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Saying "Good-bye" is Hard . . . - Jun 1, 2002
/article/saying-good-bye-hard-Tom Manning - . . . but it is something I believe the Lord would have me do. As of July 1, 2002, I will no longer be in the full-time employ of ICR. I will be available for various assignments, but the Lord is directing me into other fields of service. As I...
Worship or Tax Considerations? - Feb 1, 2002
/article/worship-or-tax-considerationsTom Manning - Having just come through the time of year when, more than ever, we have received a barrage of information on how to give more and have it cost us less, we could do well to review what the Scriptures teach on the topic. Giving, we will...
Merry Christmas! - Dec 1, 2001
/article/merry-christmasTom Manning - In the aftermath of September 11, numerous and conflicting thoughts clamor for our attention at Christmas. But, praise God, this is also a time when the quiet and calming voice of our Creator and Savior reassures us, urging us to consider His...
For Lack Of Thanksgiving - Nov 1, 2001
/article/for-lack-thanksgivingTom Manning - As we at the Institute hold forth the "invisible things of God," we praise and thank Him for raising you up to equip us for battle, through your prayers and your gifts. At this time of personal and national testing, we are aware, as...
Thinking Bigger - Oct 1, 2001
/article/thinking-biggerTom Manning - ICR is facing some breathtaking "mountains" ahead—and we will need your partnership to overcome them. This unusual illustration that Jesus gave focuses on the use of our faith. He made the point twice. Once when the apostles...
A Will May Be Hazardous To Your Family's Health - Sep 1, 2001
/article/will-may-be-hazardous-your-familys-healthTom Manning - Some time ago I came across the above headline and heard myself say, "Amen, Brother! But you are forgetting something . . . having only a will at the time of one's mental or physical incapacity can be hazardous to the physical and...
Scholarship Fund - Aug 1, 2001
/article/scholarship-fundTom Manning - Dear ICR, Do you have a scholarship fund to which l could contribute (the enclosed) ,500.00? l would like to give it in memory of my husband, Ed, who died unexpectedly on 2-14-01 at the age of 36. He could not believe the Bible was true...
God Bless You All . . . - Jul 1, 2001
/article/god-bless-you-all-Tom Manning - That note melted my heart (and those of all who read it here at ICR); in so doing, it reminded me of the following "note" our Lord has written to us: "At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest...
How long halt ye between two opinions? - Jun 1, 2001
/article/how-long-halt-ye-between-two-opinionsTom Manning - We remember this passage (I Kings 18:21) as Elijah's condemning challenge to God's people living under the godless, or, better, the multigodded reign of King Ahab. Remembering the drama—the showdown—of chapter 18—Israel, in...