Begin with the Bible | The Institute for Creation Research

Begin with the Bible

I ran into a Christian recently who asked, “Couldn’t God have used the Big Bang to get everything here in the first place?” Maybe they assumed the Big Bang just meant a loud noise when God spoke the world into existence (Psalm 33:6-7, 9). But the question indicated they didn’t understand the tenets of the Big Bang model.

The problem is that the model is based on evolutionary assumptions. Among the many issues, two points particularly stand out as not fitting with what the Bible teaches about creation. The Big Bang model assumes it took billions of years for everything to develop as we see it today. However, the Bible’s timeline indicates that creation took place over six days about 6,000 years ago.

The Bible’s timeline indicates that creation took place over six days about 6,000 years ago. Tweet: The Bible’s timeline indicates that creation took place over six days about 6,000 years ago.

Begin with the Bible:

@icrscience @JaymeDurant

#Bible #Science

Another big problem is the model’s assumption that death was occurring millions and millions of years before the first humans came on the scene. That means death happened before Adam sinned, and that would mean it isn’t the result of human sin. But this directly contradicts what the Bible says: “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned…” (Romans 5:12). We need to begin with the Bible when determining whether to accept a proposed scientific theory and not the other way around.

In this issue’s feature article, Dr. Henry Morris III discusses why it’s vital for believers to begin with the Bible. He says, “If death has been around for millions of years, then sin is not the cause for death, and death becomes a part of the regular process that brings about the ‘better’ good because it’s the mechanism that enables the ‘fit’ to survive” (“The Gospel Starts with Creation”). Dr. Morris knows that “the entire gospel message stands or falls on the historicity and accuracy of Genesis….If you destroy the Bible’s credibility, then it is easy to deny the Bible’s Creator.”

In “Our Young Solar System,” Dr. Jake Hebert highlights how scientific evidence agrees with the Bible’s timeline, not the Big Bang’s. He shows how the solar system points to a recent creation and how age estimates “are consistent with a solar system that is just 6,000 years old.” He says, “The enormous amount of data collected by unmanned space probes in the last half-century strongly confirms that the planets, moons, and comets in our solar system are quite young.” Dr. Hebert also addresses another problem with the Big Bang model—that the inflation theory “tacked on” to the model to solve its problems “has become so strange that even secular scientists harshly criticize it.”

Dr. Jeff Tomkins and Dr. Tim Clarey begin with the Bible as they explore the story of life on Earth. According to these ICR scientists, “New discoveries…provide an excellent opportunity for creationists to offer better, Bible-based explanations for the distribution of the plants, animals, and fossils we see today.” Read “Building a Biblical Paleo-Biogeography Model” to find out how “belief in the Genesis global Flood—and the distribution of life afterward—will help [them] construct a more accurate model of Earth history.”

The more you study God’s Word and science, the more you’ll see how they fit together. Tweet: The more you study God’s Word and science, the more you’ll see how they fit together.

Begin with the Bible:

@icrscience @JaymeDurant

#Bible #Science

For almost 50 years, ICR has begun with the Bible, using science with integrity to proclaim the accuracy and authority of God’s Word. We constantly offer news, articles, and resources to keep you up-to-date on the latest discoveries that will build your faith and help you share biblical truth with those around you. The more you study God’s Word and science, the more you’ll see how they fit together.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2018. Begin with the Bible. Acts & Facts. 47 (9).

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