The battle lines have broadened considerably since ICR began its ministry some 34 years ago. Initially, creationists were seen as mere "insurgents" into the stable and well "armed" field of evolutionary science. Today, with many creationist organizations and literally thousands of very qualified scientists confronting the naturalistic "theology" in almost every field, the battle has expanded into a full-fledged war. Consider two current issues.
"Another View" Ridiculed
Tom Vail's book about Grand Canyon has been front page news for some time now. Evolutionists claim that the creationist view has no "right" to be presented as a scientific view, and should be relegated to the religious section. In a recent article in the LA Times entitled, "Religion, Geology Collide at the Grand Canyon," the Times quoted scientists, a historian, different park service spokespersons, and several "critics"—all of whom were outraged that such a view would be "sanctioned" by making it available to the general public in a government book store.
Gnostic Gospels Seriously Considered
The popularity of the best-selling book The DaVinci Code has given new life to a wide-spread resurgence of attacks on the authority of Scripture, and on the character of the Lord Jesus in particular. Newsweek devoted a feature issue to the "new" understanding of women in the Bible, citing as one of its main examples the role of Mary Magdalene. Now, we are told, Mary of Magda was "actually Jesus' intimate female partner." (Newsweek, December 8, 2003, p. 60). These blatant contradictions to God's Word are being given serious consideration among "scholars"—even among some evangelicals—due primarily because there is "openness" to "interpret" the Bible differently.
ICR Will Not Back Off
The Lord has used ICR to win some wonderful "battles" in science, and we will, as long as the Lord permits, continue to research and teach the truths of a Biblical and Creationist worldview. But the "war" is far from over! Every staff member of ICR is absolutely committed to the words of God as absolute truth, that cannot and must not be "added to" or "taken from." Please stand with us and help us.