Mesa Hills Bible Church - Colorado Springs, CO

Dr. Frank Sherwin will be speaking during the Sunday School and Worship Service hours at Mesa Hills Bible Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Date: Mar 10, 2024

This event is free, and registration is not required.


Sunday, March 10th, 2024
Time Title Description
9:00 a.m. Sunday School:
Animals of the Bible
Take a tour of the many animals listed in Scripture - from camels to dragons. Each creatures is given a description of a unique trait or design perspective that shouts creation!
10:15 a.m.: Worship Service:
The Genesis Flood
Genesis clearly teaches a worldwide flood (2 Peter 3:6), and physical evidence confirms it. Geologists study massive, continent-wide sedimentary deposits that could only be produced by widespread, catastrophic flooding. Dr. Sherwin uses the Bible and science to explain why the Genesis Flood could not have been merely a local flood.

Mesa Hills Bible Church
615 W Uintah Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80905

For more information please call 214.615.8333 or email

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