ICR News

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Gene 'Jumps' Serve a Purpose, Study Shows
In the tiny world of the cell, segments of DNA called transposons copy and reinsert themselves into the DNA. They eventually produce large repetitive sequences that have for many years been considered...
Dallas Hospital Thwarts 'Evolving' Bacteria
Methodist Dallas Medical Center in 2009 averted an impending outbreak of dangerously infectious bacteria called Acinetobacter baumannii. Although less prevalent than MRSA, Acinetobacter has acquired a...
Stupidity Evolved?
For such an intelligent species, humans can sure be stupid. The economic crisis, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and the aftermath of a host of other disasters currently plaguing the world can all...
Breakthrough Shows Protein's 'Elegant' Eggshell Construction
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Since there could be neither a chicken nor an egg without each already existing in a fully functional state, they both had to have been put in place at the same...
Billion-Dollar Space Image Is Open to Interpretation
After a year of image capturing, many years of planning, and a billion dollars of research spending, the European Space Agency's Planck satellite telescope has produced the first ever image of the entire...
Highlander Tibetans Show Adaptation, Not 'Natural Selection'
Some Tibetans live at altitudes of 14,000 feet. Other than a few genetic differences, they are similar to Han Chinese, who live much closer to sea level. It is believed that ancient Han peoples migrated...
New Evidence Shows Duck-like Birds Lived at Same Time a.,.
People don't generally picture ducks as having lived alongside dinosaurs. After all, it is widely assumed that birds evolved from dinosaurs over a period of millions of years. But fossils discovered...
Canadian 'Mega' Dinosaur Bonebed Formed by Watery Catas.,.
Canadian scientists have found a massive dinosaur fossil graveyard in Alberta containing so many bones that it calls into question the standard stories of slow and gradual dinosaur fossil formation. No...
'False' Gene Discovery Confirms Creation Prediction
Genes are portions of DNA that contain just the right codes to specify proteins, which make everything in cells work. But how does the cell know which protein should be manufactured, how often, how much,...
How Does Amoral Atheism Account for Scientific 'Sins'?
Science is often portrayed as a pure pursuit of knowledge, with well-trained individuals who are dedicated to the highest standards of intellectual and professional achievement. But scientists are human...
Texas Canyons Highlight Geologic Evidence for Catastrophe
In the summer of 2002, record rainfall in the Texas Hill Country overfilled Canyon Lake. Water coursed over the top of its dam and carved huge, steep-walled canyons through the limestone bedrock downstream....
Fantastic Australian Amber Supports Young World
A dazzling array of amber in a rainbow of colors has been discovered at Cape York in far north Australia. Plant and mammal parts, as well as insects and other arthropods, are trapped inside the gems, which...
Atheist Ads Vandalized
A billboard reading "One Nation Indivisible" that was recently erected in Charlotte, North Carolina, displayed an additional message on Monday, June 28. Someone had added the words "Under...
More Mysteries for the Science of Long Life
According to the early chapters of Genesis, people who lived prior to the great Flood enjoyed very long life spans compared to today. Ideas regarding the mechanisms of that long life have focused on possible...
Fossil Indicates Fig and Wasp Life Cycles Were Always I.,.
The life cycles of fig trees and fig wasps are so closely intertwined, they look like they were made for each other. If this is true, then their fossils would be quite similar to modern forms, showing...
Fossil Discoveries Disrupt Evolutionary Timescales
Conventional geology assumes that different rock layers represent different periods of time. Paleontologists assess the age of fossilized creatures by the rock layers in which they are found. So, a fossil...
Seal Whiskers Track Fish Trails
When waters are murky, how do seals find fish? They don't have a sonar apparatus like whales, and yet they somehow hunt successfully in the dark. It turns out that the seals follow fish trails by sensing...
Genome Study Shows Purpose, Not 'Selection'
The human genome has become a leading area of biological investigation. Its massive amounts of data have been digitized, which allows the information to be more easily studied. Much of genomic function...
Mars Even More Hostile to Life Than Previously Thought
Hopes of finding life on Mars have been consistently dashed by data clearly showing that the planet's surface would be extraordinarily hostile to anything resembling a living cell. Scientific studies have...
Is Indonesian Woman Really 157 Years Old?
Turinah, a woman who lives in south Sumatra, claimed to be 157 years old in the latest Indonesian census. She has no records to prove her claim, but other evidence suggests she might be telling the truth....
Specialized Communication Enables Dolphin Diplomacy
What happens when two dolphins rapidly swim toward the same piece of food? Without some avoidance feature, bottlenose dolphins would become "bashed-nose" dolphins, or worse. Fortunately, dolphins...
Shark Study Hammers More Nails in Evolution's Coffin
In the late 1800s, a Darwinian concept called "transmutation of species" revolutionized historical biology. Instead of viewing animal species as the products of special creation, Darwinists believed...
Moth Eye Technology Proves Difficult to Copy
Moths can see very well, even at night, and their eyes have a special built-in anti-glare feature so that reflected light does not alert predators to their presence. Engineers are interested in copying...
Whale Variations Support Creation
Whales are graceful and remarkable swimming mammals. The 84 living species are amazingly diverse, ranging from over 100 feet long down to the size of an average dog. Recent research attempted to discover...
Were Humans Created to Commune in Nature?
In 2008, scientists found that taking a walk in a park setting improves concentration.1 This year, a study in the Journal of Environmental Psychology discovered that being outside among natural...
New Technology Makes Oil Fast
The BP oil disaster that began on April 20 in the Gulf of Mexico has touched about 100 miles of coastline, affecting large swaths of life-rich wetlands.1 This event will undoubtedly fuel increased...
Evolutionist Tosses Out 'Ardi' As Human Ancestor
In fall 2009, the journal Science dedicated a special issue to Ardipithecus ramidus. Popularly known as "Ardi," the fossil was characterized by researchers Tim White and C. Owen Lovejoy as a replacement...
Squid-like Fossil Is a Slippery Challenge for Evolution
Squid, octopus, nautilus, and cuttlefish are unlike any other marine creatures. With brain, eyes, mouth, tentacles, and, for squid, jet-propulsion siphon clustered at one end of the body, the cephalopod...
Lizard Study Questions Natural Selection
Charles Darwin proposed "natural selection" as the means by which new creatures evolve. The question then became, what does nature select? The reigning consensus is that nature selects individuals...
Shakeups Continue among Human Evolutionary Candidates
The theory of human evolution is taking yet another hit from recent scientific studies, from the first analysis of the Neandertal genome to painstakingly reconstructed Ardipithicus ramidus and Australopithecus...
Neandertal Genome Confirms Creation Science Predictions
In May 2010, researchers announced the completion of a draft sequence for the Neandertal genome. Provocative images of ape-like humans adorned newspaper and magazine articles, playing up the evolutionary...
Have Scientists Created a Synthetic Cell?
Scientists claim they have successfully created "synthetic life" for the first time. In a 15-year project, a team led by genomics pioneer Craig Venter synthesized DNA from inanimate chemicals....
Baby Morality Defies Evolution
It is fascinating how quickly human babies learn about the world around them. But how soon can they distinguish "good" from "bad"? Some Yale psychologists wanted to find out, and their...
Cambrian Fossils Found in 'Wrong' Place
Many extinct and strange creatures were only known from Cambrian rocks--until now. Newly discovered fossils in higher, more "recent" rock layers in Morocco show "remarkable preservation"...
ICR Grad John Whitmore Receives Cedarville University P.,.
Cedarville University in Ohio recently announced the promotion of Institute for Creation Research Graduate School (ICRGS) graduate John H. Whitmore to professor of geology. Dr. Whitmore earned his undergraduate...
Distant Galactic Cluster Should Not Exist
Most cosmological models presume that when astronomers look at the objects most distant from earth, they are actually looking back in time. They aren't quite sure how galaxies first formed by natural processes,...
30 Years Later, the Lessons from Mount St. Helens
On May 18, 1980, a tremendous landslide on the northern side of Mount St. Helens in Washington state uncapped a violent volcanic eruption, completely altering the surrounding landscape. It is the most...
Archaeopteryx Fossil Shows 'Striking' Tissue Preservation
The extinct Archaeopteryx is a famous icon of supposed evolutionary transition from reptiles to birds. Several different fossils have recorded the anatomy of this creature, which is fully bird and has...
New Orchid Arose Too Fast for Darwin
Some orchids employ a unique pollination strategy. Each flower emits a chemical that exactly mimics the pheromone produced by females of a particular bee species. The chemical attracts male bees, which...
Java Man Just Got Older
Java Man was the name given to fossilized remains discovered in Indonesia over a century ago. Subsequently defined by evolutionists as Homo erectus, an extinct hominid, its placement in human evolutionary...
Creation Model and Sea Floor Studies Agree: Past Volcan.,.
Earth's surface shows features that clearly testify to some kind of catastrophic event, or series of events, that operated on a vastly larger scale than today's geologic processes. Whatever happened had...
No Time for Bone-eating Worm to Evolve
Bone worms have specialized features that enable them to bore holes through whale bones. Ecologically, they serve to recycle whale bones back into the undersea environment. New research has discovered...
Cosmologists Step from Science to Science Fiction
The further an investigation gets from testable science, the more speculative it becomes. How many inferences and ad hoc stories does it take before a scientific endeavor becomes science fiction? Two recent...
Exploring Earth's Extremes in a Futile Quest for Life i.,.
Extremophiles are organisms that can thrive in unexpectedly hostile environments. These include bacteria and fungi growing in extremely hot, cold, nutrient-deprived, or salty environments. Experiments...
Miniature Horse Poised to Break Record
The Guinness Book of World Records is renowned for its collection of odd feats and extraordinary measurements. One of its entries may someday be a young miniature stallion named Einstein, which promises...
Complicated Cells Leave No Room for Evolution
A hundred and fifty years ago, most biologists believed that cells were "simple" blobs of protoplasm. This made Darwinian evolution easier to accept, since all nature would have to do to make...
Study Shows 'Junk' DNA Builds Visible Traits
Proteins do most of the required metabolic tasks within each of the trillions of cells in the human body. However, only about four percent of human DNA contains coded instructions that specify proteins....
Quasars Quash Big Bang Assumption
According to the most prominent naturalistic theory of origins, the universe began over 13 billion years ago in a "Big Bang" that flung matter, energy, and space outward. But quasars near some...
Chinese Explorers Claim Noah's Ark Find
A Chinese and Turkish exploration team and documentary filmmakers said that they may have found Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey. The explorers from Hong Kong-based Noah's Ark Ministries International...
Planet Formation Theory Collides with Backward-Orbiting.,.
The ancients used to observe what they called “wandering stars,” which are today known as planets. Naturalists insist that planets were not created by God, but were instead born from natural...
The Danger of Affirming Homosexuality in the Public Schools
Modern culture increasingly embraces the notion that homosexuals are born, not made. It is even sometimes presented as fact that a "gay gene" compels some people to seek same-sex partners. In...
Did Burrowing Blindsnakes Raft Across the Oceans?
The blindsnake, a small subsurface burrower, is not often seen, but when it is many mistake it for a worm.1 Researchers have constructed an evolutionary history for these creatures, partly from...
Quantum Mechanics Seen for First Time, But Mysteries Remain
Sir Isaac Newton's classic laws of physics apply well to large-scale phenomena like planetary orbits or apples falling from trees. But they seem to fall short in describing what happens at the tiniest...
NASA Lab Violates Free Speech Rights of Acts & Facts Author
Intelligent design (ID) is the concept that "certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection."1...
Walking with Giant Puppets
Steven Spielberg’s 1993 blockbuster Jurassic Park used Hollywood magic to turn supposedly “65 million-year-old” dinosaurs into pop culture icons. Since the movie raked in over $900 million...
Mars 'Water-carved' Canyon Actually Etched by Lava
For decades, the media and Hollywood have promoted the idea of life on Mars, yet scientific observations have shown that the red planet is utterly inhospitable.1 The surface of Mars is sterile,...
A New Evolutionary Link? Australopithecus sediba Has Al.,.
Evolution's search for the "missing link" between man and ape has a long and troubled history. Australopithecus sediba is the latest fossil find that is claimed to represent evolutionary human ancestors....
Australopithecus sediba: Another Human Ancestor?
Partial remains of two skeletons were discovered in a cave in South Africa, and some scientists think they may be another addition to humanity's evolutionary tree. The find was described in the April...
Digs at Creation Science Are a Mindless Waste of Time
In case Momma didn't tell you--you can't trust everything that you see on the Internet. Case in point: A parody website called Crystal Air Productions, which rips off designs from ABC News to Sesame Street,...
Why Aren't Earth's Oldest Trees Older?
The sheer girth of certain ancient, wizened trees can take one’s breath away. Wired Science recently featured a collection of images of some of earth’s oldest trees. Although the age estimates...
New Study Contradicts Flower Fossil Dates
From salt grass to sassafras, flowering plants dominate earth’s landscapes, and many plant fossils are of leaves, bark, and pollen grains. The rock layers that contain them are most often found atop...
Do Migratory Birds Practice Preventative Medicine?
Before a long migration, certain birds shift from an insect diet to eating fruits such as berries. Researchers once thought that this added carbohydrate reserves as fuel for the journey. But a new study...
Templeton Prize Awarded to World-Famous Anti-Creationist
Every year, the Templeton Foundation awards more than one million dollars to an individual who in the foundation’s estimation has made a significant contribution to affirming spirituality.1...
Human Evolution Story Stumbles Over Footprints
Sometime in the distant past, two or three individuals walked across wet volcanic ash, leaving a trail that continues to puzzle scientists. When the Laetoli footprints were discovered over 30 years...
Is Ancient Siberian a New Human Species?
Explorers in 2008 found a human finger bone in a remote cave in the Altai Mountains of Siberia. At first, the find sparked no great interest. A recent analysis of DNA that was carefully extracted from...
Scuba-Diving Caterpillar an Evolutionary Conundrum
The beautiful Hawaiian Islands are not only desirable travel destinations, they also provide unique habitats for tropical creatures. When certain caterpillars were found living in the wet mountainous regions,...
Wood-boring ’Gribbles’ Do More Than Corrode.,.
Wood-boring “gribbles” have plagued wooden ships for centuries, and they continue to eat away at piers, docks, and driftwood. Just how do these tiny, pale crustaceans thrive on such tough fare?...
Printable Devices Promise Easier Tracking
Most people are familiar with the barcode labels on items purchased at the store. Silicon-based radio frequency identification, or RFID, tags are another kind of label that has been used for decades to...
Does a Distant Galaxy Show Star Formation?
Some scientists refer to certain dust and debris clouds in galaxies as star “incubators” because they think stars form naturally within them. But since the formation of a star from a compacted...
'Fedex' Fossil Calls into Question the Age of Amphibians
The naming of newly-discovered fossils sometimes involves significant people or prominent associations. Darwinius masillae was named for British naturalist Charles Darwin. Dracorex hogwartsia was inspired...
A Closer Look at How Pit Vipers 'See' Heat
Vampire bats, boas, pythons, and pit vipers―like rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cottonmouths―all have specialized infrared-sensing organs that allow them to determine if something might...
Evolution Can't Explain Dancing Babies
Humans don’t need to learn the ability to move to a rhythm, according to a new study. They are born with it. Two researchers from Finland and the United Kingdom wanted to find out how soon in life...
More Earthquake Data Does Not Mean More Earthquakes
Following a magnitude 8.8 earthquake on February 27, 2010, Chile experienced a 7.2 magnitude aftershock on March 11, the same day that President Sebastian Pinera was sworn into office.1 Considering...
Chilean Earthquake Highlights Darwin Error
On February 27, Chile experienced an 8.8 magnitude earthquake, the fifth-largest recorded quake since seismographs were implemented. Charles Darwin experienced a similar quake in the same area on February...
More Evolutionists Say 'Ida' Is Not a Missing Link
A fossilized lemur-like creature, nicknamed "Ida," was broadly heralded in 2009 as one of man’s earliest ancestors. At the time, and despite the hype, various paleontologists expressed doubts regarding...
Butterfly Mimicry Is Based on Elegant Genetic Switches
Two species of passion-vine butterflies share the same wing patterns and coloring, which some scientists believe provide “some of the most striking examples of adaptation by natural selection.”1...
Discoveries Show Early Mankind Was Advanced
Evolution holds that mankind emerged from “primitive” primates about 3.5 million years ago. Afterward, man continued to add habits and features that distinguished him from his humble predecessors,...
Did Snakes Prey on Dinosaurs 67 Million Years Ago?
Portions of a fossilized eleven-foot-long snake were discovered encased in sandstone amidst a clutch of sauropod eggs. Other snakes of the same extinct species were found nearby, indicating that the eggs...
Case Closed on Dinosaur Extinction. Or Is It?
“It’s official: An asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs,” a recent headline proclaimed.1 But is this accurate? Although a recent study by 41 scientists reached a similar conclusion,...
Evolutionary Face-Making
A new Smithsonian exhibit will feature fleshed-out faces “of our earliest human ancestors.”1 Fossil evidence was combined with evolutionary beliefs to depict how these seven creatures...
Evolution and Global Warming Link as Theories, Not Scie.,.
Global warming advocates are joining evolution proponents to target conservative evangelical Christians for the recent introduction of a Kentucky legislative bill that involves both theories. The state...
Bacteria Share Metabolism through Nanowires
Researchers at the University of Aarhus in Denmark noticed something odd when they examined seafloor sediment that had been left for a few weeks in glass tubes—foul-smelling hydrogen sulfide had...
Small Dogs Came from the Middle East
Although dogs come in many sizes, scientists have found some specific genetic markers for small dogs. A recent survey of these markers across many wild and domesticated dogs seems to have provided some...
Mystery Fossil Study Fits Creation
In the mid-1800s, a mysterious new fossil, Prototaxites, was described. The large, tree-trunk-shaped fossils were found in some of the lowermost fossil-bearing rock layers. To date, researchers have...
Did Religion 'Emerge' through Evolution?
How did mankind develop its unique ability to participate in religion? This question was recently explored by evolutionists who found that morals do not necessarily proceed from religious, cultural, or...
Fossil Anemone Tracks Don't Fit Evolution
Interesting markings were recently found on a rock in Newfoundland. A study concluded that they were trails left by seafloor-dwelling animals around 565 million years ago. But such a find is difficult...
A Hands-On Lesson in Rapid Fossil Formation
Although it is commonly taught that fossils took “millions of years” to form, both experience and reason suggest otherwise. Students who participated in a recent school lesson on the subject...
Is There a Stuttering Gene?
The cause of stuttering, or stammering speech, has eluded scientists. It affects approximately one percent of the U.S. population and “an estimated 60 million people worldwide.”1...
Dolphin DNA Reflects Bat Echolocation
Both bats and dolphins use a natural form of sonar technology, called echolocation, to navigate their surroundings. They share a tiny but critical protein in their ears that allows them to hear ultra-high...
Spectacular Spider Is a Long-Living Fossil
A fossilized spider was found in China with such perfectly preserved features that researchers were able to identify it down to its species name. Only two other fossils of its kind have been unearthed,...
Cell Division Research Discovers Sugar 'Safety Switch'
At a very basic level, the maintenance and reproduction of a living organism depend on the division of its cells. How does a cell “know” when or why to begin the division process, or even how...
Algae Molecule Masters Quantum Mechanics
The weird world of quantum physics appears to have been mastered by protein molecules, according to a new study. Researchers have demonstrated that certain proteins can manipulate light waves to their...
Critique of 'Primordial Soup' Vindicates Creation Research
Where, when, and how did life arise on earth? These questions have intrigued mankind for centuries. Evolutionary theorists have tried to answer them, but without definitive success. And now even their...
Recipe for Frog Foam Is Quite Unnatural
Some frogs build nests to hold their eggs by whipping up a kind of floating foam. A recent study discovered that the proper frothy architecture is only achieved by following precise construction parameters....
Study Shows the Universe Is Closer to the End Than Expected
Every known system degenerates. Metal rusts, food rots, and flowers wither. Even something as large as the universe will eventually run down. How much usable and still-ordered energy remains in the universe? Australian...
Feathered Dinosaur Debate Exhibits Young Earth Evidence
Fossil fibers found in China over a decade ago are believed by some to have come from “dinosaur feathers.” It has been suggested that the fibers bolster the claim that birds evolved from dinosaurs....
Did God Make Fire Ant Parasites?
Most residents of the southern states of America are uncomfortably familiar with fire ants. People who have experienced the bites and stings that give these insects their name are often willing to try...
Surprising 'Stone-Age' Surgery Evidence Found in France
An unexpected report has recently surfaced of a successful and sophisticated Stone-Age amputation.1 In an early tomb found south of Paris, France, scientists uncovered the remains of a man who...
Evolutionary Biologists Rethink Evolution
Scientific knowledge has experienced tremendous advances in the last several decades, especially in such relatively new fields as molecular biology, genomics, and embryonic development. Some biologists...
Rapid Variation in Dog Breeds Is 'Regulated,' Not 'Evolved'
Almost all new dog breeds have been established in the last few hundred years. Due to this fast genetic diversification, researchers have been investigating how “descent with modification”...
Slime Networks Are Better Organized than Railway Systems
What do the Tokyo railway system and slime mold have in common? Answer: They both employ optimized networks. Researchers found that slime mold growth algorithms are so well-designed that they could...
Alligator Lung Design Prompts Evolutionary Rewrite
Many evolutionists theorize that dinosaurs evolved into modern birds. But to accomplish this, evolution would have had to overcome huge hurdles—such as the total reconstruction of certain skeletal,...
Banner Fossil for Evolution Is Demoted
Evolutionists celebrated in 2004 the discovery of what they considered to be a clear transitional form between fish fins and land legs in the features of an extinct lobe-finned fish later dubbed Tiktaalik.1...
Are Humans as Close to Chickens as They Are to Chimps?
A recent comprehensive analysis compared the human Y chromosome with the chimpanzee Y chromosome, and the researchers found that they were “remarkably divergent.”1 The Y chromosome...
Boats and Jewelry: 'Stone Age' People Were Surprisingly.,.
Archaeological finds continue to demonstrate that man has always been man, right from the start. A cache of double-edged cutting implements, known to have been used in boat building, was recently discovered...
'Creation' Movie Debuts in U.S.
A movie about Charles Darwin will be released in select theaters in the U.S. this weekend, nearly four months after its worldwide debut. Creation stars Paul Bettany―of A Knight’s Tale and...
It's Official: Radioactive Isotope Dating Is Fallible
New data collected by secular researchers has confirmed what creation scientists discovered decades ago—geologists’ assumptions about radioactive decay are not always correct. For a...
New Population Found of Damselfly 'Living Fossil'
The tiny Ancient Greenling Damselfly is an endangered insect, with only a few hundred known to be in existence. A new population of them was recently discovered in southwestern Australia, and researchers...
New Artifact Supports Antiquity of Bible
An Israeli professor has found evidence that certain books of the Bible could easily be as old as their texts claim. Some scholars had believed that Hebrew writing did not yet exist when these books were...
A Round Noah's Ark?
Noah’s Flood was a worldwide cataclysm that destroyed all life on earth, except for the representatives of each kind of land and sky-dwelling creature that were saved aboard Noah’s Ark....
Human Communication: Chance or Design?
Human speech requires precisely organized body parts and biochemicals that are certainly complicated enough on their own to have warranted their special creation. But a new study indicates that gestures...
Cell Origin Research Is in Hot Water
Researchers have tried for decades to replicate the conditions and compounds they think were necessary for the first living cell to evolve. Their experimental failures have collectively sent the clear...
Bee Landing Strategy May Lead to Better Aircraft
Researchers recently looked into the life of bees and found something of interest to all fliers: bees never crash, even when they land on an upside-down surface. Their efficient landings show that current...
Museum's 'Science' Exhibit Leaves More Questions than A.,.
The Health Museum in Houston, Texas, currently features an exhibit called “Surviving: The Body of Evidence” as part of a year-long celebration of Darwinian evolution. “You are a survivor―a...
Origins Breakthrough of 2009: Cosmology
Every year brings new scientific discoveries that shed light on the past. The Institute for Creation Research is dedicated to the study of origins from a biblical perspective, and ICR News has compiled...
Origins Breakthrough of 2009: Geology
Every year brings new scientific discoveries that shed light on the past. The Institute for Creation Research is dedicated to the study of origins from a biblical perspective, and ICR News has compiled...
Origins Breakthrough of 2009: Biological Evolution
Every year brings new scientific discoveries that shed light on the past. The Institute for Creation Research is dedicated to the study of origins from a biblical perspective, and ICR News has compiled...
Origins Breakthrough of 2009: Paleontology
Every year brings new scientific discoveries that shed light on the past. The Institute for Creation Research is dedicated to the scientific study of origins from a biblical perspective, and ICR News has...
Bacteria Study Shoots Down 'Simple Cell' Assumptions
If life evolved from non-life through natural processes, then the organism most likely to resemble the first living cell would probably be the parasitic bacteria of the genus Mycoplasma. It has very little...
Science Overturns Evolution's Best Argument
Transposons are a class of “mobile genetic elements” that operate within the DNA of living organisms. For years, macroevolutionary proponents have claimed that their presence undoubtedly supports...
Intact DNA Discovered in Ancient Salt Deposits
Researchers recently analyzed bacterial DNA that was found in small pockets within various salt deposits. The focus of their research was to compare differences in DNA sequences taken from different geological...
Where Did Apple Trees Come From?
For several decades, United States Department of Agriculture horticulturists have collected and studied apple trees from around the world. Their research focuses on disease resistance as well as similarities...
New Dinosaur Causes New Confusion
In their recent examination of a new two-legged dinosaur discovered in New Mexico, evolutionary paleontologists were looking for new clues to untangle their conflicting theories of dinosaur origins. But...
Creation Scientist's Invention Continues to Improve Lives
About 35 years ago, Dr. Raymond Damadian invented a technology that transformed medical science. MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, has been widely used in medical research ever since. Researchers over...
Irreversible Complexity--Evolution Loses Another Round
Scientists discovered something remarkable in a recent study—evolution can’t be reversed. In tracing the supposed evolution of a common protein, they introduced mutations to move the protein...
Meteor Crystals Spark Latest 'Life on Mars' Hype
A media frenzy about life on Mars broke out back in 1996 when researchers announced they had found what they interpreted to be fossilized bacteria on a rock from the red planet. Photos of a little, worm-shaped...
Atheist Ads Aimed at Children for Holidays
The holiday season brings familiar sights every year. Chestnuts on open fires. Turkeys in ovens. Holly wreaths hanging on front doors. And of course, anti-God advertisements on buses and billboards. In...
Fresh Salamander Tissue Found in Solid Rock
Researchers have described remarkably well-preserved tissue discovered inside a salamander fossil. The fully intact muscle tissues also had blood-filled vessels, and they had not been mineralized like...
What Defines an Organism? Biologists Say 'Purpose.'
David Queller and Joan Strassmann, evolutionary biologists at Rice University, recently proposed a new way to describe what makes an organism a unified whole. They defined an organism as an entity made...
New Finch Species Shows Conservation, Not Macroevolution
“Darwin’s finches” are a variety of small black birds that were observed and collected by British naturalist Charles Darwin during his famous voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle in the early...
Can Evolution Explain Altruism in Our Children?
Research has shown that humans like to help, even before they are old enough to have been taught how to do so. This innate characteristic distinguishes humans from their supposed closest evolutionary family...
Illustrations of Ancient Humans Skew Facts
Museums and textbooks often use artistic renderings to estimate what a fossilized animal or plant may have looked like when it was alive. These images by “paleoartists” put flesh and faces...
Scientists Back Off of Ardi Claims
In May 2009, a remarkably well-preserved extinct primate, nicknamed "Ida," was hailed as one of the most important fossil finds ever. It had features that some interpreted as a link between two primate...
Leaked Emails May Show Global Warming Research Is a Fraud
Over a thousand sensitive emails and documents from Britain’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia were published online in late November without CRU’s permission....
Dinosaur Soft Tissue Finally Makes News
Although creation-based organizations have reported for over a decade on the technical scientific journal articles published about soft tissue found inside dinosaur remains, mainstream media outlets have...
Cyanide -- An Ingredient for Life?
by Dr. Charles McCombs, Ph.D., and Brian Thomas, M.S.* Evolutionary researchers have engaged in many speculations about how the first cell might have emerged naturally from chemicals with no supernatural...
Frozen Penguin DNA Casts Doubt on DNA-Based Dates
For decades, scientists have assumed that mutation rates were consistent enough to be used as a natural clock to date biological specimens. By comparing the number of single changes in the genetic code...
Is There Evolution in the Congo River?
A recent narrative-style article in Smithsonian magazine highlighted research in the largely unexplored Congo River in central Africa, where researchers have identified new fish species. The researchers...
Amber-Trapped Spider Web Too Old for Evolution
Amateur fossil hunters Jamie and Jonathan Hiscocks were looking for dinosaur remains in East Sussex, UK, when they instead found tiny spider webs trapped inside a piece of ancient amber. Oxford University...
Rapid Rifting Presages Future Events
The Great Rift Valley extends some 4,000 miles southward from Syria north of Israel, through the Gulf of Aqaba, through Ethiopia, and all the way to Mozambique in southeast Africa. It harbors a giant fault,...
Rapid Rifting in Ethiopia Challenges Evolutionary Model
Volcanic activity in 2005 accompanied the formation of a deep, wide rift in Ethiopia on part of the 4,000-mile-long north-to-south trending Great Rift Valley fault. Studies show that the injection of mantle...
A Global Catastrophic Event Wiped Out Ancient Forests
Fungi are single or multi-celled organisms that break down organic materials, such as rotting wood, in order to absorb their nutrients. Neither plant nor animal, they range from mushrooms to single-celled...
Paleontologists Target Montana Dinosaur Museum
The Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum, which opened its doors earlier this year, boasts Montana’s second-largest set of displayed dinosaur remains. The record is still held by the Museum of the...
Caterpillar Controversy Discloses Deep Evolutionary Dis.,.
In August 2009, retired University of Liverpool marine biologist Donald Williamson officially challenged the standard Darwinian interpretation of caterpillar origins. His paper was fast-tracked to publication...
Shrimp Eye May Inspire New DVD Technology
Mantis shrimps are large, colorful marine creatures that see more colors than humans can. While humans see only three primary colors—blue, red, and green—the eyes of these shrimp detect...
Are Humans Evolving? Depends on Your Definition.
Observable change is happening in humans, albeit slowly and only for certain traits. Scientists have tracked the histories of 14,000 residents of Framingham, Massachusetts, since 1948. Data from 2,238...
Anthropologist Says Ancestors Were Faster Than Modern O.,.
Some evolutionists tend to believe that humans are continually improving―getting more robust, smarter, and faster. However, science increasingly indicates that the opposite is occurring. Anthropologist...
Rainforest Fossils Demonstrate Dramatic Climate Change
Researchers are recovering beautiful fossils from the Cerrejón Formation of Colombia. One was a giant snake, called the “Titanoboa.” Most recently, a study examined the formation’s...
New Fossil Cache Shows Plants Haven't Changed
A coal mine in the Cerrejón Formation of Colombia has yielded a gold mine of fossils. This particular cache preserved a time in earth history when the tropical climate was quite different from today’s....
Does Altered Fish Vision Exhibit Evolution?
Biologists recently analyzed special proteins in fish eyes that capture light photons, making vision possible. By comparing the sequences of a critical protein from different fish, they identified a particular...
Genetic 'Crossing-over' Is No Help to Evolution
Shuffling genetic information has long been framed as a biological mechanism that can generate variety as well as fuel evolution. However, new details of a common cellular genetic shuffling process...
The Human Methylome: What Do These Patterns Mean?
For decades, researchers have noticed that tiny chemicals called “methyl groups” piggyback on DNA molecules, and that they occur in certain patterns. Intrigued by the meaning and function of...
New Pterosaur Fossil Forces Re-think of Standard Evolution
Charles Darwin admitted that the sudden appearance of fully formed creatures in fossil deposits was one of the biggest problems with his hypothesis that nature generated living creatures through natural...
New Hull Technology a Slick Design Copy
Many species of marine creatures are very well suited to their watery environment, with precisely arranged gas exchange organs, properly angled eyeball parts, and streamlined bodies with appropriate...
Ancient Amber Discovery Contradicts Geologic Timescale
Newsweek magazine recently published a commentary by atheist Richard Dawkins containing some of his arguments against “creationists.” Therein he admitted, “What would be evidence against...
The Artistry of 'Ardi'
Reconstructions of animals based on fossilized remains are interesting and can be of value. However, they are notoriously subjective. Recent research suggested, for example, that many longstanding dinosaur...
Dinosaur Ranks Shrink as Species Numbers Dwindle
Triceratops is one of the most recognizable dinosaurs, known from partially complete fossilized skeletons to have large armor plate and three horns on its head. At almost 30 feet long, it was perhaps one...
Did Evolution Cause Rapid Changes or Just the Opposite .,.
Researchers have recently focused on DNA sequences as a means for determining the evolutionary history of both viruses and their host organisms. To discover when mammals were first infected by them, a...
Monarch Butterfly Antenna: A Hi-tech Tiny Toolkit
Monarch butterflies have fascinated biologists for a long time. A 3,000-mile road trip in even the most comfortable car would prove daunting to many humans, but these beautiful insects can migrate that...
Newly Named Fish an Evolutionary Enigma
A new species of chimaera found in Californian waters has been given a name. Chimaeras are bizarre cartilaginous fish with features that stand out among other fish. What also stands out is their lack of...
Should We Let the Pandas Die Off?
Pandas face a difficult future, despite great efforts to preserve them. With their dwindling population, shrinking habitat, and weakening genetic strength, one evolutionist has suggested that these longstanding...
Did Humans Evolve from 'Ardi'?
Ardipithecus ramidus is an extinct primate whose fossilized remains were first found along the Awash River in Ethiopia about 15 years ago. Many fragments were collected, including shattered bones from...
Blasphemy Day Barely Registers
Ever hear of International Blasphemy Day? For many of us, it came and went without as much as a blip on the radar. But for a select few atheists and agnostics, it was yet another day to espouse their hatred...
Butterfly Evolution in Action? Not Likely.
One hundred and fifty years ago, Charles Darwin published his proposal that all creatures on earth emerged naturally from a common ancestor through a process of gradual change. Although this hypothesis...
T. Rex Cousin Evolved 60 Million Years Too Early
The most popular dinosaur is probably Tyrannosaurus rex, a Latin term that loosely translates as “king lizard.” Based on evolutionary assumptions, scientists have long held that these dinosaurs...
Does Science Justify Adultery?
Are humans born to cheat? What do Americans think about marital infidelity? Those who oppose the practice of adultery often base their arguments on religious prohibitions. Others, confident that religion...
Memory Is Malleable, but the Bible Is Not
If someone witnessed an event firsthand, chances are that person would remember it pretty clearly, right? Not according to a recent psychological study, in which almost half of those tested disbelieved...
Child-Eating Eagle No Longer a Myth
The Maoris, or native New Zealanders, for generations told stories about a giant bird that could swoop down and carry away human children. As it turns out, those stories held some truth after all. Researchers...
Dawkins' Latest Book: The Greatest Lie on Earth
Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion and perhaps today’s most famous Darwin apologist, has a new book that hit bookstores this month. The Greatest Show on Earth promises to meet his high standard...
Were Stone Age Britons Trigonometry Experts?
Man-made geographical high points in southern England and Wales have been observed for centuries, including earthworks, stone monuments like Stonehenge, and hill camps. But something quite unexpected about...
Planet's Reverse Orbit a New Twist in Old Evolutionary Story
The Wide Area Search for Planets (WASP) project has discovered a planet that orbits backward, against the rotational direction of its star. Methodological naturalists think collisions or near-collisions...
New Book Debunks Human-Chimp Similarity
Evolutionary science repeatedly declares that chimps and humans are 98 percent genetically identical, which is then taken as solid evidence that mankind evolved from an apelike ancestor. But a former BBC...
Fresh Fossil Feather Nanostructures
Bird feathers can contain pigmentation for a wide range of colors, with specific molecules reflecting certain hues when light touches them. They also can display “structural” colors, where...
Ida Missed Her Link to Humans
This past May, a fossil nicknamed Ida was loudly heralded by the evolutionary scientific community as the long-sought-after "missing link" that supposedly proved ape-to-human evolution. Directly following...
Would a Reverse-engineered Chicken Demonstrate Evolution?
In his recent book How to Build a Dinosaur, evolutionary paleontologist Jack Horner suggested that birds could be genetically engineered backward to take the form of their supposed dinosaur ancestors.1...
Robot Navigation Copies Spiny Lobsters
Several varieties of spiny lobsters exist throughout the world’s oceans, and they all have an ability to navigate. Experiments in 2003 concluded that they orient themselves by accessing an internal...
Pseudo-science Attacks Irreducible Complexity
Molecular biologist Michael Behe described a system made of several interacting parts, whereby the removal of one part would disrupt the functioning of the whole, as being irreducibly complex. Both creation...
'Totally Strange' Hurdia a Hurdle for Evolution
Cambrian rock layers contain fossils that represent almost every modern phylum of animal, plus many that are now extinct. One animal fossil in particular would win the weird prize, if there were one. Paleontologists...
Dog Coat Varieties Come from a 'Surprisingly' Elegant P.,.
The vast majority of dog breeds have emerged only in the last several centuries as a result of artificial selection. As new breeds are regularly developed, the many potential varieties within the dog kind...
What Will Artificial Life Demonstrate?
The production of artificial life is supposedly just around the corner. But ever since the famous 1953 Miller and Urey experiment failed to spark life in the laboratory just from chemicals, that corner...
Pterosaur Tracks Show Traces of the Great Flood
Landing tracks made by flying reptiles have been found for the first time. They were discovered in limestone deposits in France, but prints made by modern birds in mud and sandy shorelines today are erased...
Pterosaur Flight Plans
Researchers recently discovered the world’s first pterosaur landing footprints, and the find has revealed precise coordination and other features in these mysterious flying reptiles. In a study published...
Evolution Embedded in American Thought
Polling data has revealed a trend indicating that “America is not a Christian nation.”1 Although a large majority of Americans outwardly claim to be Christian, their inward beliefs...
Fresh Jurassic Squid Ink
Over the past decade or so, scientific research has revealed surprisingly young-looking features in fossils and other artifacts dated in the millions of years. The discoveries include blood vessels in...
'Freethought' Kids' Camp Launches in Texas
Even in the heart of the Bible Belt, Texas isn’t immune to the proliferation of atheistic propaganda, whether in its public schools or now in atheist summer camps. Camp Quest—with the tagline...
Comet Chemical Is Not the Seed of Life
The amino acid glycine is one of twenty chemical building blocks of the proteins that provide most of the structures and functions in living cells. Scientists recently detected “microscopic traces...
Ancient Stone Knives Made by 'Smart' Humans
Evolutionary history holds that the first humans emerged about 200,000 years ago. It was thought that these early people were in some ways sub-human, as the gradual development of higher-level thinking...
Harvard Ph.D. Lecture Exposes Prejudices of Evolutionar.,.
Frank Sherwin, M.A., Brian Thomas, M.S., and Christine Dao* Nathaniel Jeanson, a Harvard-trained medical researcher, was recently awarded his doctorate degree in molecular biology. He has made significant...
Edenic Diet Keeps Out Kidney Stones
Most people know that fruits, vegetables, and grains are good for the human body. Decades of medical research have shown that eating a more vegetable-rich diet with less red meat, fried foods, and processed...
The Incredible Hulk Theory of Life in Space
The ongoing quest to find life in space has failed to yield any supportive evidence that life exists outside the earth. To prop up the idea of distant spontaneous life formation, some scientists are...
Planetary Smash-Ups: Not the Stuff of Earth
Scientists have speculated for years about how planets, stars, and other astronomical systems formed. One proposed explanation is collisions, random destructive events that supposedly generated and placed...
'45-Million-Year-Old' Brewer's Yeast Still Works
Stumptown Brewery in Guerneville, California, brews its beer according to a unique formula. Although standard ingredients such as malt and hops are used, the yeast that is added is supposedly 45 million...
Flytrap Origins: A Sticky Problem for Evolution
Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants. They have delicate, yet precisely engineered, trigger-activated leaves that can snap shut on insects in less than one third of a second. Their origin has baffled...
Bacterial Compasses Point to Creation
Certain bacteria can detect direction with ultra-tiny magnets that use bits of magnetic metals organized into structures called “magnetosomes.” Magnetosomes automatically orient to the earth’s...
Why Are There Still Tuataras?
The evolutionary story is one of constant change. It proposes that simpler life forms evolved into complicated organisms whose offspring branched out in ever more diverse directions. But the modern forms...
Dinosaur Soft Tissues: They're Real!
Paleontologist Mary Schweitzer’s discoveries of soft blood vessels, proteins, various blood cells, and even DNA inside fossilized dinosaur bones have been met with extreme skepticism from the scientific...
'Oldest' Animal Fossils Evolved in the Wrong Place
Fossils from South China are being touted as the first animals to have evolved on the planet. A recently-published study on these tiny organisms, however, presents a fresh evolutionary puzzle. Although...
Not Just a Pretty Face: New Function Found for Toucan Bills
Toucans are tropical birds found in Central and South America. They are best known for their enormous, brilliantly colored bills. These beaks perform several functions, but new research confirms that they...
Radioactive Decay Rates Not Stable
For about a century, radioactive decay rates have been heralded as steady and stable processes that can be reliably used to help measure how old rocks are. They helped underpin belief in vast ages and...
Disaster Recovery Plan Found in Cells
The Internet search engines Google and Yahoo! have massive server farms that are all interconnected in a network configuration called “cloud computing.” These systems are engineered with fault...
Will 'Better Science Education' Convince Americans They.,.
Brian Thomas, M.S., and Frank Sherwin, M.A* A recent poll revealed that many Americans believe public school students should be taught all sides of Darwin’s theory of evolution, its weaknesses...
Mummified Dinosaur Skin Looks Young
The remains of a dinosaur found in the Hell Creek Formation of North Dakota are so well preserved that some scientists are just “gobsmacked.” The mummified remains belong to a hadrosaur...
New Way to Find Age of Ancient Pottery
British researchers have developed a reliable method for determining the age of ancient clay pottery. The dating technique is based on the fact that the clays used to make pots over the centuries demonstrate...
Dawkins Supports First UK Atheist Kids' Camp
The God Delusion author Richard Dawkins has sponsored a week-long summer camp geared towards making atheists out of children. The camp is a UK arm of Camp Quest, and its 24 slots had been booked even before...
Flumes Zoom in on Mud Rock History
For decades, museums and textbooks confidently asserted that mud rocks—such as limestone, siltstone, mudstone, and shale—were formed over vast eons as super-fine sediments slowly settled to...
Press Release 07 24 2009
ICR Announces New Apologetics Program Contact: Lawrence Ford, Director of Communications, ICR Press Office, 214-615-8398, press@icr.org; Institute...
Flower Color Changes: Evolution or Creation in Action?
Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara investigated the genetics behind color changes in flower species by studying the columbine, a wild flower native to North America. The columbine’s...
Partial Piranha Fossil Isn't Transitional
Newly published research claims that a fossilized giant piranha, Megapiranha paranensis, supposedly bridges the “evolutionary gap between flesh-eating piranhas and their plant-eating cousins.”1 Those...
Rising Animal Cancers Point to a Dying World
Cancer affects many humans and their loved ones, and a new report has found that certain animals are also suffering from higher cancer rates. Sadly, this is what is to be expected in a dying and decaying...
'One Small Step': 40 Years After the First Moonwalk
A small minority of people still speculate that the Apollo 11 mission was a hoax. But the truth of the matter is that the world changed forever on July 20, 1969. Exactly 40 years ago, millions of people...
T. Rex Teeth Take a Bite Out of Evolution
A set of fossilized Tyrannosaurus rex teeth was found in a rock layer that it had no business being in, according to evolutionary interpretations. Discovered in Hyogo, Japan, the teeth came from a 15-foot-tall...
Did God Create Aggressive Behavior?
At the close of the creation week, the first chapter of Genesis records that “God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.”1 But some aspects of today’s...
Glaciers Can Melt in a 'Geologic Instant'
Many geological processes can happen much more quickly than is conventionally thought. For instance, mainstream science believes that coal, diamonds, and oil require vast amounts of time to develop,...
Science and the Bible Agree: Casual Sex Is Bad
Countless television programs and movies portray casual sex as “no big deal,” or even normal. But according to the scientific data, that view is all wrong. As it turns out, the brain chemistry...
New Study Finds Dinosaur Models Are Too Thick
Dinosaur reconstructions in museums worldwide may all be too large, according to new research published in the Journal of Zoology. Researchers revisited the 25-year-old statistical formula used to estimate...
Martian Lake Still Won't Lead to Life
Evolutionary belief holds as a central tenet that life emerged and developed “naturally,” even though mere natural laws of chemistry and physics are insufficient causes. If life occurred spontaneously...
Do New Dinosaur Finger Bones Solve a Bird Wing Problem?
A new beak-bearing theropod dinosaur was discovered in China recently, and it supposedly “solves the mystery of dinosaur finger evolution,”1 since its finger bones do not have the...
Communal Nutrition in Ants: Strong Evidence for Creation
Evolutionary scientists have unwittingly obeyed the biblical command to “observe the ant” (Proverbs 6:6; 30:25), and they have found a few surprises. One of the most intriguing and complex...
Energy Bill Won't Solve Global Warming
United States lawmakers are considering a bill whose purpose is “to make energy more expensive, so people use less of it and to create a penalty for carbon-based fuels.”1 Its intent...
Bacteria 'Resurrected' from Greenland Glacier
In 2008, Penn State biochemists found ultra-tiny bacteria in an ice core that had been drilled almost three kilometers deep in a Greenland glacier. They were able to get these bacteria to grow by incubating...
Is There Some Truth to Dragon Myths?
Harry Potter fans are looking forward to the boy wizard’s next screen adventure, when Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince opens this month. Pottermania broke loose when J. K. Rowling’s first...
Study Shows Many Scientists Manipulate Results
Survey data collected from 1986 to 2005 revealed disturbing information about scientific reporting across a host of fields. Almost two percent of scientists personally admitted to having “fabricated,...
Evolutionary Connection to Increased College Drinking
Researchers recently published a study in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs that found alcohol abuse among college students has been steadily increasing for about a decade, even while effective...
Jay Talking
The brains of birds are tiny, but many contain the right programming to make them the best talkers in the animal kingdom. In addition to the parrot’s talking skill set, a new study found that Siberian...
Botox: Toxin Becomes Treatment
Botox treatments are popularly known for their cosmetic application in reducing facial wrinkles. They also have been used successfully to treat disorders in eye muscles. And a newly discovered application...
It Takes More Than Eyes to See
The eye is an amazing instrument, but it does not function alone. Even with visual receptors rapidly sending data along the optic nerve, no mental image will form at all unless the brain is properly equipped...
Astronomers Surprised by Unnatural Star Cluster
While examining an area near the center of the Milky Way, astronomers saw something they were not expecting. An inordinately high number of average-looking stars are grouped there in a formation known...
Egg-laying Echidna Could Not Have Evolved
A research intern for the Wildlife Conservation Society, Muse Opiang, completed the first field study ever conducted on the long-beaked echidna, an egg-laying mammal found only in New Guinea.1...
Fixed Bird Thigh Nixes Dino-to-bird Development
New research from Oregon State University revealed that a bird’s bone configuration is essential to the unique way it breathes. The study, published online in the Journal of Morphology, effectively...
Engineers Have an 'Ear' for Natural Design
The human ear is an amazing device. In a recent press release, an MIT engineer said that the ear is “like a super radio with 3,500 parallel channels.”1 In fact, its design inspired...
Flat-Faced Fossil Fails to Fit Evolution
Portions of a primate’s fossilized face and jaw were recovered near Barcelona in 2004. The discovery of the bones was recently hailed as “an enormous step forward in the understanding of the...
Origin of Life 'Gateway' Remains Hidden
UK researchers believe they may have “broken new ground” in the ongoing quest to find out how living cells first evolved. The New York Times proclaimed, “An English chemist has found...
Why Can Moss Process Human Genes?
Researchers used to think that no plant could process mammalian genes because the required machinery is “proprietary,” or unique to the kind. But a team from the Swiss Federal Institute of...
Did Ribonucleoproteins Spark Life?
Despite “decades of persistent failure to create life by the ‘spark in the soup’ method,”1 evolutionary biochemists are still trying to find an exclusively naturalistic...
Well-Engineered Ecosystems Bounce Back
How fast can a disaster zone bounce back? Apparently, faster than previously thought. Yale University ecologists conducted a meta-analysis of 240 studies of devastated ecosystems. They found that ecosystems...
Viral Life from Outer Space? Not Likely.
Since a whole, functioning cell could not possibly emerge spontaneously from non-living matter, many evolutionists believe that simpler viruses were the first step towards the development of life. Researchers...
Sea Urchin Teeth Are Designed to Grind Stone
Sea urchins are spiny marine animals. Some of them like to hide in holes that they dig out of limestone in the ocean floor, using teeth that are ground down and yet remain sharp. What makes these teeth...
Atheist Ads in Chicago Say Man Created God
“In the beginning, man created God,” according to recent advertisements posted on 25 Chicago buses. The Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign targeted the country’s third largest city to espouse...
DNA Fence Posts Hold Back Cancer. . . and Evolution
New research has uncovered a tiny protein that, when it breaks down, leads to cancer. This useful protein attaches to DNA in certain places and serves as a marker or “fence post.” These fence...
The African Sunbird: Evolution in Action or Grasping at.,.
Because evolution on a grand scale is impossible to observe happening in real time due to the immensely long ages it supposedly requires, any little tidbit of natural selection that is discovered is heralded...
Multifunctional Genes Indicate Ingenious Programming
Computer programs are written in coded computer languages, and sometimes the same piece of code can be reused in different programs to perform new functions. This way, programmers save time and energy...
Gecko Eyes Make Great Night Vision Cameras
Certain gecko lizards can see color in dim light. That means these geckos’ eyes are about 350 times more sensitive than human eyes, which see only black and white in the same conditions. Can evolution...
Texas School Board Chairman McLeroy Loses Leadership Post
Texas State Representative Don McLeroy (R-College Station) narrowly lost his bid on May 28 to retain his position as chairman of the State Board of Education. The 19-11 vote, which ran strictly along party...
Cod Still Recovering from Darwin Bulldog's Bite
Cod fish dominated massive areas of the North Atlantic Ocean until somewhat recently, when their numbers dramatically dwindled due to overfishing. Interestingly, that population decline can be directly...
New Fossil Hype Fits Old Pattern
Even evolutionary paleontologists are largely convinced that the media’s recent promotion of a new “missing link” is a monumental overstatement. There is little doubt that the hype surrounding...
Pop Culture Parades Darwinism as Science
Charles Darwin attempted to explain the origin of living organisms in On the Origin of Species, published in 1859. Two hundred years after his birth, his theory of descent with modification by natural...
Ida: Separating the Science from the Media Campaign
by Brian Thomas, M.S., and Frank Sherwin, M.A.* Ida is the nickname of the stunningly well-preserved fossil that is currently being hailed as "our connection with the rest of all the mammals."1...
'Missing Link' Ida Is Just Media Hype
Scientists and media outlets around the world are praising "Ida," the primate fossil hailed as the long-sought-after "missing link" in the human evolutionary theory. In a major public relations campaign,...
Can We Really Reverse-Engineer a Dinosaur?
by Jeffrey Tomkins, Ph.D., and Brian Thomas, M.S.*   A recent TV show has proposed the possibility that dinosaurs may walk the earth again someday as a result of man’s ingenuity. Dinosaurs:...
Huge Virus a Missing Link?
In 1992, researchers discovered a giant virus with so much DNA that some have called it a “viral missing link.” Evolutionary scientists claimed that it has features that reflect both a living...
Strata Data Axes Asteroid Dinosaur Demise
In 1980, a theory was proposed that an asteroid or comet impact was primarily responsible for the mass dinosaur extinctions that were observed in the fossil record. But while the impact tale has become...
Some Birds Were Created to Boogie
Snowball is a sulfur-crested cockatoo. He’s also a YouTube sensation, as this bird dances by bobbing his head and lifting his feet to a musical beat. In addition to the Internet community, Snowball’s...
Hadrosaur Soft Tissues Another Blow to Long-Ages Myth
Recently-discovered dinosaur soft tissues, and even blood cells, represent some of the biggest hurdles for long-age evolutionary belief. Soft tissue was found in the femur of a large Tyrannosaurus rex...
Rewriting the Last Dinosaur's Tombstone
“The last of the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago,”1 according to an unsupported claim by evolutionary researchers that has been popularized in books and movies such as Jurassic...
The Stunning Stability of Salmonella
Salmonella bacteria became a health threat relatively recently, when chicken eggs were infected by the migration of the bacteria from chickens’ digestive organs to their reproductive organs. Geneticists...
Planetary Quandaries Solved: Saturn Is Young
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has been on a mission to gather information on the structure and composition of Saturn, its rings, and its moons. Conventional cosmology holds that the planets of the solar...
Stem Cells from Blood Render Embryonic Sources Obsolete
On the heels of President Barack Obama’s March 9 order to use public monies to support embryonic stem cell research,1 another source of stem cells has become available—blood. Blood...
Thank God for. . . Scorpion Venom?
The vast majority of modern medicines are toxic at high concentrations or when misused, but they can promote health at low concentrations and when they are carefully applied. Thus, the very same compound...
Is the H1N1 Flu Evolving?
Flu is in the news, with some people fearing a possible pandemic from the latest strain. The most recent threat, initially labeled “swine flu,” comes from an H1N1 influenza virus, the same...
No Evolution Found in Human Facial Differences
One common question asked of creation scientists is “If all mankind descended from two humans, then where did all the ‘races’ come from?” New research, published in the journal...
Obama Pushes for Expansion of Science and Technology
During his April 27, 2009, address at the National Academy of Sciences’ annual meeting, President Barack Obama called for focused scientific research aimed to improve the daily lives of American...
Mimicking Molecules Manifest a Maker
A recent study discovered that certain molecules mimic the exact shapes of other molecules, allowing them to interact in a way that protects the genetic integrity of their host organism. Researchers discovered...
Science Still in the Dark about Dark Energy
Evolutionary astronomers have a problem. The universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate, but if general relativity is an accurate cosmological model, and if the universe is made up of the kinds of...
'Inner Fish' Is Really Inner Design
Evolutionary scientists are often on the lookout for evidence that they hope will vindicate Darwin’s outdated theory of evolution. Recently, a team of geneticists discovered that although the non-coding...
Press Release 04 21 2009
Graduate School Sues Texas Agency Over Academic Discrimination Contact: Lawrence Ford, Director of Communications, Institute for Creation Research (ICRGS), 214-615-8398, press@icr.org DALLAS,...
Does Twitter Twiddle with Morality?
New research has provided interesting insights into brain activity associated with human morality. The study, conducted at the University of Southern California, focused on the uniquely human emotions...
Gene Construction Confirms Creation
The fruit fly has been a leading model organism for genetics research the past hundred years. A new biotechnology-based study of this key organism has yielded more evidence for special creation. Geneticists...
Chimp Study Reveals Humans Are Uniquely Wired
Chimps are physically stronger than humans, as demonstrated in recent national news when a chimpanzee severely mauled a Connecticut woman. Police were forced to shoot and kill it after its owner failed...
Retinal Coordination: Picture Perfect Presentation of Design
Evidence abounds that vertebrate eyes cannot be the result of chance formation. Recently, scientists found even more evidence when they discovered that retinal neurons work together to provide the brain...
Snail Changes Outpace Evolution's Slow Crawl
Scientists observe many changes to animal physiology that occur too quickly to fit the “slow and gradual” concepts favored by classical Darwinian evolution. An illustration of this type of...
Viral Batteries: A Case for Evolution?
Researchers at MIT have invented a “greener” battery with the help of viruses. Three years ago, they engineered a virus that coats itself with material that serves as an anode, a structure...
Stone Blades Cut Back Evolutionary Dates
Evolutionary anthropologists once thought that stone knives were developed in the late Stone Age, around 40,000 years ago. That figure was later revised to 200,000, around the Middle Stone Age, when stone...
Comer Lawsuit Dismissed, TEA's Neutrality Policy Upheld
A lawsuit brought by Chris Comer, former director of science at the Texas Education Agency, against the TEA and its commissioner, Robert Scott, was dismissed by a federal judge on March 31, 2009. United...
Ancient Oxygen-Rich Rocks Confound Evolutionary Timescale
Many origin of life researchers have for decades argued that the early earth must have had a “reducing” atmosphere, meaning that it had very little oxygen. This argument has no direct evidence...
Anti-God Ads Hit Dallas
In the heart of the Bible belt, billboards stating “Don’t believe in God? You are not alone” have been posted in parts of Dallas, home of the Institute for Creation Research. The boards...
Metal 'Snakes' Fall Far Short of Life
Researchers at Argonne National Laboratories have observed nickel filings ordering into rows atop a special fluid. With precisely structured electromagnetic fields surrounding them, the snake-like rows...
Evolutionists, Atheists Admit Defeat in Texas
After months of hearing debates over Texas science education standards, the 15-member State Board of Education voted to remove the requirement for teachers to teach the “strengths and weaknesses”...
Tail-gliding Bugs Are Not Evidence for Flight Evolution
Researchers recently announced that they have unlocked some of the mystery surrounding the evolution of insect flight.1 Their observance of a certain wingless insect led them to hypothesize...
The 'Mystery' of Octopus Fossils
Around 150 years ago, Charles Darwin asserted that “no organism wholly soft can be preserved.”1 He concluded this based on the assumption that fossilization required long periods...
Fossil Fibers Befuddle Dinosaur Evolution
Evolutionary museums and textbooks have often portrayed modern birds as the descendants of dinosaurs, a story that has been presented without empirical support. Now, a new "feathered" dinosaur discovery...
Scientists Seek Second Genesis
The invention of a synthetic life form is a dream shared by many scientists, and they are beginning to see it as a possibility that is achievable within a decade. New Scientist magazine stated that “engineering...
Neo-Darwinian Theory Fails the Mutation Test
Darwin’s original conception of simple-to-complex evolution maintained that nature selected certain individuals with superior features, and in this way gradually, one tiny feature at a time, an entirely...
The First and Best Biotechnician
Mankind’s attempts at bioengineering have yet to match the precision of some techniques already found in nature: cloning, tissue culturing, and gene therapy. Recent studies have explored how these...
Deadly Waters No Problem for Well-Equipped Algae
Arsenic is a common toxic component in pesticides and herbicides, and one place it is found naturally is in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park. The arsenic in the water there would be deadly...
Physicist Receives Million-Pound Prize for Predicting a.,.
On March 16, 2009, the Templeton Foundation announced the winner of its annual 1 million pound sterling (1.42 million USD) prize, an amount that exceeds the payoff of the prestigious Nobel Prize.1...
'Live Evolution' Not Witnessed After All
Some science media outlets are hailing a recent study as “live evolution witnessed,” but what researchers at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique actually saw isn’t evolution...
The Dirty Little Secret Is Out: Religious Faith and Evo.,.
In a recent book review, Jerry Coyne, professor of ecology and evolution at the University of Chicago, admitted that the secular worldview of macroevolution (the development of complex life from “simpler”...
What Is a Turtle Fossil Doing in the Arctic?
A fossilized turtle shell, along with a host of lithified tropical plants and animals, has been discovered on Axel Heiberg Island in the High Canadian Arctic.1 This new find presents an enigma...
The Permian Extinction: Good Science, Bad Assumptions
Ninety percent of marine and 70 percent of terrestrial creatures perished suddenly in an event variously called the Permian extinction, the Permian–Triassic (P-Tr) extinction, or the Great Dying....
Altruistic Aphids, an Evolutionary Anomaly
Certain aphids manipulate plant tissues to form a hollow gall in which they then reside. But aphids will also help heal plant tissue that they’ve damaged. This behavior serves as a vital self-defense...
A New Technique for Pluripotent Stem Cells
Stem cell treatments have proven successful for many diseases, and there is great promise that new treatments will emerge to combat even more maladies. These successful treatments involve inserting correctly...
Obama Orders the Destruction of Human Embryos
In a significant move to distance himself from the moral conservatives of the country, President Barack Obama on March 9 ordered that federal money (taxpayer money) be used to promote medical research...
In Honor of Darwin's 200th Birthday: Evolution's Bigges.,.
A very interesting article was recently published in New Scientist magazine in honor of the bicentenary of Charles Darwin’s birth.1 Sixteen of the world’s leading evolutionary biologists...
What Does It Take to Fossilize a Brain?
Scientists have accidently discovered a rare and perhaps unique fossilized brain of an iniopterygian, an extinct kind of ratfish or chimaera that supposedly lived 300 million years ago. When the researchers...
Molecular Clocks Are Preset to Evolution
Evolutionary scientists often use results derived from molecular biology dating methods (based on DNA sequence similarities) to bolster their assumptions that some related organisms may have diverged millions...
Fish Studies Answer Flood Question
According to the Bible, the world before Noah’s Flood, including the oceans, must have been idyllic. That was destroyed by the year-long global deluge, during which the earth’s land mass broke...
Ancient Human Footprints Look Modern
Some scientists have estimated that sets of human footprints found on two separate but close sedimentary layers in Kenya are around 1.51 and 1.53 million years old1 and were made by humans like...
Hormone Research Unwittingly Corroborates Biblical Kinds
Hormones are small chemical switches that turn on or off different cellular systems. They are tissue-specific, most often produced by the tissue of one organ, distributed in mammals via the bloodstream,...
First Draft of the Neandertal Genome Sequence Released
The highly anticipated initial draft assembly of the Neandertal genome was announced at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in the United States and at...
Tubular Fish Eyes Defy Evolution
Fully-functional and distinct eye designs are found throughout the animal world. They are diverse, and yet each one contains such highly specified interconnected parts that evolutionary scientists have...
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