Milestones | The Institute for Creation Research


In this month’s feature article, “For Such a Time as This,” we see moments, snapshots in time, of the life of ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris: accepting Christ, going to Rice University, joining the Gideons, teaching Bible classes for college students, writing groundbreaking creation books, moving cross-country with his family to pursue God’s will, encountering opposition to creation teachings, and being instrumental in the beginnings of several creation organizations, including the Institute for Creation Research. His decisions, circumstances, and opportunities, combined with God’s gentle guidance, led to many changed lives over these past 50 years.

I know this, because we often hear from you. Your emails, phone calls, letters, and social media comments are a source of great encouragement to us. Thank you for taking the time to let us know how ICR has impacted your lives!

The challenges Dr. Morris faced in the 1940s and ’50s are not very far from ours today. Regarding one scientific meeting he attended, Dr. Morris wrote, “I had thought that since these…scientists and theologians professed to believe in the inspiration of Scripture, they would accept literal creationism and the worldwide Flood if they could just be shown that this is what the Bible teaches.” He goes on to say, “I was wrong….That experience [of Christians rejecting evidence of the biblical account of creation] has been repeated many times.” And we still see it today. ICR continues to hear from those who question a six-day creation, even though both the Bible and science confirm it.

Since you’re reading Acts & Facts, I’m assuming you have an interest in creation research. Perhaps God has some opportunities for you to help us get the creation message out. What’s the latest word we need to spread? The ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History is opening to the public September 2! This facility, dedicated to sharing the truth about God’s work in creation, wouldn’t be possible without you! Thank you for your prayers and sacrificial gifts that have enabled us to launch this new extension of ICR’s ministry.

Just as Dr. Morris worked to share the science that affirms the Bible, the Discovery Center exhibits will reflect the research of our scientists. You can find their thoughts on many biblical creation issues within this magazine. Physicist Dr. Jake Hebert’s article, “Five Global Evidences for a Young Earth,” offers strong scientific arguments demonstrating recent creation. Geneticist Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins shows how “God’s creatures are so intricate in form and function they must have been purposefully designed” (“Intricate Animal Designs Demand a Creator”), and paleobiochemist Dr. Brian Thomas showcases God’s design in deep-sea fish (“Surprise! Deep-Sea Fish See Colors”). Medical doctor and Professional Engineer Dr. Randy Guliuzza explains how it is better “to acknowledge the clearly seen design” in creatures and “consider the real superhuman power, intellect, and wisdom of the Lord Jesus Christ” (“Engineered Features Determine Design Success or Failure, Part 2”).

These faithful creation scientists carry on the legacy of Dr. Morris, who went to be with the Lord in 2006. As I read Dr. Morris’ article, originally published almost 25 years ago, I’m reminded how quickly time passes. Life-altering events come in a split second. Milestones are achieved and we move to the next big challenge, need, or opportunity. With each change and new direction, God carefully and lovingly arranges the circumstances. And, as with Dr. Morris, He extends our impact long after we leave this world. While you seek to make a difference in the world, I hope you see His hand in the details of your life.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2019. Milestones. Acts & Facts. 48 (7).

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