Looking Forward | The Institute for Creation Research

Looking Forward

This issue of Acts & Facts will land in your mailbox and email inbox about the same time that ICR’s latest book—Guide to Creation Basics—arrives at the ICR Distribution Center (see back cover for more information). This new book is the result of years of research and development by ICR’s very own team of scientists, scholars, and editors and our graphic designer.

We took your suggestions to heart and worked to produce a creation basics book for the layperson, presenting fun facts and even complex theories and research in an understandable manner. We also heard your requests for more visuals—every page contains high-impact images to make every topic enjoyable and the more-technical concepts easier to grasp. All ages will find this book compelling, and homeschoolers will discover this to be a treasured resource for their library. Believers everywhere will find it a valuable tool to help them explain their beliefs in recent creation.

As Dr. Henry Morris III says in his feature article this month, part of faith is “forward-looking” (“The Paradox of Faith,” pages 5-7). We look forward to touching your life and reaching others who may have never heard biblical truth presented in a thought-provoking way. We will continue to investigate new tools to make scriptural truths accessible to those who want to understand biblical creation. As we have done for years, we will seek to communicate in fresh ways to those who hunger for solid truth through our magazine Acts & Facts, daily devotional Days of Praise, fascinating books, motivating conferences, videos, ebooks, radio programs, That’s a Fact video shorts, Creation Science Updates online news articles, and our app and website.

This issue presents articles from our highly skilled staff. Dr. Jake Hebert’s article explains problems with the Big Bang model (page 9). Dr. Jason Lisle’s article on the solar system is packed with information that will leave you in wonder at God’s magnificent universe (pages 10-12). Dr. Randy Guliuzza’s Creation Q & A discussion tackles the plausibility of giants (page 20). And Henry Morris IV challenges fathers to become equipped to be leaders so they can provide an example of godly living in their homes (page 21). These are a sampling of the Scripture-affirming evidence and information you’ll find daily on our website and in ICR publications.

We exist to inform you, to motivate you, and to glorify our heavenly Father. Dr. Morris says, “Evidently, the very first test of faith lies in the evidence of the creation itself and the substance of the marvelous things the Creator has done. This is precisely why ICR exists.”

“ICR is equipped…prepared, qualified, and committed—scientifically, professionally, and spiritually.” We’re meeting needs, but “much more needs to be done, and it is our hope and conviction that much more can be done….Partner with ICR.”

As we look forward to the months and years ahead, we pray and we plan—wanting to assist you with the information you need when you encounter challenges to your faith. We look forward to serving you as we continue providing resources that offer scriptural truths, scientific evidence, and a vision for God’s purposes and plans.

* Jayme Durant is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Durant, J. 2013. Looking Forward. Acts & Facts. 42 (6): 4.

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