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Jayme Durant - Hi, kids! Have you ever stopped to think about how amazing the world is? This special kids’ edition of Acts & Facts explores some of God’s special animals and plants. It dives into deep caves, examines earthquakes big and small,...

Jayme Durant - Hi, kids! We hope you enjoy this kids’ edition of Acts & Facts! Did you see the creature on the cover? Its funny name is on our Amazing Amphibians pages. On the other pages you can explore fascinating creatures like poodles and pups and...

Jayme Durant - Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts as a Christmas gift just for you! In this issue, you’ll discover fun facts about dinosaurs and dragons, be amazed by amazing creatures, explore far places in space, and learn much more about...

Jayme Durant - It’s always fun to catch up with old friends. We recently asked some pioneers of the creation movement to share with us where they are in their professional, personal, and ministry pursuits. In some cases, we spoke to family members who are...

Road Trip! - Mar 31, 2021
Jayme Durant - We hope you’ve been having as much fun reading our park series in Acts & Facts as we’ve had preparing the articles each month. So far, ICR researchers have introduced us to Grand Canyon, Arches National Park, and Black Canyon of...

Jayme Durant - Our Creator could have immediately revealed everything there is to know about His creation from the beginning—but He didn’t. Could it be that He enjoys a good mystery? Perhaps He sees value in the process of scientific investigation,...

Jayme Durant - As Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research, I reported directly to Dr. Henry M. Morris III for nine years. He was my boss, but he was also my friend. I have fond recollections of stopping by Dr. Henry’s office to...

Jayme Durant - We at ICR hope your Christmas season was filled with celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus, delight in His wonders in creation, and meaningful time with family and friends. As we turn the corner to 2021, we can look forward to the continued...

Jayme Durant - 2020 has been a year like no other. We began the year at ICR with our mission in focus, seeking to honor Jesus by sharing His glorious work in creation. We also started the year anticipating a greater outreach through the ICR Discovery Center for...

Creation by Design - Oct 30, 2020
Jayme Durant - Take a quick look at the hummingbird pictured below. This tiny bird’s wings beat from 50 to 80 times per second—a testimony to God’s incredible design, caught in a split-second of time. In real time, we only see a blur as this...

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