Make the Most of Every Opportunity | The Institute for Creation Research

Make the Most of Every Opportunity

How many times have we heard someone say, “I wish I had taken more time to…”? You can fill in the blank. Go to the park with my kids. Really listen. Save more money. Pray. Learn more about what I believe. Get to know my neighbor. Say something nice to the clerk at the store. Share my faith with a hurting friend. The older we get, the more astute we become at recognizing lost opportunities.

You’ll find several references to clocks, time, and opportunities throughout this issue. Dr. Henry Morris III reminds us, “Our only opportunity to earn rewards during eternity is while we are alive” (“Doing the Lord’s Business,” page 7). We only have a few short years on Earth to make the most of every opportunity—to impact lives for generations to come!

In our Creation Q&A, ICR Science Writer Brian Thomas shares his experiences at a recent dinosaur dig in Montana (“What’s It Like to Dig for Dinosaur Bones?” on pages 18–19). Exciting, yes, but the dig was so much more than a fun way to spend a few summer days. Thomas sees an opportunity now to discover protein in the dinosaur bone fragment he uncovered. His research on the fossil has the potential to impact current beliefs about the age of dinosaurs.

Pastor Nobuji Horikoshi recently visited the ICR campus, crediting creation teaching as “being key to his ministry” at one of the largest churches in Japan. The eldest son of a former Shinto priest, Pastor Horikoshi has dedicated his life to sharing about our Creator in a land that worships many gods. He says that ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris was instrumental in his conversion. (See “From Shinto to Christian Pastor” by Dr. John Morris, page 16.)

While Henry Morris IV reminds us of our current opportunities to give to the cause of Christ with the gifts He has given us (page 22), some articles specifically focus on clocks in a scientific sense, underscoring the importance of time and how we view it. In “Clocks in Rocks?” nuclear physicist Dr. Vernon Cupps raises the question of how scientists determine the age of the earth through radioactive dating (pages 8-11). Dr. Jake Hebert discusses the circular reasoning often used in radioisotope dating methods in “How Consistent Are Old-Earth Clocks?” (page 17).

Dr. Henry Morris III, CEO of ICR, recently went on a family trip to the Northeast. While there, he spoke at a church in Wilmington, Delaware, about biblical creation. One conference-goer said, “We thought it was splendid; we enjoyed the Q&A as much as the presentations!” Dr. Morris recognized the needs in that location and made the most of his time during his family visit.

Do we always have the eyes to recognize opportunities to share our faith and to see how quickly the open door closes? As Dr. Morris says, “Sometimes the investment is little more than a cup of cold water given in His name” (page 7). The “great Creator-Owner of the universe” has entrusted us with His treasures, and each of us has something to offer to the world around us. Make the most of every opportunity.

* Jayme Durant is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2014. Make the Most of Every Opportunity. Acts & Facts. 43 (10).

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