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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
6:2 the LORD’s controversy. There are two other references to God’s “controversy” with His people in Israel and Judah (Hosea 4:1; 12:2). But He also has an even greater “controversy” with all other nations (no doubt including America) and “all flesh” (see Jeremiah 25:31-33.
6:7 my transgression. The Levitical sacrifices had been established by God and were vitally important when offered in faith, acknowledging personal sin and trusting God’s provision of forgiveness on the basis of the shed blood of the innocent substitutes. They were of no avail, of course, if offered simply as a ritual or for other unworthy motives.
6:8 walk humbly with thy God. These characteristics are not enough to earn salvation (actually no one could achieve them perfectly anyway), but they should characterize all who have been saved through faith in Christ, whose perfect sacrifice for sin was anticipated in type by all the previous animal sacrifices.