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Pandemic Lockdown Result of Bad Software - May 24, 2020
/article/pandemic-lockdown-result-of-bad-softwareWilliam West, M.C.Ed. - One of the most frustrating things a person can go through is for their normally stable computer system, tablet, or phone, to suddenly stop working—a bad patch, a bad virus, or just old age. Whatever the case, the level of stress rises...
Some Fake Coronavirus News Used to Spread Malware - Mar 30, 2020
/article/some-fake-coronavirus-news-used-to-spread-malwareWilliam West, M.C.Ed. - As a systems administrator, I see thousands of emails come in where someone is trying to get a user to click on a link. A lot of these are just plain old “I want to sell you this.” They are very annoying, but ultimately harmless. But...
The Spiritual Value of Imagination - Mar 25, 2020
/article/the-spiritual-value-of-imaginationWilliam West, M.C.Ed. - Imagination is a strong time killer. If you have nothing to do physically, then your imagination becomes a way to take your mind off mundane things. If you can’t go anywhere because of the COVID-19 pandemic, then let your mind travel. We...
Watch Your Vitamin D During Quarantine - Mar 25, 2020
/article/watch-your-vitamin-d-during-quarantineWilliam West, M.C.Ed. - With everyone stuck at home, it might be beneficial to know that stepping outside for even 15 minutes a day may help alleviate some of the COVID-19 symptoms—if you were to catch it. Standing in the sun for 15 minutes (a little longer if you...