Eyes of Wonder | The Institute for Creation Research

Eyes of Wonder

Merry Christmas from the Institute for Creation Research! Some of my favorite memories of Christmas surround my children and grandchildren. It’s always fun to watch their faces as they open gifts and discover something new underneath all the wrapping. The gift is always worth the price to see their eyes of wonder.

What if we looked at God’s blessings that way? With the eyes of a child—with eager anticipation, delight, and even wonder. Have you paused long enough to look at God’s gifts with fresh eyes lately?

Consider His great love for us—how He loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for our sin so we can enjoy a relationship with Him forever. Do we live each day anticipating His presence throughout the day? The details of our daily lives are stamped with His goodness—have you noticed? We can search the Scriptures for a new gem of truth tucked away, and we can anticipate a new discovery every time we open His Word. Our days would probably be different if we delighted in His great grace with every step. How He blesses us when we least deserve it!

Consider His great love for us—how He loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for our sin so we can enjoy a relationship with Him forever. Tweet: Consider His great love for us…how He loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for our sin so we can enjoy a relationship with Him forever. https://www.icr.org/article/10336/ @ICRscience @JaymeDurant

Do we look with awe at His creation? Perhaps we’ve become so accustomed to His masterpiece that we fail to notice the grandeur of this world. His majesty drips from the trees, and His splendor calls with the wind. If we see His creation with eyes of wonder, we’ll recognize His handiwork in the stars and His dignity in the eyes of a child. How great is our God!

In this issue, we take a fresh look at the many wonders in God’s divine design. ICR Science Writer Brian Thomas marvels at the many ways ICR’s recent research confirms the Bible: “[Our] calling would be very difficult indeed if science verified molecules-to-man evolution instead of creation. But thanks be to God that His world matches His Word time after time” (“The Gospel and ICR”). Frank Sherwin examines the wonders of “The Created Placenta,” and Dr. Randy Guliuzza describes how racecar drivers display God’s incredible engineering with their coordinated feats (“Beauty in Motion: Formula 1 Drivers”). All of these revelations of God’s power and wisdom in creation are gifts to us, and we can see them clearly if we keep our eyes open.

If we see His creation with eyes of wonder, we’ll recognize His handiwork in the stars and His dignity in the eyes of a child. How great is our God! Tweet: If we see His creation with eyes of wonder, we’ll recognize His handiwork in the stars and His dignity in the eyes of a child. How great is our God! https://www.icr.org/article/10336/ @ICRscience @JaymeDurant

Our Lord provides for our needs and requires nothing in return—He understands how feeble our efforts are and how our righteousness falls far short of any repayment. And, yet, He gives. We enjoy the fruit of our God’s goodness, and He delights in the wonder in our eyes.

As you read Acts & Facts, please know that we have prayed for you. We ask God to use every resource we develop to provide a deeper understanding about our Creator and to equip you to share His truth with others. We’ve asked God to draw you to Him, to reveal His truth, and to let you see His wondrous works in creation.

This Christmas, we hope you will celebrate Christ’s birth with renewed vision. As Henry Morris IV reminds us, “He is so much more than a babe in a manger; He is the very Creator Himself.”

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2017. Eyes of Wonder. Acts & Facts. 46 (12).

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