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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
12:5 contend with horses. This colorful prophetic rebuke and warning, directed originally to backslidden Judah, is applicable also to our present generation of compromising evangelicals. When Christians are quickly willing to yield to intellectual peer pressure from liberal colleagues, they even more readily will deny the faith altogether when serious persecution threatens.
12:9 speckled bird. The Hebrew word for “bird” here implies a bird of prey; the word for “speckled” is used only this one time, and could mean “striped” or some other odd markings that would turn the other birds in the flock against it.
12:10 Many pastors. The word “pastors” is the same as “shepherds.” Probably all these metaphors—“shepherds,” “birds of prey,” “lion in the forest” (Jeremiah 12:8)—refer to the invading nations around Judah and Israel that finally would leave the promised land a “desolate wilderness.”