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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
3:2 pluck off their skin. In Micah 3:1-3, the prophet accuses Israel’s leaders of what amounts to spiritual cannibalism, defrauding them of their possessions and livelihood.
3:8 spirit of the LORD. After condemning the false prophets, whose character had been disclosed by their receiving “no answer of God” (Micah 3:7; see Deuteronomy 18:20-22), Micah asserts his own power to reveal God’s Word through the Holy Spirit of God. His own prophecies would very soon be fulfilled.
3:12 Jerusalem shall become heaps. These terrible prophesies against Jerusalem, like those against Samaria (Micah 1:6) would eventually be fulfilled. It would not be fulfilled by the Assyrians, however, because of the prayer of Hezekiah (II Chronicles 32:20-22), but much later by the Babylonians (II Chronicles 36:17-19; II Kings 25:8-12).