A Strong Defense for the Christian Faith | The Institute for Creation Research

A Strong Defense for the Christian Faith

Hi, I’m Margie Medford (pictured center-right), and I’ve been with ICR’s Donor Relations Department for almost 11 wonderful years! I get the pleasure of talking on the phone and emailing with a lot of our supporters and Acts & Facts and Days of Praise subscribers. That enables me to have precious and personal phone/email relationships with many of you. We’ve prayed together, cried together, and I’ve listened to amazing testimonies of how our founder, science speakers, or ICR publications have either led you to the Lord or strengthened your faith and apologetics.

Before coming to ICR, I was a homeschool mom and used ICR resources to supplement my curriculum. I wish there had been a creation museum back then that I could have taken my kids to. But when the ICR Discovery Center opens in 2019, I’ll get to take my grandkids.

In this day when secular education denies God and encourages rebellion against anything that doesn’t worship the “theory” of evolution, we need a place that supports and encourages parents, grandparents, teachers, and church leaders in their endeavors to provide their loved ones with a strong defense for the Christian faith. True science confirms the Bible.

I know my grandkids are looking forward to the Discovery Center’s animatronics, and I can’t wait for the planetarium! What are you excited about?

Please be part of this kingdom investment that will affect generations to come.



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