Thinking Bigger | The Institute for Creation Research

Thinking Bigger

ICR is facing some breathtaking "mountains" ahead—and we will need your partnership to overcome them. This unusual illustration that Jesus gave focuses on the use of our faith. He made the point twice. Once when the apostles could not cast out a demon (this is the place where He also spoke of the mustard seed), and then again after He had cursed the fig tree. Both times the emphasis was not on the amount of faith, but the quality of faith—and the expectation that we would recognize that He had prepared us, and that we would USE our faith.

U. Use what you have already!

Moses and Rod (Exodus 4:2-4)—Knowledge, Equipment
Widow of Zarephath (I Kings 17:10-16)—Present Resources
King Darius (Daniel 6:14-23)—Time, Effort, Prayer
Esther and Mordecai (Esther 4:13-17)—Beauty, Boldness

S. Start doing it!

Joshua and the Jordan (Joshua 3:5-17)—Obedience
Prophet's Widow (II Kings 4:1-7)—Public Display
Man Born Blind (John 9:1-7)—Trust in unusual circumstances
Lazarus' Funeral (John 11:39)—Take initiative, even if unpleasant

E. Expect it to happen!

Centurion's Servant (Matthew 8:5-14)—Relate your experience
Woman with Illness (Mark 5:25-34)—Desperate need
Nobleman's Son (John 4:46-53)—Trust in God's Word
Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-26)—Persistence

Many of you who receive Acts & Facts have contributed faithfully to ICR, some for many years. For you we especially give thanks and ask that our Lord will continue to bless in your lives. To you we would offer encouragement with the impact and success that God has given ICR. You have helped make it possible. Of you we would ask that you continue and "think bigger" in the days ahead.

Those of you who have not yet begun to contribute to this great undertaking, please catch something of the vision. The "mountains" are exceedingly high and we are of "little strength." The battle between worldviews is at the core of the issues that face our nation—and our world. The research that ICR is performing and the training of key leaders is both vital and costly. Please help and share with us that both of us "may rejoice together" (John 4:36).

And for all who read these words we ask that you pray with us. God is opening wonderful opportunities for ICR, and we desire His provision. There is equipment that needs purchase and installation. There are key projects that need funding. Vital research and outstanding scientists are waiting for financial support. Think—and pray "bigger" with ICR about these great prospects.

Cite this article: Tom Manning. 2001. Thinking Bigger. Acts & Facts. 30 (10).

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