Welcome to the Institute for Creation Research Fossil Petting Zoo!

Each of these specimens have been selected with the goal that you can access, touch, and examine the fossils. Feel free to touch any of the items on the table, though we ask that you hold them above the table should you wish to lift them. Each group of fossils has a special display card which will tell you about the fossil group. In each of the fossils you will find evidence for one or more of the following:
1. Evidence of the Global Flood through rapid burial
2. Evidence of God’s Creative design
3. Evidence of youth in the specimen which showcases youth in our world
4. Evidence of the Ice Age which post-flood conditions brought about
Enjoy this unique experience to touch actual fossils and examine the evidence for yourself.

Click through the links below to learn more about the evidence in the fossil record that demonstrates that these fossils were formed by a recent, catastrophic global flood.