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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
66:6 rejoice in him. This special combination of chapter and verse (i.e., Psalm 66:6) brings to mind the prophetic number of the Antichrist, the “Beast” of the coming world humanist government (Revelation 13) in the last days (Revelation 13:18). But just as God miraculously turned the sea into dry land to save His people in the past trouble (Exodus 14:21), so He will cause the dry land to swallow up the “flood” sent after His people by the Satan-possessed Beast in the future “time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7; Revelation 12:15-16; see notes on these sections).
66:7 his eyes behold the nations. The assurance of this verse appropriately follows the preceding verse. Rebellious nations and their leaders—even the godless world ruler of the last days—shall never be able to defeat the eternal God. Selah!
66:18 regard iniquity. There are a number of reasons why our prayers may seem to go unanswered, and the presence of unconfessed and unforsaken sin in one’s life is often the cause. At any event, this possibility must always be considered with all honesty before seeking another reason.