Scientific Evidence for Recent Creation
Many different measurable processes—from blue stars, Saturn’s heat, and Earth’s magnetic field to radiocarbon in coal, diamond, and fossils to mutation buildup in living creatures—confirm a biblical age of the universe of thousands, not billions, of years.
The Universe Was Created Recently
Many clock-like processes operating in the solar system and beyond indicate that the universe is young. More...
Many Earth Clocks Indicate Recent Creation
Measuring the rate at which worldwide processes function provides a "clock" by which the age of the earth may be calculated. More...
Biological Clocks Indicate Recent Creation
Biological systems most easily fit within a history measured in the thousands, rather than millions, of years. More...
Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth
A team of seven creation scientists have discovered incredible physical evidence that supports what the Bible says about the young age of the earth. More...