A Good Thing... | The Institute for Creation Research

A Good Thing...

A long-time supporter recently wrote me with encouragement and helpful advice on raising funds for ICR ministries. His letter ended with a quote from Psalm 92:1, wherein the psalmist proclaims, "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord." How appropriate, in this month of Thanksgiving, that we should refocus our thoughts on the "good thing" of thanking our gracious Provider for all He has done. In this vein, ICR invites you to prayerfully consider the following ways you can "give thanks unto the Lord" by partnering with us in work for the Kingdom.

Gifts from IRAs--IRA withdrawals are taxable to you and your heirs, if left to them. But individuals 70½ years or older can make direct charitable gifts up to 100,000 (USD) from their IRAs without having to declare it as income, providing a way to make gifts completely tax-free. Even those over 59½ may be able to accomplish similar results by combining a tax-deductible gift with a withdrawal. What an excellent opportunity to practice godly stewardship and support the Kingdom through tax-exempt ministries like ICR!

Gifts of Appreciated Securities--With the economy on the rise, now may be a good time to consider gifts of stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares before year end. Securities owned for longer than one year and worth more than they cost can be deducted from income tax at full current value, plus you pay no tax on any gain. Even securities worth less than they cost may be worth giving, since the loss may be deducted from taxable income--and when combined with a gift deduction, the total deduction may be worth more than the current value. Contact ICR for our brokerage account information and let us help facilitate your gift.

Giving through the CFC--United States federal and military employees can support ICR's research and educational programs through this year's Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). If you believe in ICR's work and desire to support our ministry, please prayerfully consider designating ICR as the charity of your choice. Our CFC identification number is 23095, or look for us in the "National/International" section of your campaign brochure.

Matching Gift Programs--Many companies offer matching gift programs to their employees and retirees for donations made to qualifying organizations. Did you know that ICR's graduate degree programs and research projects may qualify for matches related to higher education and research? With matches typically made dollar-for-dollar (up to certain limits), this is a great opportunity to "sow bountifully" (2 Corinthians 9:6) for eternity by doubling your gift value! Check with your HR department today to get started.

Charitable Gift Annuities--With rates on Certificates of Deposits (CD) hovering around 3 percent, rates on Charitable Gift Annuities (CGA) are much more attractive--usually 5 to 8 percent, depending on age. But unlike CDs, these special annuities offer guaranteed income for life, a present tax deduction, and a tax-free portion of future payments. Contact ICR for a customized proposal, or log on to the Planned Giving section of ICR's website (www.icr.org) to create your own.

Planned Gifts through Wills and Trusts--Changes to estate tax law provide opportunities to leave more to family members and charitable interests free of tax. After providing for your family (1 Timothy 5:8), your will or trust can include charitable gifts of a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, a certain property, or "what's left." To discover how you can best use your resources for God's work, ICR offers free educational guides and interactive calculators within the Planned Giving section of ICR's website (www.icr.org). Log on and try it today!

ICR is deeply thankful for all who co-labor with us, and we truly "thank…God upon every remembrance of you" (Philippians 1:3). We are dependent on the Lord’s help through you, so please contact me at 800.337.0375 or stewardship@icr.org if you feel the Spirit's leading. Happy Thanksgiving!

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Morris IV, H. 2009 A Good Thing…. Acts & Facts. 38 (11): 21.

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