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Fossil Butte National Monument: Spectacular Flood Graveyard - Dec 29, 2023
/article/fossil-butte-national-monument-spectacularTim Clarey, Ph.D. - Southwestern Wyoming contains one of the most unique fossil sites in the world—Fossil Butte National Monument. Located about 11 miles west of Kemmerer, it was established as a national monument on October 23, 1972.1 The park encompasses...
Homo naledi Didn’t Behave Like Humans - Dec 18, 2023
/article/homo-naledi-didnt-behave-humansTim Clarey, Ph.D. - A new study published in the Journal of Human Evolution has found that the so-called Homo naledi most likely didn’t bury their dead as previously proposed.1 Furthermore, the team of scientists concluded that Homo naledi probably...
Tim Clarey, Ph.D. - Like a white winding ribbon along the shoreline, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore’s sandy bluffs ascend hundreds of feet above the waters of Lake Michigan. This steep dune face defines the northwestern coastline of Michigan’s...
Tim Clarey, Ph.D. - Like a white winding ribbon along the shoreline, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore’s sandy bluffs ascend hundreds of feet above the waters of Lake Michigan. This steep dune face defines the northwestern coastline of Michigan’s...
The Genesis Flood : Upheaval in Uniformitarian Geology - Sep 29, 2023
/article/genesis-flood--upheaval-uniformitarianTim Clarey, Ph.D. - Purpose The publication of The Genesis Flood by Drs. John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris in 1961 revolutionized and invigorated modern creation science. Their book exposed the dilemma Bible-believing Christians face—whether to...
Global Stratigraphy Supports a Progressive Worldwide Flood - Sep 29, 2023
/article/global-stratigraphy-supports-progressiveTim Clarey, Ph.D. - Purpose Is there geological evidence for a global flood? Is there evidence that the waters rose and peaked on Day 150 as recorded in Genesis 8? And at what level in the geologic record did it peak? ICR’s current geological research...
Lessons from the Mount St. Helens Eruption - Sep 29, 2023
/article/lessons-from-mount-st-helens-eruptionTim Clarey, Ph.D. - Purpose Nothing put a damper on uniformitarianism like the Mount St. Helens eruption did on May 18, 1980. Prior to this eruption, strict uniformitarianism reigned supreme in geology. The influence of James Hutton and his concept of deep...
Garden of the Gods: A Product of the Flood - Aug 31, 2023
/article/garden-gods-product-floodTim Clarey, Ph.D. - One of the most breathtaking sites along the Colorado Front Range is located within the city limits of Colorado Springs. Here, multiple sheets of orange and white sandstones shoot right out of the ground in front of the dramatic backdrop of Pikes...
Bavarian Turtle Fossil Supports Marine Mixing - Aug 21, 2023
/article/bav-turtle-fossil-supportsTim Clarey, Ph.D. - A new discovery of a foot-long marine turtle fossil was announced in central Bavaria, southern Germany.1 The species, dubbed Solnhofia parsoni, was unearthed from the famous Solnhofen Limestone, a rock layer that has also produced exquisitely...
Neanderthals Possibly Used Pre-Flood Methods to Make Tar - Jul 27, 2023
/article/Neanderthals-Possibly-Used-Pre-Flood-MethodsTim Clarey, Ph.D. - A new discovery by a group of German and French scientists has found that Neanderthals were much more sophisticated than previously thought.1 It appears they were making synthetic birch tar, used for glue, through an underground distillation...
Solving the Mysterious Appearances of Duck-billed Dinosaurs - Jun 29, 2023
/article/Duck-Billed-DinosaursTim Clarey, Ph.D. - A new discovery of a duck-billed dinosaur was announced in southern Chile.1 And not only does this new dinosaur lack identifiable ancestors, it also has evolutionary scientists scrambling to explain its appearance so far south. Creationists have...