Celebrating the Classics | The Institute for Creation Research

Celebrating the Classics

From time to time I browse through my personal library and select books to give or throw away…books that are no longer relevant or that could be better used by someone else. Our home has several enormous bookshelves and it takes a while to go through them all, organize them better, pack up some volumes for future grandkids, and generally bask in the nostalgia of some very wonderful titles that remain classics.

One of those classic works on my shelf is The Genesis Flood by Drs. Henry Morris and John Whitcomb. This seminal work in 1961 defined the science and Bible debate in the 20th century and propelled Henry Morris into such prominence that even his detractors refer to him as the father of the modern creation science movement. Published by Presbyterian & Reformed publishers, The Genesis Flood has been continuously in print for 50 years, and the Institute for Creation Research, which was founded by Dr. Morris in 1970, celebrates the impact of this work and these men.

Like many in the ministry, I used this book in my seminary studies and later in pastoral ministry. Over the past several years I’ve traveled throughout the country for ICR’s seminars and conferences and have encountered countless individuals who share with me how The Genesis Flood changed their lives, giving them a new perspective on science and the book of Genesis. The full impact of this book and these two men will not be known until eternity.

In this issue of Acts & Facts, we are presenting a collection of tribute articles about The Genesis Flood, its authors, and the influence this book has had around the world. Throughout the year, ICR will be highlighting various aspects of the creation science movement that were fostered by the solid biblical and scientific arguments in The Genesis Flood.

Many of our readers will know that over a year ago, ICR published the authorized update to this book with the release of Earth’s Catastrophic Past: Geology, Creation & the Flood by former ICR science researcher Dr. Andrew Snelling. A skilled scientist and writer, Dr. Snelling, now head of research at Answers in Genesis, labored for many years at the direction of Henry Morris to update the scientific data and present an updated and expanded look at the topic that many see as key to understanding biblical earth history.

As you read through our articles this month about The Genesis Flood, consider the fact that from time to time God places His hand on certain individuals to accomplish great tasks that bring others to the Savior and bring glory to our Creator. This certainly is the case with the work God has accomplished through John Whitcomb and Henry Morris, not only in their classic work on Genesis, but all throughout their lives and ministries for over half a century.

May God grant us more who remain humbly devoted to our Creator and Redeemer!

* Mr. Ford is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Ford, L. 2011. Celebrating the Classics. Acts & Facts. 40 (2): 3.

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