Go and Tell | The Institute for Creation Research

Go and Tell

As I was reading the biblical account of Easter this week, I imagined the small group of broken, defeated followers of Christ making their way to the burial site that morning. They brought spices to anoint the body of their Lord. As the women walked along the path to the tomb, they discussed who would move the stone at the entrance. The mourners anticipated obstacles to their mission, but what they found left them amazed—the stone was already rolled away and the body was gone. They expected to find a huge boulder and a dead body, but instead they witnessed evidence of the resurrection power and glory of God (Mark 16:1-8).

They also received God’s direction through an encounter with a stranger. Inside the tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a long white robe, who said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him. But go, tell his disciples…” (Mark 16:5-7). In an instant, these followers of Christ gained a new mission: Go and tell.

ICR zoologist Frank Sherwin’s belief in biblical creation is the result of someone “going and telling.” While on board a Navy aircraft carrier, Mr. Sherwin picked up a booklet by Dr. Duane Gish and as a result became convinced that the early chapters of Genesis were historically accurate (“Creation Conversion: The Turning Point,” page 18). He recalls being “amazed that there were clear scientific evidences against Darwinism and in favor of the biblical account of creation.”

We’ve packed this issue of Acts & Facts with scientific evidences of God’s majestic work with hopes that you, too, will be amazed. In “New Genetic-Clock Research Challenges Millions of Years,” Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson says, “Ticking within every species is a ‘clock’ of sorts that measures the length of time that a species has existed on earth. Since DNA is passed on imperfectly from parent to offspring, each generation grows more genetically distant from prior generations” (page 5). Dr. Vernon R. Cupps discusses problems with the Standard Model for particle physics (page 9). Brian Thomas gives us a glimpse at how marvelous God made our eyes (page 13), and Dr. Jason Lisle reveals fascinating details of the “dwarf planet” Pluto (pages 10-12).

Emphasizing how all of nature’s wonders take place because of the Creator, Dr. John Morris points us to Scripture: “He simply spoke and things were” (page 15). Our powerful, glorious God who rolled away a stone and raised our Lord from the dead simply spoke the universe into existence.

Henry M. Morris IV wraps up this edition, succinctly stating our mission: “ICR’s ministry is straightforward: Teach biblical creationism to this generation and the next” (page 21). We are here to go and tell about the wonders of God. Sadly, many young people are unaware of these wonders and of the truths of God’s Word. To reach them, ICR is wrapping up work on Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis, a powerful 12-part DVD series that offers empirical evidence and answers to vital questions of science and faith. We invite you to join us as we “go and tell” the saving truth of our Creator to the next generation.

The Bible is true and the science is strong. All of creation causes us to marvel at God’s unlimited creativity. Be blessed this Easter as you ponder His most glorious work—the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. He is risen indeed!

* Jayme Durant is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2014. Go and Tell. Acts & Facts. 43 (4).

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