For over 50 years, ICR has distinguished itself as the leader in creation science research and education. ICR’s professional science and apologetics staff members present evidences for the scientific truth of creation through their published writings, their speaking engagements, and their participation in various media venues.
Interview Requests
To request an interview with an ICR expert, please send the following information to
Radio/television interviews:
- Program name
- Program website
- Station on which it normally airs
- Station coverage
- Program host/interviewer name
- Interview topic
- Interview date/time
- Interview length
- Program format: call-in, individual interview, panel discussion, etc.
- Is the program recorded or live?
- Contact phone number/email address
Print media interviews:
- Publication name
- Publication type
- Publication website
- Circulation
- Reporter/interviewer name
- Interview topic
- Desired interview date/time
- Projected publication date
- Purpose of article
- Intended audience
- Contact phone number/email address
ICR scientists are also available for conferences, seminars, church services, and other events. To request an ICR speaker for your event, click here. For a list of currently scheduled events, click here. For a list of ICR speakers, click here.
Press Contact Information