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Standing Against False Science - Apr 30, 2024
/article/standing-against-false-scienceMichael J. Stamp - I’m Michael Stamp, and I’m in my 12th year as an editor at the Institute for Creation Research. It’s always an encouragement to see people’s eyes light up as they tour the ICR Discovery Center or study our resources. And...
Speculation, Invention, and the Invisible Hand - Apr 29, 2022
/article/speculation-invention-and-the-invis-handMichael J. Stamp - Evolution is broadly and almost unequivocally accepted as fact. Creationists who try to present the evidence contradicting it are often met with “How can you go against proven science?” But is evolution really based on...
Mutation, Design, and Faith - Sep 30, 2021
/article/mutation-design-and-faithMichael J. Stamp - Any alteration in a cell’s DNA sequence is a mutation. These changes can come from copying errors, exposure to chemicals or radiation, or from an infection. But other types of genetic changes can come from purposeful genetic mechanisms...
The Plate Twirler and Our Solar System - Jun 30, 2021
/article/the-plate-twirler-and-our-solar-systemMichael J. Stamp - Imagine opening a door to a room and seeing a plate spinning on a stick with a spin rate that makes it wobble. Then imagine you shut the door and go back in time three minutes. What would you expect to see when you open the door the second time?...
A Prayer for ICR - Jun 30, 2021
/article/a-prayer-for-icrMichael J. Stamp - This month we invite you to join us in a prayer for the Institute for Creation Research’s ministry. Dear Jesus, Creator of all, we seek to glorify Your name in everything we do. Thank you for the countless supporters who’ve...
Mutation, Design & Randomness - May 17, 2021
/article/mutation-design-and-randomnessMichael J. Stamp - Article highlights: • A genetic mutation is a change—most are bad and some are good. • Evolutionists claim that good mutations come from random processes. • Genetic mutations that demonstrate evidence of being truly...
Building a Perfectly Optimal Flying Machine - Mar 31, 2021
/article/building-a-perfectly-optimal-flying-machineMichael J. Stamp - For thousands of years, people have dreamed of flying because they witnessed birds and knew it was possible. Inspired by a study of birds, the Wright brothers created the first functional flying machine in 1903.1 What does it take to build a...
Casting the Vision - Sep 30, 2020
/article/casting-the-visionMichael J. Stamp - Each workday morning, the Institute for Creation Research staff meets for a time of devotion and prayer. Dr. Brian Thomas recently led our group and related how God’s hand and perfect timing played out in his journey to ICR. In the early...
COVID-19 Infection Rates Lower at High-Altitudes - Jun 7, 2020
/article/covid-19-infection-rates-lower-at-high-altitudesMichael J. Stamp - On March 24, 2020, we ran a news article about how warmer weather appeared to hamper COVID-19 infections.1 New evidence could indicate that high altitudes might limit the spread of the disease as well. A recent report details how high-altitude...
Warm Weather and COVID-19 - Mar 24, 2020
/article/warm-weather-and-covid-19Michael J. Stamp - Higher temperatures appear to correlate with a lower spread rate for the coronavirus, according to an early hypothesis.1 The climate seems to have an impact on other respiratory viruses like the SARS virus. The most recent analysis, developed by...