Korean Creation And Discontinuity Conference At Cedarville University | The Institute for Creation Research

Korean Creation And Discontinuity Conference At Cedarville University

Korean Creation

The ICR family wishes to extend hearty congratulations to our sister organization, the Korean Association of Creation Research (KACR) on the 20th Anniversary of their founding. In 1980, ICR's then-president, Dr. Henry Morris, and Dr. Duane Gish held a series of meetings in Korea which stirred such interest that KACR was soon founded under the leadership of Dr. Young-gil Kim and now president Dr. Man-suk Song. Under their wise and prayerful direction, the creation message has flourished, until now over 300 Ph.D. scientists are active in KACR's research and outreach programs. Over the years they have translated numerous creationist books into Korean, and recently their scientists have written their own books, including some which have been used as textbooks in universities and high schools.

On August 18-20, I was privileged to participate in a celebration symposium and lectures. It was a thrill to observe how powerful creation research projects and education penetration efforts have come to fruition. KACR has blanketed the country with the creation message, impacting every area of society, from education to the media and the churches. They are now sending out creation missionaries (professors) to other Asian countries as well as back to the Korean population in America. Their attractive creation museum, which has been functional since 1993, is now moving to a larger, more visible site.

The scientists involved are from my observation, wholly committed to the Lord and spend much time in prayer. We are thankful to have such a partner in creation ministry as KACR. We extend congratulations and prayers for the work ahead.

Discontinuity Conference
at Cedarville University

The beautiful campus of Cedarville University, Ohio, was host to the 2001 Discontinuity: Understanding Biology in the Light of Creation conference, August 15 to 17. The purpose of this conference was to bring together scholars of creation biology so that the principle of discontinuity (the proposal that life does not show a continuous evolutionary line) would be elaborated. Thirteen plenary speakers covered the foundations, methods, and applications of discontinuity.

A variety of professionals, including ICR's biology Chairman, Dr. Ken Cumming spoke on: discontinuity in the days of creation, biological universals, classification systems, structures and types,

hybridization studies, taxonomy, research programs, biochemistry, cytokinesis, developmental biology, and the fossil record. Seven additional research presentations filled in the balance of this three-day conference held in the new student center.

Highlights of the conference were:

  1. There is a general consensus that created kinds lie close to the family level of Linnean classification;
  2. Discontinuities are evident in all major disciplines of life science;
  3. Hybridization studies indicate a relatively small number of basic types;
  4. Even paleontological studies are pointing to a young-age fossil record;
  5. Origin of life studies reveal that information theory explains why life can't be formed from non-life;
  6. A growing data base on discontinuity is being assembled at Bryan College.

This second conference on created kinds with its seventy-five attendees was funded jointly by ICR, Cedarville University, and Bryan College, which are to be commended for their firm stand on a literal six-day young-earth position. Along with the RATE initiative explained on page 1, it heralds still another twenty-first century creation science initiative.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 2001. Korean Creation And Discontinuity Conference At Cedarville University. Acts & Facts. 30 (10).

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