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More Human Body
Children with Coronavirus at Risk of Life-Threatening S.,.
Multinational case reports on a small number of children who have had COVID-19, or possibly exposed to the novel coronavirus, tell of a potentially fatal...
Falling Birth Rates of Nordic Countries, Except Faroes
If not for incoming immigrant growth, most Nordic nations would continue to lose human population because birth rates remain so low.1-3 Maybe...
Young Adults Are Half of NYC's COVID-19 Cases
As of March 23, 2020, New York City remains the epicenter for both the total number of COVID-19 cases and the number of new cases. The Daily Case Data...
More Human Stewardship
Three Positives from COVID-19
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is no surprise to God. God knew about this pandemic before the dawn of His creation. Some people may question why God allows such...
The Gospel and COVID-19
It is obvious that life in America, and most parts of the world, has drastically changed in the last few months due to the novel coronavirus. Whether we...
Prison or Palace?
All over the world, the coronavirus is changing everything at a breakneck pace. Businesses are closing, millions of people are confined to their homes,...
More Microbiology
RNA Virus Genome Decay Confirms Creation
Popular opinions hold that viruses can evolve into increasingly harmful versions of themselves. But science shows just the opposite. RNA viruses like influenza,...
New Study Confirms Suggested Coronavirus Quarantine Period
Medical researchers at Johns Hopkins University have been quickly gathering data from the recent coronavirus outbreak and then evaluating health care policy...
Bacterial Proteins Use Quantum Mechanics
Researchers have found a dimmer switch inside a protein. It tunes the protein’s configuration to take advantage of quantum mechanics during photosynthesis....
More Science in the News
Citizenship on Earth and in Heaven
As the number of those infected with COVID-19 grows dramatically with each passing hour, governments tighten their grip, trying desperately to slow the...
Avian Ventilation and Ventilators
During this time of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic, medical science is seeking a vaccine as well as drugs that will treat the symptoms. In the meantime,...
Norwegians "Cheated" Out of National Holiday
For many patriotic souls in Norway, May 17 this year will be a day of dampened disappointment—worse than raining on a parade. Why? Because there...
More Science in the News
New Study Confirms Suggested Coronavirus Quarantine Period
Medical researchers at Johns Hopkins University have been quickly gathering data from the recent coronavirus outbreak and then evaluating health care policy...
Puppies and Pandemics
Doom and gloom fill our newsfeeds. Seemingly every hour, more grim headlines emerge. The United Nations now says that the coronavirus crisis is the "gravest...
Viruses Make Good Food For Sea Creatures
In the midst of this current coronavirus crisis, we would like to remind our readers that although we live in a fallen and corrupted creation where many...
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