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Oysters and Pre-Flood Longevity
The oyster species Crassostrea virginica, also known as the eastern oyster, is a prized seafood. Research has demonstrated that a fossil version of the Crassostrea oyster lived much longer than its modern-day counterparts. Called Crassostrea titan because of its large size, it provides evidence that at least some animals in the pre-Flood world experienced much longer lifespans, just as humans did (Genesis 5).
More...Dolomite Problem Best Solved by Flood
Dolomite is a very common sedimentary rock, comprising about 30% of all carbonate rocks.1,2 Its chemical formula is MgCa(CO3)2, whereas the more common limestone is CaCO3. Oddly, ocean water is supersaturated with respect to dolomite, yet it doesn’t readily form from typical seawater. After more than 200 years of study, very little is known about how dolomite forms. In the modern world, it has only been found ...More...
Living to 900?
Both before and after the Flood, the Bible attests that centuries-long life spans were normal. Skeptics scoff at these great ages, and even some Christians say we simply cannot take them at face value.1 Is there evidence for this extreme longevity?
More...Bacterial Flagella: Molecular Motors Show Masterful Design
by Brian Thomas, Ph.D., and David Thomas*
The bacteria alive in our guts swim using tiny engines that power propellers called flagella (Figure 1). Each of several flagella—the number depends on the kind of bacteria—spins like a whipcord. These bacteria can even change the rotation direction of certain flagella to reposition themselves before heading in a new direction.
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