Notes of Joy and Gratitude | The Institute for Creation Research

Notes of Joy and Gratitude

It’s a joy to think back over God’s many blessings on ICR’s ministry. From humble beginnings in 1970 to a ministry of worldwide influence today, it seems God called ICR “to the kingdom for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). And judging by the numerous testimonies of thanksgiving received over the years, it’s clear we’ve reached many people for the Lord and His Word. These notes are a treasure to all of us and one of our greatest blessings. It’s my privilege to share some recent favorites.

Here’s an encouraging note from a pastor in Alaska: “Your ministry has greatly aided mine for many years. Don’t ever let anyone discourage you or try to convince you that ICR doesn’t matter—your work and your encouragement of many is having eternal results. Kudos and many thanks!”

Then there’s this note from a long-time subscriber in Maine: “I found a copy of Days of Praise while visiting another church years ago and have thoroughly enjoyed the daily reading. What an absolute treasure! I greatly appreciate your organization, what it represents and stands for. It’s very rare these days to find someone that teaches truth as it is written in the most important book ever written.”

A family from North Carolina sent this gracious email after visiting our campus last fall: “Thank you so much for taking the time to show us around the ICR campus. We were extremely impressed and encouraged by the outstanding work of the staff….I told my sister (missionary in China) last night that I felt as though I was walking among ‘rock stars’!…I’ll soon be placing my order for the Unlocking the Mysteries [of Genesis DVD] series. My sister asked if it was in Chinese, and I was able to tell her that ‘it’s in the works.’” (Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis—now in its second edition—contains language subtitles in English, Chinese, Korean, and Spanish, as will the upcoming Made in His Image DVD series expected this fall.)

A geologist emailed me all the way from Austria: “This is to thank you and the ICR organization for the book gift Noah’s Ark: Adventures on Ararat….This topic has always been highly fascinating for me. I myself have a…doctorate in geology…and I suspect that I am the only creationist geologist living in Austria. It was through reading your [grand]father’s book The Genesis Flood that I decided to study geology [to] better understand the mechanisms of the flood and its impact on the earth.”

Closer to home came this note from a supporter in Texas: “Thanks for the copy of Guide to Dinosaurs. The ‘Time Life’ format is an excellent way to reach and catch people! After we read it, we will be offering it for a loan to family and friends.”

And finally, I was recently handed this uplifting note from a donor in Maryland: “Just a note to let Henry Morris IV know that I have enjoyed his articles in your magazine Acts & Facts over the years. He approaches stewardship from a holistic perspective and integrates it with our overall devotion to God. I am inspired to give my talents and resources not [out of] guilt, but out of joy and gratitude.”

These testimonies are a tremendous blessing to ICR, but this last note was particularly encouraging to me. Not only am I thrilled to know my articles are helpful, I am especially blessed to know the balance I try to strike is recognized and appreciated. After all, God owns everything, and it’s our privilege as sons and daughters of the King to steward a portion of His resources toward His work here on Earth. It is my hope that many more readers will be similarly inspired to give in joy and gratitude to help ICR reach the next generation with the truth of our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ.

* Mr. Morris is Director of Donor Relations at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Henry M. Morris IV. 2015. Notes of Joy and Gratitude. Acts & Facts. 44 (8).

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