Genesis and Revelation: Bookends of the Bible | The Institute for Creation Research

Genesis and Revelation: Bookends of the Bible

In 1977, when Dalta, my sweet wife, and I were first married, we read my father's book The Genesis Record (published the year before) for our regular devotional time. It aptly connected Genesis with the rest of the Bible and showed us that the situations faced in ancient times were the same as those faced today. Reading it aloud together proved an important time of growth for us as a couple. It got our fledgling marriage off to a wonderful start, and even provided my new wife (who came from a decidedly non-Christian extended family) with additional insights into my family. I could not recommend it more highly.

As with all Henry M. Morris' books, it assumes a literal approach to the Bible, an approach sorely needed in these days when Christian leaders are adopting the allegorical Framework Hypothesis and rampantly inserting "billions and billions of years" into Genesis. Adam and the other patriarchs are often not considered to be actual historical figures, wreaking havoc with New Testament doctrine. My father's explanations, non-technical but meaty, put the serious study of Genesis on strong footing, and even provide vivid character sketches along the way. (My favorite part is when Abraham sends his servant back to his ancestral homeland to find a wife for Isaac, revealing his sweet trust in his sovereign God).

When Dalta recently suggested we jointly read my father's 1983 book The Revelation Record, I quickly agreed. I've read and referred to it numerous times over the years, but she had never read it. So we started in, reading it in the morning before diving into the activities of the day. God has promised a special blessing to those who read this final book of the Bible (Revelation 1:3), and this promise is still true.

I remember that when The Revelation Record first came out, I had already started reading material on the up and coming New Age Movement, but my father had not. However, he was so familiar with trends in science and society, and his analysis of the end-times prophecies so compelling, that it was easy to put the two seemingly disparate thought systems together. I quickly recognized this was perhaps the very best book on the subject. He astutely recognized current events and saw how prophecies of the last days could be coming true right before our eyes.

As in the case of The Genesis Record, I highly recommend you pick up a copy of The Revelation Record. It may not be obvious why a creation ministry deals with end-time prophecy, and we don't make this a cornerstone of our work, but the issue of biblical integrity pervades everything we do. The same trend toward allegorical interpretation that has been used to challenge Genesis is also being applied to Revelation, threatening to do great harm to the church.

God blessed ICR with Dr. Henry Morris as its founder. He laid the foundation and set ICR's standards of scientific accuracy and biblical authority for the days ahead. It is such a blessing to be in this position of using science to further the Kingdom, and to have partners in the ministry like you who have the same burden.

* Dr. Morris is President of the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Morris, J. 2008. Genesis and Revelation: Bookends of the Bible. Acts & Facts. 37 (5): 3.


 The Genesis Record and The Revelation Record are avilable through ICR's online store. Click here for more information.

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