Inside August 2021 Acts & Facts | The Institute for Creation Research

Inside August 2021 Acts & Facts

Can a merciful God create parasites? How do diamonds confirm biblical history? Why won't the gospel die? And why is consensus thinking anti-science? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the August 2021 issue of Acts & Facts!

The Tyranny of Consensus Thinking
“How can so many scientists be wrong?” This question is routinely wielded as real evidence for evolution. I’ve heard it in discussions with people ranging from grammar school students...
Extending the Whopper Sand Mystery
In the last three years, Shell Oil Company has made three significant discoveries in the Whopper Sand, a massive offshore Cenozoic sedimentary deposit in the Gulf of Mexico.1-3 These new...
The Fossils Still Say No: Jostle in the Jurassic
The Jurassic system of the geologic column is an enigma to evolutionists because it represents a continuance of many life forms found buried below in Triassic strata, combined with yet another alleged...
Man: Smart from the Start
People have been created with a three-pound brain that scientists will never fully understand. Evolutionists have tried to trace the evolution of the human neurological system (including the brain and...
Crater of Diamonds State Park and the Origin of Diamonds
At Crater of Diamonds State Park in western Arkansas, families dig diamonds for fun while more serious sifters seek sensational paydays. Countless brides have wondered where the pretty diamonds on their...
Why Won't the Gospel Die?
Soon after the gospel first emerged, ancient Rome tried to exterminate whoever believed it. They tortured and murdered early Christians, but that didn’t stop its progress. Thousands of years later,...
Can a Merciful God Create Parasites?
Sir David Attenborough of BBC fame is regularly asked by Christians why he will not give credit to God for the amazing creatures featured on his nature documentaries. He often replies: My response…is...
Should Creationists Brook Loss of a Trout?
Should a freshwater stream be restored to make it habitable for a failing fish population such as brook trout?1 It makes sense that creationists proactively care about biodiversity and environmental...
Be Blessed
During the days of Jesus, being blessed had a different meaning from what Christians understand it to mean today. The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament says the word for “blessed”...
Creation Kids: Testing the Limits
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...

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Creation Kids: Geysers
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Sharing Our Creator's Truth
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Engineered Parallel Gene Codes Defy Evolution
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La Brea Tar Pits at Hancock Park: Post-Flood Catastrophes
The La Brea Tar Pits have fascinated visitors ever since Spanish explorer Gaspar de Portolá chronicled the site in 1769.1 But even...

Proclaiming Christ in Paradise: An Interview with Dr. Brian Thomas
For more than 50 years, the Institute for Creation Research has investigated the evidence showing how science supports the Bible’s account of...

Why Biology Needs A Theory of Biological Design—Part 4
Nobel Prize-winning German physicist Max Planck perceptively observed that “if you change the way you look at things, the things you look...

Long Ages and the Bible—What’s the Problem?
The problem with mixing long ages and the Bible stems from how someone interprets Genesis 1 and 2. If these chapters are read as symbolic and/or poetic...

Living for a Millennium?! | The Creation Podcast: Episode 80
Scripture describes humans living for a very long time, nearly a millennium before the Flood. Many scoff at this, stating that this is reason...

More Mixed Land and Marine Fossils in Wales
Flood geologists expect to find marine fossils mixed in the same layers as land animal and land plant fossils. We see it all over the world.1,2...