Revisiting The Grand Canyon | The Institute for Creation Research

Revisiting The Grand Canyon

In March we reported on the attempted banning of the new creation book, Grand Canyon: A Different View, from bookstores in Grand Canyon National Park. Evolutionists exhibited either their arrogance or insecurity by their unwillingness to allow a creationist "foot in the door." Thankfully, the book has so far remained on the shelf, although it's selling so fast the stores can't keep it in stock.

This newsworthy event was thrust on the national stage, completely surprising both author and publisher. The CBS Evening News with Dan Rather program even included interviews of me and several evolutionists to get our thoughts. My part, and the opening and closing pieces of the news item, were filmed in the Grand Canyon room of the ICR Museum. One evolutionary "expert" claimed that the book's presence at Grand Canyon proved the Bush Administration has totally capitulated to America's Christian right wing (insecurity) and another called a creation interpretation of Grand Canyon as "silly" as teaching polar bears were in the canyon (arrogance). Mr. Rather closed the program with the quip "A big Flood: Maybe yes, maybe Noah." It will take more than a condescending air to stop creation.

It just goes to show that there's still much work to be done, and the other side doesn't fight fair. The "contraband" book is available through ICR, and even though it doesn't go into great detail, the pictures will adorn your coffee table for a long time to come.

Speaking of Grand Canyon, as you receive this issue of A & F the ICR scientists are leading a study tour there. If you haven't been on an ICR tour yet, you must plan to go on the next one, scheduled to Mount St. Helen's in August. There's nothing like it!

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2004. Revisiting The Grand Canyon. Acts & Facts. 33 (5).

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