The Earth Was Uniquely Created
Earth Was Created for Life
If left to chance, it is unlikely that any place in the universe could support life. God created our planet for life to thrive. As we learn how special our planet is within all the universe, we learn of our Creator's faithfulness to us. More...
Earth Was Created in a Wonderful Location
Our sun has been placed at the perfect location within our galaxy, and our planet has been placed at the perfect location within our solar system. More...
Earth's Core Was Created To Protect Life
Our planet was created to protect the life that God placed here. More...
Earth's Water Cycle Protects and Provides
The atmosphere and oceans of our planet have been carefully designed to provide the right amount of energy and fresh water. More...
- Earth Was Created for Life
- Earth Was Created in a Wonderful Location
- Earth's Core Was Created to Protect Life
- Earth's Water Cycle Protects and Provides
Evidence for Creation › Evidence from Science › Evidence from the Physical Sciences» Up One Level
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