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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
2:2 the rulers. Although the specific wording applies to political leaders, the principle can be applied to leaders in education or business or any other influential body in society.
2:2 take counsel together. There have been many precursive fulfillments of this prophecy from Nimrod’s first council meeting against God (Genesis 11:4) to the Sanhedrin’s plot with Romans against Christ (Acts 4:25-28) to the modern United Nations counseling together to seek a humanistic world government. The ultimate fulfillment will be at the end of the age (Revelation 16:14; 20:8).
2:2 against his anointed. “Anointed” is Messiah, the Hebrew equivalent of “Christ” in Greek. The rebellion is against the Lord and His Christ, the Creator and Savior.
2:3 their cords from us. This is the first of four stanzas in the psalm. The first three verses give the viewpoint of David, the second of the Father, the third of the Son, the fourth of the Holy Spirit.