Inside June 2019 Acts & Facts | The Institute for Creation Research

Inside June 2019 Acts & Facts

How can we resolve the conflicting message of a good creation with the evil that surrounds us? How does geological research uncover Earth’s youth? Why is a literal Adam a gospel issue? And what happened to the dinosaurs after the Flood? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the June 2019 issue of Acts & Facts!          

How Has ICR Changed Your Life?
When we recently asked our Facebook followers how ICR has changed their lives, we received so many compelling stories. One reader said, “It’s made a few gray areas a lot clearer.”...
Genesis and the Character of God
Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. (Genesis 1:31) The message of Genesis isn’t confusing. The information throughout the Bible is consistent: The universe...
The Truth about Radiometric Dating
Prove it. That’s the challenge biblical creationists often face when discussing the scientific validity of the Genesis creation account with skeptics. Many people leave the church, especially...
Four Geological Evidences for a Young Earth
Most people believe rock layers require millions of years to form. This assumption has been taught as fact to geology students and the public for generations. In reality, rocks of any type can and do...
The Genesis Flood and Evangelism
Some Christians claim that insisting on a literal Genesis is a hindrance to evangelism. Since science has supposedly proved that the creation and Flood it describes weren’t real, historical events,...
How Mount St. Helens Refutes Evolution
ICR was recently pleased to host Gary Bates, CEO of Creation Ministries International-USA, for a private tour of the under-construction ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History.1...
A Literal Adam Is a Gospel Issue
Was there a literal Adam? Does it matter? Many academics and even Christians claim humans descended from apes through an evolutionary process over millions of years. This contradicts the biblical account...
ICR Discovery Center Update
A local TV reporter recently visited ICR’s campus in Dallas to do a brief news story highlighting the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History.* While we’ve shared about the Discovery...
Engineered Adaptability: Engineered Features Determine .,.
Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. These are the tremendous feats—produced by the incredible traits—of the...
What Happened to Dinosaurs after the Flood?
Genesis says that “every beast after its kind…went into the ark to Noah, two by two, of all flesh in which is the breath of life.”1 Dinosaurs were beasts, and their fossil...
Does Global Warming Threaten Bird Habitats?
If you love birds, should you fight petroleum production in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? How you answer depends on whether you believe man-made global warming is threatening Earth’s...
Laborers Together
With the arrival of warmer weather, the full beauty of the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History’s park and surrounding grounds is now on glorious display. By day, visitors are welcomed...

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Why Aren't There Any Flightless Bats?
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Rocky Exoplanets Are Literally Being Vaporized
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Mammals ''Shrank'' After Post-Flood Ice Age
By examining fossils from 19 archaeological sites in Jordan’s Azraq Basin, researchers have concluded that gazelles, hares, and foxes shrank in...

Breaking News: Ancient Mollusks Were Complex
Mollusks consist of a wide range of invertebrates that include the intelligent octopus, pulmonated snails (gastropods), and bivalves (clams). They appear...

Dino Trackway Leads Straight to a Young Earth
Uncovering animal tracks and trackways in sedimentary rocks is a testament to the Genesis Flood.1–4 Fascinating discoveries continue...

February 2025 ICR Wallpaper
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8 NKJV) ICR's...

Fascinating Dino Fossil Finds! | Creation.Live Podcast: Episode...
Dinosaurs are fascinating creatures and the fossils they've left behind inspire awe and wonder. Many scientists claim that the existence of...

New Antarctic Ice Core: Good News for Creationists
Scientists have successfully drilled a fourth long ice core in East Antarctica.1 This new core, which reached to bedrock, has bottom ice...