Inside March 2019 Acts & Facts | The Institute for Creation Research

Inside March 2019 Acts & Facts

How can ICR educate your students with the truth about God’s creation? What caused the Ice Age? How can dinosaur soft tissue persist in fossils? Have lions always been lions? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the March 2019 issue of Acts & Facts!       

Springtime Planning for Fall Learning
By March, educators are in the homestretch of the current school year, yet they’re also busy planning for the next school year. I’d like to encourage you to consider adding ICR resources...
An Appointed Time
“For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (Habakkuk...
Subduction Was Essential for the Ice Age
Creation meteorologist Michael Oard has written extensively about what it takes to make an ice age. The first requirement is much warmer oceans than we have today, which would provide the extra evaporation...
Does the Toast Model Explain Fossil Protein Persistence?
About 10 years ago, I began tracking reports of soft tissue discoveries in fossils. By 2013, I had compiled a list of around 40 secular technical journal articles that describe either literal soft tissues...
Are Creationists Biased?
Creation critics object that creation scientists are biased. Since we seek answers to skeptical objections to the biblical account of creation, this supposedly means our research results are automatically...
Engineered Adaptability: Creatures' Anticipatory System.,.
On January 1, 2019, the American spacecraft New Horizons gathered close-up images of a rocky object over four billion miles from Earth. New Horizons launched in 2006 and was guided over three billion...
Have Lions Always Been Lions?
“Can you hunt the prey for the lion, or satisfy the appetite of the young lions, when they crouch in their dens, or lurk in their lairs to lie in wait?” (Job 38:39-40) When God spoke...
Ecosystem Engineering Explanations Miss the Mark
The ancient Philistines were embarrassed when Dagon, their chief idol, fell on its face before the Ark of the Covenant, so they propped it back up again.1 Maybe today’s evolutionary...
Better, Stronger, and More Effective Ministry
The Institute for Creation Research, the first full-time organization dedicated to creation science research, has grown tremendously since its inception in 1970. Financial support was rather lean during...

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Creation Kids: Geysers
by Renée Dusseau and Susan Windsor* You're never too young to be a creation scientist and explore our Creator's world. Kids, discover...

Sharing Our Creator's Truth
My name is Bill, and I’m the information technology manager at the Institute for Creation Research. I keep everything technical running and make...

Engineered Parallel Gene Codes Defy Evolution
Researchers over the past decade have been characterizing new, previously hidden genetic codes embedded within the same sections of genes that code...

La Brea Tar Pits at Hancock Park: Post-Flood Catastrophes
The La Brea Tar Pits have fascinated visitors ever since Spanish explorer Gaspar de Portolá chronicled the site in 1769.1 But even...

Proclaiming Christ in Paradise: An Interview with Dr. Brian Thomas
For more than 50 years, the Institute for Creation Research has investigated the evidence showing how science supports the Bible’s account of...

Why Biology Needs A Theory of Biological Design—Part 4
Nobel Prize-winning German physicist Max Planck perceptively observed that “if you change the way you look at things, the things you look...

Long Ages and the Bible—What’s the Problem?
The problem with mixing long ages and the Bible stems from how someone interprets Genesis 1 and 2. If these chapters are read as symbolic and/or poetic...

Living for a Millennium?! | The Creation Podcast: Episode 80
Scripture describes humans living for a very long time, nearly a millennium before the Flood. Many scoff at this, stating that this is reason...

More Mixed Land and Marine Fossils in Wales
Flood geologists expect to find marine fossils mixed in the same layers as land animal and land plant fossils. We see it all over the world.1,2...

The Mind-Blowing Purpose of Outer Space | Creation.Live Podcast:...
What is the purpose of space? The night sky is a vast canvas of stars and planets, far more than we could ever count, yet the Lord knows them all...