What’s the Point? | The Institute for Creation Research

What’s the Point?

What’s the point? Sometimes we ask this question when we’re bogged down in a tedious project—when we’re ready to be finished with the task at hand. Sometimes we ask it out of discouragement or fatigue. Other times, we’re wondering if what we’re doing is the best use of our resources. When we consider the question in light of creation, we’re really asking why does it even matter? Is what we believe about our origins important?

Dr. Henry Morris III answers that question—what’s the point—in this month’s feature article, “The Absolute Salvation of God.” He says, “The whole point is Jesus! He is Creator or He is not. He is Savior or He is not….[Jesus] made this world and is the only One through whom the world can be redeemed.”

Jesus is the point.

At the Institute for Creation Research, our scientists work with confidence that the data they uncover will point us to our Creator and Redeemer. ICR strives to show how science affirms what we see in Scripture and to dispel the notion that deeper investigation will undermine our faith. On the contrary, both science and Scripture point to Jesus.

Visitors to the September 2 grand opening of the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History witnessed this firsthand as they explored creation-based exhibits and planetarium shows. Their visit ended with presentations focused on the life, death, resurrection, and return of Christ. Why? Because everything they’d seen, from the Garden of Eden to the Flood to the elaborate design of DNA, pointed to Jesus.

In “The World’s Oldest Bird Fossil,” Dr. Brian Thomas shows us how the scientific data line up with what the Bible tells us about creatures—that our Creator made each animal according to its own kind. Dr. Thomas demonstrates how the oldest fossils reveal that a bird has always been a bird and not a bird turning into something else. Our Creator, Jesus, made everything after its own kind, just as Genesis 1 says.

Dr. Jeff Tomkins reminds us that “God created an ancestral human couple uniquely in His image on the sixth day of the creation week” (“Homo erectus: The Ape Man That Wasn’t”). His finding that Homo erectus was fully human, not a transitional link between apes and people, affirms the truth of Genesis yet again. And what’s the point of Genesis? Jesus.

Even children can begin to discover the faith-building connections between science and the Bible. Our latest children’s books, Earth: Our Created Home and Little Creation Books, can help you explain creation details to your children in ways they can understand. And all of ICR’s resources will introduce them to their Creator.

Why does ICR exist? Why does creation matter? What’s the point? Jesus. And what we think of Jesus matters because it impacts who we are, what we live for, and where we’re headed—today and in the future.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2019. What’s the Point?. Acts & Facts. 48 (10).

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