Archive of Radio Program Articles

Why One-Size-Fits-All Radiocarbon Dating Doesn’t Work
Which is more trustworthy: carbon-14 dating or reliable eyewitnesses? Conventional dating methods aren’t as straightforward as they seem. In this episode, Dr. Jim Johnson investigates...
Christians and Conservation
Why should Christians care about conservation? What is the “dominion mandate”? And how can we best steward the resources God has given us? Zoologist and Research Associate Frank Sherwin...
Common Design or Common Descent?
Humans’ and chimpanzees’ many similar features are presented as one of the strongest evidences for evolutionary theory. But do these traits tell the story of evolution from an ape-like...
Balancing Body Temperature
The 2018 Winter Olympics have arrived! Have you ever wondered how athletes can be out in the frigid temperatures and still sweat after finishing their events? Dr. Randy Guliuzza highlights the...
Beauty in Motion
We’re approaching the 2018 Winter Olympics. Are you looking forward to seeing great athletes go for the gold? When you watch snowboarders race down a hill—and they roll, twist, and...
Do Billions of Years Fit with Genesis?
Many Christians think that if they can somehow find room in the Scriptures for billions of years then the conflict between Genesis and evolution will be solved. They might not admit it, but sometimes...
What About Radioisotope Clocks?
Secularists claim that radioisotope ages “objectively and scientifically” confirm millions of years. But ICR scientists have carefully examined their claims and found flaws and holes...
Dating Dinosaur Fossils
Age bias continually colors the interpretation of dinosaur fossils. Can we truly know a fossil’s age? How do we know secular analyses are flawed? Is there evidence that confirms dinosaurs...
Why Does Recent Creation Matter?
ICR scientists often talk about recent creation. But does the Bible really present this view? Should Christians discuss this issue with friends who think it doesn’t matter? Or should we leave...
Full-Bible Christian
The latest polls reveal a disturbing trend. Younger generations are less likely to believe that humans descended from the first man, Adam, only thousands of years ago. More people believe the evolutionary...
Refuting a Favorite Old-Earth Argument
In 2010, the BioLogos Foundation published an article that proposed “biblical and scientific shortcomings of flood geology.” Discover the background of this paper’s research,...
How Consistent Are Old-Earth Clocks?
One argument often made for an old earth is the professed agreement of age assignments from various dating methods. Is this “case closed” for the age-of-the-earth debate? Dig deeper...
Genesis Compromise Unravels the Bible
Christians who accept the idea of millions of years might not be aware that they’re holding to a logically inconsistent position. How can we find clarity in the obvious tension between Genesis...
How Theology Informs Science
Theology—formerly called “the queen of the sciences”—used to be held in high regard. However, skeptics like Lawrence Krauss continually make derogatory comments about theological...
Celebrating a Broken Climate "Pacemaker"
There is strong geological evidence for one ice age. Yet, secular scientists published an iconic technical paper that detailed multiple ice ages over long periods of time. Why did they miss the...
Dinosaur Extinction via Asteroid?
Have you heard about the Chicxulub impact site in Yucatan, Mexico? Some scientists claim this site as the “smoking gun” of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. Is this a smoking...
What Was Homo naledi?
Scientists recently reported the discovery of a new human-like species called Homo naledi. Why is this important to Christians? Dr. Clarey clears up the controversy surrounding the latest “missing...
Dinosaurs Are Not Birds
Birds and dinosaurs are completely different kinds. God uniquely created both of them only thousands of years ago. Learn how to debunk the secular propaganda of dinosaur-to-bird evolution.   Other...
The Created Sun and Moon
What does Scripture say about the sun and the moon? How do these two “great lights” rule the heavens? Dr. Jim Johnson describes the sun and moon’s impact on our planet, as well...
Revealing the True Age of the Hawaiian Islands
Many textbooks teach that the Hawaiian Islands are millions of years old. How can we know their true age? Dr. Clarey digs out the truth from not-so-old Hawaiian rocks.   Other episodes...
Discovering the Pre-Flood World
Can we know what the pre-Flood world looked like? How has Dr. Clarey’s cutting-edge megasequence research improved our understanding of the Genesis Flood? Uncover clues to Earth’s catastrophic...
Solar Eclipse and the Created Sun
Solar eclipses are astonishing sights. These astronomical events—and even the sun itself—reveal a lot about creation and our Creator. When will the next solar eclipse occur? And how...
From Big to Small, God Made It All
Our universe is unbelievably immense. Can you count the stars in the heavens or the grains of sand on the beach? Mr. Sherwin directs our eyes to the skies—and the submicroscopic world around...
Do you feel a natural revulsion when you experience spiders up close? Why would God create creepy arachnids? Discover God’s purpose for these eight-legged arthropods.   Other...
Bombardier Beetle
Imagine a hungry frog chasing a delicious beetle. As the frog shoots out its sticky tongue to capture the prey, an explosion occurs that stuns the predator. Have you heard of this famous beetle?...
What is DNA? Why is it important? And how does it reveal the handiwork of the omnipotent Designer? Discover the code of life as Mr. Sherwin unwinds the microscopic ladder of biological information...
The Amazing Human Body
The psalmist said we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” What insights can we glean from science to increase our wonder and honor our Creator? Mr. Sherwin highlights several features...
The Scientific Method
We are constantly bombarded with fantastic claims about the past that are touted as scientific. The scientific method—a way to study the natural world—will help us better analyze these...
The Big Bang Is Broken
Secular cosmologists claim that the universe originated in an explosion 13.8 billion years ago. Some Christians believe this Big Bang is the means God used to create the universe. Is there evidence...
Our Young Universe
According to the Big Bang origins model, our universe is said to be 13.8 billion years old. But a straightforward reading of the Bible—including historical information and the testimony of...
Does the 'God Particle' Prove the Big Bang?
Is the “God particle” truly “a blow to the Christian faith,” or “a nail in the coffin of religion”? Where does reality end and hype begin? Dr. Hebert exposes...
Manganese Nodules and the Age of the Ocean
Many secular scientists extrapolate current seafloor sediment deposit rates. They then publish Earth age assignments of millions of years. Are they following the scientific method? How do manganese...
Saturn, Enceladus, and Blue Stars
Saturn is too hot for its evolutionary age. It should’ve cooled off if it were 4.5 billion years old. What can we learn about the age of the universe from our solar system? How can biblical...
Where Did All the People Come From?
In 2011, the United Nations reported a world population of 7 billion. How long did it take for this many humans to be born? Evolutionists proclaim an ages-long history where the human population...
Mutation Rates Debunk Human Evolution Story
According to the evolutionary story, humans evolved from an unidentified ape-like ancestor over two million years ago. But this story doesn’t line up with the Bible or scientific evidence....
Stretchy Dinosaur Soft Tissue
Scientists have been discovering original dinosaur proteins for decades. Upon cracking open the unearthed bones, scientists have found osteocytes, collagen, and other biological materials that...
Rocks, Ice Cores, and Bill Nye
Why does Earth’s age matter? Are there better answers to the controversial methods of radioisotope dating? Is an ice core’s age simply determined by counting its layers? Brian Thomas...
Jews and Greeks
1 Corinthians 1:23 states, “but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness.” This short passage gives us an important key to reaching our...
The Ultimate Proof of Creation
Who has time to memorize the overwhelming lines of evidence confirming creation? Isn’t there an easier way to communicate with a skeptic? Dr. Lisle presents one bulletproof argument that...
Science Confirms Biblical Creation
Ironically, many scientists attempt to disprove the Bible using disciplines like genetics and geology. But these fields continue to produce research that confirms the Bible. What steps should we...
Genesis and Distant Starlight
Critics posit many questions about distant starlight and the Bible. Is there a problem with stars being billions of lightyears away? How does the Bible bring clarity to this issue? And how have...
Design of the Solar System
The solar system is wonderfully designed for life—and for fascinating science, too! Both benefits reveal the richness of the Lord’s creativity. Discovering the truth the Lord has hidden...
Hair, Feathers, and Scales
Creation scientists observe hair, feathers, and scales as unique structures revealing design. Evolutionary naturalists disagree, of course, maintaining a common origin for these skin appendages....
The Moon
Our moon is unusually large, but it’s just the right size to aid life on Earth. As a masterpiece of design, it shouts God’s creation. How does lunar science support biblical truth?   Other...
The Unique Earth and Unique Universe
How do scientific measurements and fundamental constants reflect the Creator’s divine hand? Our universe permits physical, interactive life only because these and many other numbers are exquisitely...
Mount St. Helens Recovery
The Mount St. Helens events give us a glimpse into Earth’s geologic power, the origin of rocks, and the formation of geologic features. How does the ecological recovery of Mount St. Helens...
Mount St. Helens: An Outdoor Laboratory
Geologist Dr. Steve Austin called the Mount St. Helens eruption “the geologic event of the twentieth century.” Mount St. Helens was not the largest volcano episode of the last century,...
Facts vs. Fantasy
Theories on the origin of the universe abound, but all seem to fit into one of two categories. Either you believe “in the beginning God created” or you must believe the Ph.D. who says...
Why Use Words?
Conservative Christians speak of inerrancy and inspiration, while liberal theologians prefer dynamic equivalence. But what does Jesus teach? How much authority do the Bible’s words really...
Faith vs. Science
The scientific world strives to exclude God from its thinking, and faith is not subject to the scientific method. So, how do we reconcile faith and science? Other episodes in this series: Oppositions...
Jots and Tittles
The Bible’s message requires absolute accuracy of every word of its written text. Jesus referenced the eternal nature of His Word. Even the letters themselves—the “jots”...
Oppositions of Science
The Apostle Paul warned Timothy about pseudoscience and “false knowledge.” Today, many twist the meaning of Scripture to promote their interpretation of scientific data. What is the...
Ice Age and Seafloor Sediments
Seafloor sediments and dating methods may not seem like terribly exciting icebreaker topics. So, why does this field of research interest Dr. Hebert and the ICR science team? And how does it relate...
My Creation Journey
Dr. Hebert’s pursuit of creation research ministry started early in life. Learn about his early interest in science, middle school doubts about Christianity, and the book that changed the...
Dissecting an Argument for the Big Bang
Secular scientists claim the universe came into existence through a cosmic explosion called the Big Bang. Some Christians try to argue that God used the Big Bang to create the universe. But what...
Why the Age of the Earth Matters
Is the universe billions of years old—or only thousands? Many Christians are uncomfortable with the idea of recent creation because they think science has “proven” otherwise....
A Universe from Nothing?
Many famous secular physicists claim we don’t need a Creator to explain the universe’s origin. They say “the laws of physics created the universe,” or, “the universe...
Is There Evidence That Dinosaurs Lived Recently?
Textbooks and even children’s books tout dinosaur history going back millions of years. The Bible presents a different account of only thousands of years. Can fossils help us discern between...
Did Dinosaurs Evolve into Birds?
“Birds are living dinosaurs.” Can we trust the bold narratives of museum displays and textbooks? Evolutionary scientists investigate this subject and are still divided on the matter....
Were Dinosaurs Designed?
Could God have created dinosaurs? Biochemist Brian Thomas was taught that dinosaurs evolved over millions of years via natural processes and death. Which dinosaur origin model is true? What do...
Are Dinosaurs in the Bible?
The Bible mentions several extinct reptiles. Biblical authors described their anatomy, lifestyles, and even habitats. Is it possible that these vanished creatures were dinosaurs?   Other...
Are Human Fossils Buried with Dinosaur Fossils?
Creation scientists say dinosaurs and man co-existed. The Bible also teaches this as historical fact. Should we find human and dinosaur fossils together in the same rock layers?   Other...
Catastrophic Plate Tectonics and the Ice Age
Flood secrets long buried reveal fascinating confirmation for the Genesis account. Where did the water come from to Flood the entire earth? Did the plates move rapidly and break apart during the...
Oil as a "Soft Tissue"
Oil is in the news almost every day due to fluctuating prices and controversial fracking. How does oil fit into the Bible? Was oil made in the Flood? How does this important commodity influence...
Dinosaur Evolution and the Fossil Record
Is dinosaur evolution a fable? Secularists claim that the terrible lizards evolved from ancestors. But what do the fossils show? Are they truly millions of years old? Do dinosaurs disprove the...
Summary of Megasequences across Africa and the Pre-Floo.,.
Dr. Clarey shifts focus from North America to Africa. How does the African continent show a similar geological story? How can we know the Flood was not merely localized around the Black Sea? And...
Summary of Megasequences across North America and the G.,.
Many wonder if the global Flood was real. Can we trust Genesis? What really happened during this worldwide, watery catastrophe? What do rock layers across North America reveal?   Other...
What is the origin of dinosaurs? Can we trust the fossil record? Questions abound regarding these famous “thunder lizards.” But secular textbooks lack strong, scientific answers. Where...
The Flood
Christians must build their worldview on the whole Bible. But there’s no need to throw out science. Science harmonizes well with the biblical message—right down to the details. How...
War of the Worldviews
Everyone has a worldview. Evolutionism and Christianity are competing worldviews; Christianity and science are not. Do you know why you believe what you believe? Are you ready to defend your faith...
There are 20,000 known species of bees! These industrious insects possess incredible skills for creating orderly and efficient honeycombs. How are bees unique? And what can we learn about the Creator’s...
Biology and the Age of the Earth
Many Christians compromise the creation account in order to accommodate Scripture with secular science. But an old earth means death really isn’t the penalty for sin. What does the Bible...
Logical Fallacies
Logic is the study of the principles of correct reasoning. It can teach us to think properly and construct rational arguments—valuable skills for defending the Christian faith. Christians...
The Age of the Universe
Most students are taught that the universe is 13.8 billion years old. But the Bible teaches a much younger age. In this episode, we’ll discuss the many lines of evidence confirming that the...
Astronomy: The Bible Got It Right!
Does astronomy disprove the Bible like many scoffers claim? Actually, history confirms that the Bible is always right when it touches on any subject—including astronomy. Learn how the Bible...
The Timescale of Creation
Many claim that science proves the Earth is billions of years old. But Genesis chapter one teaches that God created the universe and everything in it in only six days. How long ago did God create...
Your Origins Matter
Is Genesis just a myth made up by primitive people? Is it merely an allegory containing spiritual truths? Or does this book reveal a historical record of how God literally created the universe?...
The Mystery of Wooly Mammoths
Millions of wooly mammoths once lived around the world, particularly in extremely cold places. These elephantine creatures present a major mystery for secular scientists. Why is that? How could...
Genesis and Climate Change
Climate change is a hot topic in the news today. Many people—including some Christians—have been concerned that the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide could have an adverse effect...
Do Deep Ice Cores Prove an Old Earth?
Secular scientists have drilled into the thick ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica and extracted cores that run thousands of meters deep. These scientists claim that the deepest layers are hundreds...
The Ice Age
Many Christians wonder about the ice age. Was there an ice age in earth history? If so, how many were there? And how would such a dramatic climate change fit into biblical history?   Other...
Hiding from God in the Multiverse
A number of secular cosmologists claim that our universe is just one of many universes that exist. Why do they say this? Is there any evidence for this claim? And how does this relate to the creation-evolution...
Day Six…Man as God’s Steward
At the end of God’s creative activities, He surveyed His work and pronounced it “very good.” Genesis 2 describes how God prepared a special garden in which the man and the woman...
Day Six…Made in God’s Image
What does it mean that God “created” in His own “image”? Theologians and students of Scripture have been pondering this concept for millennia. What hints can we find in...
Day Six…Cattle, Beasts of the Earth, and Creepin.,.
On Day Six, God focused on creating land creatures. He evidently created these vast “kinds” in direct proportion to how they would relate to humans. What distinguishes birds from cattle?...
Day Five…Soaring Birds to Scary Pterodactyls
God was busy on Day Five. Not only did He create water creatures, He also dedicated this day to “the birds of the air.” What Genesis-confirming design details can we observe in the...
Day Five…Sea Cucumbers to Sea Monsters
Did you know that oceans cover 70% of the Earth’s surface? The first life God created lived in water, and much of what we call life dwells in the oceans, lakes, and rivers of our planet....
Day Four…Sun, Moon, and Stars
Once the planet had been properly prepared, the earth was ready for its clocks. There must be a time-keeping system for “signs and seasons, and for days and years.” What did God...
Day Three…Plants and "Kinds"
One of the more prevalent theories today is that biological systems developed over long ages by natural processes. But the Bible seems to lump all of plant science into one day’s event. How...
Day Three…Land and Seas
Day Three began with organizational processes acting on the rotating sphere that had been set in motion on the first day and divided into separate “waters” on the second day. What does...
Day Two…The Firmament
On Day Two of creation, the triune Godhead began “making” and “shaping” the heavens and the earth into an organized and functioning cosmos. He was preparing it to support...
Introduction and Day One…The Tri-Universe
Genesis 1 says that God created the universe and all it contains in six 24-hour days. This account is not difficult to understand. Its grammatical structure clearly falls within the narrative genre;...
God's Marvelous Insects
Did you know that the moth smells with its antennae? Whether we look at moths, ants, bombardier beetles, dragon fly eyes, or even the brains of bees, the wonders of God’s design in the insect...
The Myth of Human Evolution
Have you ever wondered if your appendix, wisdom teeth, and tonsils were useless structures due to human evolution over millions of years? Find out whether the fossil record supports human evolution...
The Mighty Oceans
It’s hard to ignore the oceans when they cover a vast majority of the planet. But did you know that evolution theory does not explain the origin of the oceans or the trillions of creatures...
The Flood of Fossils
Fossils are featured in national parks, textbooks, and museums around the world. Were they formed over millions of years of evolution? Or are they a record of God’s judgment through a global...
Marvelous Molecular Machines
We’ve seen in museums, textbooks, magazines, and in our biology classes that all life is made up of cells. Inside these cells are tiny, submicroscopic, molecular machines that function to...
God’s Character Absolutely Forbids Evolutionary M.,.
God’s holiness demands that His creation should not distort anything about Him or about the creation itself. God could not create processes that would counter His own nature or that would...
There Is No Evidence Evolution Took Place in the Past
Historical science observes clues in the present that may be applied to a possible cause in the past. Evolutionists claim that fish evolved into amphibians, and amphibians into reptiles, and so...
Science Does Not Observe Evolution Happening Today
Science is based on observation and experimentation. Have scientists ever observed a beneficial mutation? Although many experiments have attempted to duplicate some form of evolutionary change,...
The Bible Does Not Allow an Evolutionary Interpretation
The Bible is very precise in its language about the timescale of creation. The very concept of our “day” is defined in the first chapter of Genesis. So, is it possible to translate...
Five Reasons to Believe in Recent Creation (Intro)
Did you know there isn’t a hint of long evolutionary ages in the Bible? Still, some insist that God used evolution to create living organisms—including us. Can Christians believe in...