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Brian Thomas, Ph.D. - How well do you glorify God? Robbing God of glory is serious, as illustrated in this brief account in the book of Acts: “So, on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. And the people kept...

Brian Thomas, Ph.D. - I picked up my first fossil from beneath a swing in Kansas when I was six years old. Fossils have fascinated me ever since. Soon after, our family visited a dinosaur museum. The nice lady there explained that dinosaur fossils are actually rocks...

Brian Thomas, Ph.D. - “Can you hunt the prey for the lion, or satisfy the appetite of the young lions, when they crouch in their dens, or lurk in their lairs to lie in wait?” (Job 38:39-40) When God spoke to Job and his friends, He referred to animals...

Brian Thomas, Ph.D. - A creation-believing friend of mine attended a dinner with various scientists. One of them who favored intelligent design said that any scientist who believed in a young earth was “crazy.” Then, remembering one in his audience, he...

Brian Thomas, Ph.D. - Archaeopteryx is a big word that simply means “ancient wing.” It refers to a set of fossils of a strange-looking extinct bird. Books promoting evolution often show pictures of Archaeopteryx. Its beak had small teeth, so many...

Brian Thomas, Ph.D. - After one of my dinosaur presentations in the Dallas area, a mother told me a question her son had asked. She didn’t know the answer. If God is good and Genesis creation is true, then why did He create monstrous dinosaurs? After all, look...

Brian Thomas, Ph.D. - In the 2013 movie Star Trek: Into Darkness, Captain Kirk suffers lethal levels of radiation to save his crew. Fortunately, Doctor McCoy brings his captain back to life by borrowing blood from a character whose body regenerates tissues. In the...

Brian Thomas, Ph.D. - The Grand Canyon exposes layer after layer of sedimentary rock stacked one atop the other like vast, multicolored pancakes in the earth. Other cliff faces and highway road cuts reveal red mudstones, white limestones, and yellow sandstone layers....

Brian Thomas, Ph.D. - At a recent Institute for Creation Research event, we passed out cards so the audience could submit questions for an upcoming Q&A session. Interestingly, several folks asked the same thing: Why don’t we find human remains in all the...

Brian Thomas, Ph.D. - The early chapters of Genesis contradict ancient history as portrayed in public schools, television, and movies. For example, our culture insists humans evolved from ape-like creatures, while Genesis says we were made in God’s image.1...

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