3 Recently, science...
The Sun and Moon—Designed for Eclipses
Before discovering thousands of planets in other solar systems, scientists tended to assume that other solar systems would be very similar to our own. Yet this is turning out not to be the case. Indeed,...
When Day Meets Night—A Total Success!
The skies cleared above North Texas on Monday, April 8, for a spectacular view of the 2024 Great American Solar Eclipse. Hundreds of guests joined the Institute for Creation Research to witness...
Let ICR Help You Prepare for the Great American Solar E.,.
On Monday, April 8th, the moon will move directly between the earth and the sun, resulting in a total solar eclipse visible in northern Mexico, much of the United States, and far-eastern Canada. Over...
Total Eclipse on April 8th
“You alone are the LORD; You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and everything on it, the seas and all that is in them, and You preserve them all. The host...
Dismantling Evolution One Gear At A Time! | The Creatio.,.
The human body is a marvel of complexity and the more we learn about it, the more miraculous our existence becomes! Can evolution explain the existence of the human body?   Host...
April 2024 ICR Wallpaper
"He appointed the moon for seasons; The sun knows its going down." (Psalm 104:19 NKJV) ICR April 2024 wallpaper is now available for mobile, tablet, and desktop! Download this...
Creation's Easter Message
While many Christians still consider the creation doctrine a fringe issue, a proper understanding of the Christian message finds creation at its core as a necessary, foundational component of the Christian...
The Sanctity of Life | Creation.Live Podcast: Episode 23
Abortion is a big issue culturally and in the church. How can believers love our neighbors and act as the hands and feet of Christ when it comes to this divisive issue?   Hosts...
ICR Veteran Don Barber Retires
Don Barber   After 34 years with the Institute for Creation Research, Director of Enterprise Technology Don Barber will retire on March 31. God used Don’s eventful life...
Plant Receptors Are Designed to Control Immunity and De.,.
God has designed plants to continuously track their environment.1 They do so with specially designed detectors (also called receptors) on the surface of their cells. Such detectors are critical...
Homo Naledi: The Lies Behind Evolution's Rising Star | .,.
Homo naledi, once evolution's 'rising star,' was considered to be a prime example of human evolution. But is it really proof? Or is this discovery just another dishonest attempt...
A Subsurface Ocean on Mimas?
Scientists have analyzed data obtained from the Cassini spacecraft and concluded that irregularities in the orbit of Saturn’s moon Mimas indicate that it contains a hidden ocean of liquid water...
In Theaters March 20 & 21: The Ark and the Darkness
Is Genesis true? What about Noah’s Flood? How did Noah fit the animals on the ark? Wasn’t it a local flood? Have you asked these questions? Though many think it is only a myth, science confirms...
Enigmatic Fossil Plants
The pre-Flood world thousands of years ago was unlike the world of today.1 Unfamiliar animals and plants were common, and there were a lot of them. Pre-Flood plants were buried in Flood...
Surprisingly Colorful Fossil Snail Shells
Finding organic compounds such as flexible dinosaur collagen and complete bone cells1,2 is becoming common, much to the shock and consternation of the evolutionary community. We can now add...
March 2024 ICR Wallpaper
"He is not here; for He is risen, as He said." (Matthew 28:6 NKJV) ICR March 2024 wallpaper is now available for mobile, tablet, and desktop! Download this month's image...
Homo Erectus: The Shocking Truth About the "Ape Ma.,.
Homo erectus, or "Upright Man," has been upheld as a piece of mankind's "evolutionary history" since its discovery in 1891. But what exactly is this supposed ancestor? How...
Mystery of Moths' Warning Sound
Insects of all types continue to amaze entomologists with their design and physiology. Cleveland Hickman, Jr., et al. stated, “insect ears are beautifully designed to detect the sound of a potential...
Creation Kids: Solar Eclipses
Designed by Susan Windsor* You're never too young to be a creation scientist and explore our Creator's world. Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special...
Why Biology Needs a Theory of Biological Design – Part 1
Anyone who watches American football has observed a predictable inconsistency. When a pass is caught extremely close to the sideline, everyone with the offense immediately makes the arm signal for a...
Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve: Colossal I.,.
The tallest sand dunes in North America are found in Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, located on the eastern edge of the San Luis Valley in southern Colorado. The largest of the dunes reaches...
RNA Editing: Adaptive Genome Modification on the Fly
When the workings of the genome were first being discovered, the central evolutionary dogma of molecular biology claimed that genetic information passes consistently from DNA to RNA to proteins. Today...
Dolomite Problem Best Solved by Flood
Dolomite is a very common sedimentary rock, comprising about 30% of all carbonate rocks.1,2 Its chemical formula is MgCa(CO3)2, whereas the more common limestone is CaCO3. Oddly, ocean water...
Eclipses: The Handiwork of Jesus Christ
Many remarkable events have occurred over the past 50+ years of the Institute for Creation Research’s ministry, but one of the most exciting is happening this year. On Monday, April 8, 2024, a...
Motmot's Beauty Displays God’s Gracious Design
Beauty is God’s good gift. Whatever is truly good and beautiful comes from God (James 1:17), whose own beauty is beyond words. King David longed to know God’s magnificent beauty, saying: One...
Geneticist Fired for Affirming Humans Once Lived 900 Years?
Geneticist Alexander Kudryavtsev, the head of the Russian Academy of Science’s Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, has been fired, reportedly because he publicly affirmed that humans once lived...
Is There Evidence for a Creator?
Contrary to what some scientists claim, there is compelling philosophical and scientific evidence that a Creator of the universe exists. For example, the conditions described by the two laws of thermodynamics...
Forged in Faith: The Hard Work of Making Disciples | Cr.,.
Jesus commanded that we make disciples, but what does that mean in this modern world? Has the church gone soft?   Hosts Trey and Michael are joined by Mike Riddle and Dr. Anthony...
Algal Microfossils Show No Evolution
Creation scientists maintain that if something is living, then it’s automatically complex. This applies to organisms ranging from a single bacterium (a prokaryote, such as E. coli) to a blue whale...
Rapid Erosion Devastates Deep Time! | The Creation Podc.,.
Erosion takes place slowly, over millions of years, right? That's what mainstream science tells us anyway. Or, does erosion happen far more quickly than we're led to believe? Host...
Flood Solves Land and Marine Mixing Near the Andes
A recent article published by Hakai Magazine claims to reveal secrets of an ancient inland sea that existed east of the Andes Mountains,1 but it really just offers poor explanations for an...
T. rex Out of Nowhere
As one of the largest predators ever at 45 feet long, it’s no wonder school children are enthralled with Tyrannosaurus rex. But where did the creature come from? A new reassessment of an old fossil...
Evolutionist and ICR Research Both Attempting to Explai.,.
Recent evolutionary research is attempting to provide an explanation for why some animals became smaller over time. Or equivalently, it is attempting to explain why some animals of the past were larger....
February 2024 ICR Wallpaper
"Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." (1 John 4:11 NKJV) ICR February 2024 wallpaper is now available for mobile, tablet, and desktop! Download this...
Animal Features Did Not Evolve
There’s no doubt that animals in God’s creation have iconic features. The question is, did these features evolve or were they created that way from the beginning? Elise Poore of Live...
Taking a Closer Look at Uniquely Human Eyes | The Creat.,.
While we might take them for granted, our eyes are incredibly complex organs. How do they work? Is it possible for eyes to have evolved over long spans of time? Host Lauren and Dr. Randy...
The Conserved Complexity of Eye Cell Types
The late leading evolutionary biologist, Ernst Mayr, said the eye appeared at least 40 times “during the evolution of animal diversity.”1 But creationists claim that the more...
Fossilized Reptile Skin Is Still Reptile Skin
Skin is the largest organ of your body. It helps maintain a person’s or animal’s homeostasis (a relatively stable equilibrium), insulation, and sensory functions. As such, it is very complex....
Crassostrea Oyster Fossils Show Extreme Longevity
FEBRUARY 01, 2024
by Jake Hebert, Ph.D., Richard Overman, Frank J. Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) In Creation Research Society Quarterly. 60 (3): 171-190. Abstract This paper presents evidence that fossil Crassostrea...
Hummingbird Flight Strategies
The fossil record shows that hummingbirds have always been hummingbirds. Such amazing mastery of aerial acrobatics could never have evolved.1,2 ICR’s Dr. Jeff Tomkins put it succinctly: The...
Rejecting Abiogenesis: Rethinking the Origins of Life |.,.
Is it possible for life to come from non-life? Has science confirmed one way or another? Does this conundrum cause problems for the theory of evolution?   Hosts Trey and...
Mainstream Dinosaur Extinction Doubts
A recent paper suggests that enormous volcanic eruptions in India caused climatic cooling that contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs.1,2 Most mainstream scientists think an asteroid...
How the Oceans Were Made: Ancient Sea Floor Uncovered b.,.
Dive deeper than you ever have before and uncover the mysteries of our ocean floor! How did it form, and when? Where do tectonic plates fit into the puzzle?   Host Trey and Dr....
Tyrannosaur's Last Meal Evidence for Catastrophic Burial
Tyrannosaurs were large terrestrial predators after the Fall.1 Juvenile or not, they conjure visions of terrible, fearsome creatures of the pre-Flood world when the earth was “filled...
Where do Poisonous Invasive Plants Fit in God's Creation?
Like all sciences, creation science has unanswered questions. This is why we are called the Institute for Creation Research—not the Institute for Creation Answers. Specifically, there are still...
Exoplanet Too Large For Its Star
According to evolutionary theories of planet formation, a newly-discovered Neptune-mass planet that orbits a small red dwarf star should not exist.1,2 Astronomers discovered this exoplanet...
Shrimp That Live in Trees!
During the summer of 2023, members of a scientific expedition into the densely tropical Cyclops mountains in Indonesian New Guinea were shocked to discover shrimp living in trees.1 A 2021...
Seven Incredible Invertebrates That Confirm Creation | .,.
Evolutionists claim that invertebrates are simple creatures, representing some of the earliest evolved forms of life, but when we take a closer look, we see careful design, not random chance!   Host...
Rocks are Major Contributors to Atmospheric CO2
Most of us have heard about the steady increase in CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere, sometimes called the Keeling Curve.1 Many have tied this current upswing to climate change, and many...
New DNA Sequences of the Y Chromosome Refute Human-Ape .,.
DNA sequencing technologies have been progressing rapidly over the past several decades and now finally afford the opportunity to analyze mammalian chromosomes from end to end. In the past, many regions...
January 2024 ICR Wallpaper
"By the breath of God ice is given, And the broad waters are frozen. Also with moisture He saturates the thick clouds; He scatters His bright clouds."   Job...
Creation and the New Year
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)   It is appropriate for Christians to begin the New Year by referring back to the beginning of the very...
2023—Another Year of Growth and Opportunity
The Institute for Creation Research had a fantastic year advancing creation science in 2023! It’s my joy to continue the tradition of our founder, Dr. Henry M. Morris, in using the first Acts...
Fossil Butte National Monument: Spectacular Flood Graveyard
Southwestern Wyoming contains one of the most unique fossil sites in the world—Fossil Butte National Monument. Located about 11 miles west of Kemmerer, it was established as a national monument...
Small Heritable RNAs Pack a Big Adaptive Punch
In a previous article, I explained how epigenetic mechanisms regulate the structure and function of DNA.1 Specifically, I showed how small molecules can be attached to the DNA itself or added...
Living to 900?
Both before and after the Flood, the Bible attests that centuries-long life spans were normal. Skeptics scoff at these great ages, and even some Christians say we simply cannot take them at face value.1...
DNA Repair: The Built-in Toolbox That Sustains Life
DNA contains the instructions needed to build a whole body from one fertilized egg cell. Chromosomes consist of double-stranded DNA that uses specifically paired nucleotides in precise sequences to...
Praising the Lord Jesus Christ for His Faithfulness
Psalm 103 is solely written for worship. It is pure unadulterated praise from start to finish. The capstone verse is “the LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy”...
How Did Stingrays Get Fossilized in Wyoming?
Beavers shouldn’t talk to humans. That obvious fact was highlighted in the movie adaptation of C. S. Lewis’ classic fantasy The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.1 Fairly early...
Creation Kids: Narwhals
Designed by Susan Windsor* You're never too young to be a creation scientist and explore our Creator's world. Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Crea.,.
The ninth International Conference on Creationism (ICC) was held July 16–19, 2023, at Cedarville University in Ohio. ICR scientists made substantial contributions to this year’s conference...
Signs of Christmas
“Moreover the LORD spoke again unto Ahaz, saying, Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.” (Isaiah 7:10-11) Although “the Jews...
Using Creation in Apologetics | Creation.Live Podcast: .,.
Can the creation message be used as an apologetic tool? Or is it an unimportant piece of the Bible in the grand scheme of things? Does it have value when it comes to the Gospel?   Hosts...
Apollo 8: In the beginning, God…
Apollo 8 was the inaugural human space mission to depart from low Earth orbit and reach the moon. Its three astronauts—Frank Borman, William Anders, and James Lovell—made history when they...
Homo naledi Didn’t Behave Like Humans
A new study published in the Journal of Human Evolution has found that the so-called Homo naledi most likely didn’t bury their dead as previously proposed.1 Furthermore, the team of...
Do Ancient Fish Point to Shoulder Evolution?
Did your shoulders evolve from ancient fish? Creationists would say no, because we don’t have fish ancestors.1,2,3 However, research from the Imperial College London states, “A...
Where Did All the Dark Matter Go?! | The Creation Podc.,.
What is dark matter? WHERE is dark matter? Does it exist? Does it matter?   Host Trey and Dr. Jake Hebert discuss dark matter, dark energy, and more on episode 63 of The Creation...
Fossil Leaf Miners
The fossil record clearly shows insects have always been insects. In a recent study, researchers led by biologist Richard J. Knecht, a Ph.D. candidate at Harvard, wrote: [We] describe an endophytic...
Displaying 1 - 300 (of 17,881 articles)   Next Page »