God's Blessings In 2002 | The Institute for Creation Research

God's Blessings In 2002

The beginning of the new year means it's time to look back and rehearse God's blessings, and there are many. It's also time to refocus on the task ahead, for much remains to be done. As a member of ICR's larger family, please rejoice and dream together with us as you read this short summary.

ICR Outreach

The Outreach Division of ICR continues to impact the lives of many around the country and world. Over the last few years numerous ministries have seen a decline in the demand for community-wide seminars. Our "Back to Genesis" and "Case for Creation" seminars have witnessed the same phenomenon, with only 10 being scheduled. The slack was taken up, however, by a phenomenal interest in smaller-scale, church-based seminars and meetings, highlighted by numerous month-long "loop tours" on which an ICR scientist speaks throughout a region in schools, universities, and churches. In all, ICR speakers ministered to about 80,000 people this past year. The total includes seminar and church meetings, Good Science workshops, youth camps, and debates, as well as international meetings in the United Kingdom, the Ukraine, and Caribbean Islands.

The radio ministry continues to expand. From the daily one-minute "Back to Genesis" in English and Spanish, to the weekly fifteen-minute "Science, Scripture & Salvation" radio magazine to the hour-long Jonathan Park Adventure specials, the message of creation is heard on 1,068 different stations, with many stations airing multiple programs. An additional blessing comes when we note that ICR pays for no airtime. Most are offered free by the local stations, but some are underwritten by local individuals. If your local station doesn't carry ICR, perhaps you can encourage them.

Another area which is mushrooming at ICR is what we call our "Public Information Services." Over 8,000 people received personal answers to questions submitted, most of them from the website.

Speaking of the website, much more information is downloaded off the web than is printed in Acts & Facts and Days of Praise. Considering that these publications now go to 130,000 and 350,000 people, respectively, the web's power can be readily realized. By the way, did you know that you can subscribe to either or both on the web? Go to www.icr.org/signup and sign up. You'll also find back issues archived there, as well as research articles and up-to-date news items.

ICR Research

Fifteen students received the M.S. degree this past summer, our largest graduating class ever. Student research projects augment faculty research, and wonderful results are coming in. The most significant research project at ICR continues to be on "Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth" (RATE). Research results this year include: rapid diffusion of helium from zircons demanding a young earth; radiohalos in granitic biotites showing rapid emplacement, invalidating isochrons as an old-earth indicator; presence of measurable C-14 in "old" specimens; and theoretical support for changing decay rates. Each project supports the Biblical doctrine of the young earth. These projects are continuing. Please note that over $100,000 of targeted donations are needed to bring them to completion.

As mentioned on page one of this issue, Dr. Austin's presentation of his Grand Canyon nautiloid research at the Geologic Society of America not only publicizes this stunning discovery, it puts to rest the charge that creationists never present in scholarly venues. Creation theory is alive and well, and God is honored.


ICR's scholarly research, graduate teachings and publications remain its main focus. We take the message to all who will hear, but the non-technical ministry augments and supports our main calling. Obviously reaching teachers, scientists, politicians, etc. (i.e., by influencing influential people), will make better, longer-lasting gains than limiting our work to churches. We must do both. This long-range strategy will "win" in the end.

Meanwhile, God's blessings can be seen at home too. Once again, year-end giving has allowed ICR to finish the year with all its bills paid, just as God has done for us throughout our 32-year history. This past year has seen financial challenges, and it appears more are on the way. However, this is His ministry, and He receives all the praise and glory.

On a personal note, the health and vigor of the two ICR "veterans," Drs. Henry Morris and Duane Gish, remains strong. Both are in their 80s and intend to keep going as long as God enables. The other staff enjoy reasonable good health and all exhibit true Christian character and unity. We count it a blessing to be a part of what God is doing.

We thank the Lord and thank you for standing with us.

* Dr. Morris is President of ICR.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2003. God's Blessings In 2002. Acts & Facts. 32 (1).

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