The Bible’s Central Verse | The Institute for Creation Research

The Bible’s Central Verse

“It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8).

In the present chapter-and-verse divisions of the Bible, it is striking that this verse, Psalm 118:8, turns out to be the middle verse of the Bible. Although these verse divisions were not part of the original inspired text, this particular verse is very appropriate as a key verse for the word of God.

It presents the great truth of theism versus humanism; belief and trust in God as the ultimate measure of reality and meaning rather than in man. The Bible begins by setting forth God as Creator (Genesis 1:1) and ends by invoking the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 22:21), but mankind’s greatest and most basic sin has always been that of seeking to replace God with man. “Ye shall be as gods,” was the Satanic lie which induced man’s initial rebellion (Genesis 3:5).

All the ancient pagan religions were based on the arrogant evolutionary prescription that “changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever” (Romans 1:25). This false religion, in modern garb as secular evolutionary humanism, dominates the intellectual establishment in every nation of the world today, as well. The infamous Humanist Manifesto of 1973 declared: “No deity will save us; we will save ourselves.” But humanism is utter folly. Only God can save, since only God is the true Creator of life.

There are really only two basic religions or philosophies among men, one of which is man-centered; one God-centered. One is based on evolutionism; one on creationism. One is humanism; the other is theism. And the only truly creationist, theistic religion is Biblical Christianity, for it alone acknowledges that the eternal God is both Creator and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is infinitely, eternally better to trust in the Lord, than to put one’s confidence in man. HMM

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