Mysteries of God | The Institute for Creation Research

Mysteries of God

For those who love to read, the element of mystery often adds an extra layer to the enjoyment—we can’t wait to turn the page to discover the identity of the villain, where the treasure is buried, or what long-hidden secret our protagonist harbors. What is it about mysteries that entices us? They provide intellectual challenges, puzzles in the form of written language, and they invite us to use literary clues—usually taking place in an adventurous setting and unraveling at a heart-pounding pace—to discover the unknown.

Mysteries aren’t just reserved for the genres of fiction or true-crime stories, either. The Bible sometimes speaks of mysteries. In its pages we find riches and hidden treasures—but not the kinds that come to mind when we usually hear those words. These involve “attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:2-3).

In this issue of Acts & Facts, Dr. Henry Morris III points to some mysteries we encounter in the parables, prophecies, and miracles described in the Bible (“The Mystery of Godliness”). He also says that ICR’s “conscious effort is to display the great ‘mystery of godliness’ so that all who look will see the reality of the Creator being ‘manifest in the flesh.’” “ICR is challenged to peel back the veil of naturalism and reveal the majesty of the Creator, whose Word is affirmed by the evidence of empirical science.”

One way our scientists peel back the veil of naturalism is to show evidence of God’s creative handiwork. Zoologist Frank Sherwin explains how the excellent design of metabolic pathways points to our Creator. He says, “Only God can create life. At the subcellular level, we see the enormous complexity that is the work of His hands, and these pathways lead us to Him” (“Metabolic Pathways to God”).

Physicist Dr. Jake Hebert reveals clues to God’s design in our sun. Serious science readers will enjoy his article describing how the sun changes over 11-year cycles, and it may impact Earth’s weather and climate more than many scientists realize (“Cosmic Rays, Sunspots, and Climate Change, Part 1”).

Medical doctor and Professional Engineer Dr. Randy Guliuzza sees how viewing the human body from the perspective of a divine Engineer can uncover mysteries in the field of medicine. He says, “ICR believes the astounding innate healing, repair, or regenerative capabilities of living creatures…were purposefully engineered by the Lord Jesus…for His glory” (“Darwinian Medicine Is Poison to Health Care”).

The mysteries of God are so much more than intellectual challenges—they are sacred secrets from the very heart of God. Dr. Morris says, “Every Christian has the obligation to be a witness for the ‘glorious gospel.’” As believers in Christ, God has granted us the Spirit to understand the hidden treasures waiting for us in His Word. No amount of intellectual pondering can reveal the mysteries—only the Spirit of God can make them known. As Daniel said to King Nebuchadnezzar, “But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets” (Daniel 2:28, 47). He planned His secrets in advance, before time even began, and He prepared things we haven’t seen or heard—things that haven’t even crossed the mind of any human being (see 1 Corinthians 2). He grants to His children the privilege to peer into the depths of the divine and uncover His hidden mysteries.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2020. Mysteries of God. Acts & Facts. 49 (3).

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