Road Trip! | The Institute for Creation Research

Road Trip!

We hope you’ve been having as much fun reading our park series in Acts & Facts as we’ve had preparing the articles each month. So far, ICR researchers have introduced us to Grand Canyon, Arches National Park, and Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in the January, February, and March issues. In this month’s Acts & Facts, Drs. Brian Thomas and Tim Clarey take us to the Painted Desert.

When I saw the photos in layout for “The Painted Desert: Fossils in Flooded Mud Flats,” I immediately went back in my mind to a childhood road trip. I remember the long days sharing a backseat with two brothers and finding creative ways to occupy ourselves during hours of travel. I recall how my mom was enthralled with the history of the places we visited and the awe I saw on her face as she witnessed the beauty of Jesus’ creation. I also remember visiting the Petrified Forest National Park, which is found in the Painted Desert, and it was fascinating to see that trees (or parts of trees) could actually be changed into stone.

In this article, Drs. Thomas and Clarey explain how that transformation happens—and it’s not the explanation you’d hear from most park tour guides. When viewing the evidence from a biblical perspective, our scientists conclude that “silica-rich (quartz) minerals from widespread volcanic activity helped petrify them….Volcanic blasts and tsunami waves that occurred during the Flood year help explain the Painted Desert’s petrified trees.” They also point out how the features in this desert park “paint a picture of the reliability of Genesis.”

That’s always our goal here at ICR—to show how science affirms Scripture in countless ways. And this summer, we want to equip you to do the same! Dr. Randy Guliuzza’s article “Stronger Together: ICR’s Educational Outreach with CTI” provides details for upcoming events that ICR has planned, including our collaborative conference in June with Creation Training Initiative (CTI). This in-person event will prepare attendees to confidently present the evidence for biblical creation to those within their circle of influence.

As Dr. G says, “The job of teaching Christians the basics of creation science never ends.” He talks about an ICR creation seminar he attended in his young adult days and says, “The training I received from ICR empowered me to have an important impact in my church….I believe there is still a hunger in Christians for an education that will equip them to teach creation science in their own church.”

Many of you are striving to teach creation truth to your children or grandchildren, and we have resources that can help with that. We’ve put together a comprehensive homeschool pack that can meet the needs of your family, and it’s available for 50% off retail for a limited time.

For those who want to get equipped with biblical answers to questions about the Ice Age or climate change, we’re excited to announce the release of Dr. Jake Hebert’s newest book, The Ice Age and Climate Change: A Creation Perspective. In this book, Dr. Hebert addresses issues, data, and perspectives related to climate change and presents his own creationist perspective on the topic—and it’s presented with hundreds of stunning illustrations in a beautiful layout designed by ICR graphic designer Susan Windsor.

Whether you’re examining petrified trees, learning about creation at an ICR event, teaching your children about science, or approaching cultural concerns like climate change, we encourage you to view it all through the lens of our magnificent Creator’s Word and wisdom. And if you decide to take that road trip and explore some of these park masterpieces for yourself, you’ll create lifetime memories for your family, all while discovering the marvels of God’s creation.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2021. Road Trip!. Acts & Facts. 50 (4).

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