How Has ICR Changed Your Life? | The Institute for Creation Research

How Has ICR Changed Your Life?

When we recently asked our Facebook followers how ICR has changed their lives, we received so many compelling stories. One reader said, “It’s made a few gray areas a lot clearer.” Others posted “I can debate the scoffers better” and “it helped to repair the damage done by a public ‘education.’” I really liked the comment from B.H., who said, “It’s changed the way I view science and history forever.”

How has ICR impacted you? Have you considered the evidence for creation and allowed it to change your perspective of science and history? As you’ll see in this issue of Acts & Facts, our scientists and scholars consistently remind us of God’s work in creation, and they carefully show us how science fits with the Genesis account.

Belief in a recent, complete, and good creation helps us align our understanding of origins with the character of God. Tweet: Belief in a recent, complete, and good creation helps us align our understanding of origins with the character of God.

How Has ICR Changed Your Life?

@ICRscience @JaymeDurant

#Theology #Science

Dr. Henry Morris III assures us that “the message of Genesis isn’t confusing….The words of Scripture insist that God’s work was recent, complete, and good” (“Genesis and the Character of God”). He goes on to explain why belief in a recent, complete, and good creation helps us align our understanding of origins with the character of God.

Belief in recent creation also aligns us with good science. Geologist Dr. Tim Clarey provides evidences for the recent creation of Earth. He says, “The very existence of Earth’s continents, coupled with erosion rates, testifies to the youth of our planet and the truth of God’s Word” (“Four Geological Evidences for a Young Earth”).

If Earth is young, evolution could not possibly have formed the creatures and people who live here. Paleobiochemist Dr. Brian Thomas says, “Unimaginably long timespans form the backdrop for all evolutionary speculations.…Erase the time and you erase evolution” (“How Mount St. Helens Refutes Evolution”). Geneticist Dr. Jeff Tomkins refutes evolution from a different angle. He notes that “a key problem with the evolutionary position is that there’s no evidence of an ape-human transition in the fossil record” (“A Literal Adam Is a Gospel Issue”).

Many who believe in an old earth point to radiometric dating. That’s why nuclear physicist Dr. Vernon Cupps authored his new book Rethinking Radiometric Dating to show how the radiometric dating methods used to “prove” an old earth are unreliable. His research demonstrates that “radiometric dating is not based on the scientific method but rather on assumptions that cannot be observationally verified” (“The Truth about Radiometric Dating”). This beautiful full-color book contains in-depth science, so prepare to tackle some technical concepts when you open it!

We hope the truth you find in these articles and other ICR resources will encourage you in your faith and give you a greater confidence in God’s Word. If they do, we’d love to know about it. We enjoy reading your comments and seeing your participation in our social media posts. Thank you for taking the time to share your stories with us! I’ll include one more. Our friend M.M. tells us he received some ICR resources 30 years ago. He says, “I was a newer Christian and a staunch evolutionist—but looking for answers. With each successive tape in the series, my questions were answered rationally again and again. Everything fell into place for me theologically, scientifically, and ideologically. It was the start of a new understanding.”

Have you come to a place in your understanding of creation where you see things differently? Does your view of science and history point you to the Creator? We encourage you to join the conversation (@ICRscience), ask questions, and discover for yourself how science confirms biblical creation.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2019. How Has ICR Changed Your Life?. Acts & Facts. 48 (6).

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