Dr. Brian Thomas will speak on dinosaurs for the Dinosaur Sunday at Calvary Chapel Dallas of Dallas, Texas.

Join Dr. Thomas during the adult worship service as he exposes dinosaurs as recent creations and living with man. Learn the truth about dinosaurs and how they line up with the biblical account. If you have youth 5th grade and up they can join the youth service as ICR’s Dave Napier “De-Evolutionizes” dinosaurs. He will show that the 66 million year old narrative just doesn’t make sense in light of the evidence. Don’t miss this fun and faith building event.

Date: Apr 30, 2023

This event is free, and registration is not required.


Time Speaker Title Description
10:00 a.m. Dr. Brian Thomas Worship Service
“Discovering Dinosaurs”
Dr. Thomas presents five details about dinosaurs that reframe the biggest dinosaur questions, including how dinosaurs got here and where they went.
10:00 a.m. Dave Napier Youth Worship Service
“De-Evolutionizing Dinosaurs”
Who doesn't like dinosaurs? There's only one thing bad about them. Every time you hear about them it's "65 Million Years ago…". The truth is, we have evidence of man living with dinosaurs. If dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, like we are told, how did people know what they looked? This fun and engaging presentation is meant for all ages and discusses the evidence that dinosaurs are in the Bible, lived with man, and walked the earth in recent history. The observable evidence points to a recent creation.
11:00 a.m. Lunch Break (Fellowship Hall)
12:00 p.m. Dr. Brian Thomas Interview and Q&A
“The Truth About Dinosaurs”
In this session, ICR’s Dave Napier will sit down with Dr. Brian Thomas to discuss the truth about dinosaurs and answer questions from the audience.

Calvary Chapel Dallas
5930 Alma Dr
Plano, TX 75023

For more information, please call 214.615.8325 or email events@ICR.org.